Help Im In Horrible Pain

Help! I'm in so much pain from a HORRIBLE sunburn ;((((?!?!?!!?

I got a terrible burn on thursday and have not been able to move since then, my legs are bright red and not blistering but beganning to peel. I can't walk and have not left the couch except to use the restroom I have been making my friends bring food for me just so I can eat. I'm in IMMENSE pain and it feels like fire is trapped in my legs. I want to know how to get rid of the pain do I can move and sleep bcuz I have been crying it burns soooooo badly!!!! I have tried aloe Vera and keep reapplying it and it does NOTHING for my skin! It just hurts to put on and doesn't even cool down the burn or get rid of the red!!! I have taken an oatmeal bath, tea remedy, vinegar remedy and put wet clothes on it too. NONE of them worked!!!!! Plz I'm begging im in so much pain Im crying so hard it's been three days like this!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!! ;((((((((((((((((((((((((((

Genital herpes- do I have it? horrible pain? help?

It sounds like text book genital herpes. You don't get genital herpes from someone who has a cold sore and you can contract it from someone even if they don't have a break out. It sounds like you caught is from your ex, your new boyfriend NEEDS to be tested if he has given you oral sex, it's hard but you need to be honest. if you do have genital herpes you need to be aware that it can be treated but not cured, you could at any time pass it to someone else from unprotected sex. I worked on a dermatology ward for a period of time and the women with such bad pain they had to come to the hospital said iodine sitting baths helped. Go to a drug store and buy polyvidon-iodine, usually in the information within the package it tells you how to dilute it for a lavage/bath, if not then google it and take a 30min sitting bath (just enough water to cover the genital area) in it (only if you aren't allergic to iodine), The patients tended to say it was easier urinating while taking the bath. What the iodine does it disinfect and dry up the sores so they don't hurt as bad, but you will need treatment of the virus from your doctor once it's sure you have genital herpes

I need some help with period cramps. I am in horrible pain right now. Any help?

I'm 16, and my periods are always heavy, long, and painful. I started Sunday afternoon, and I feel like I'm about to die with these cramps. Last night at 12:30 a.m. I took 2 aleve before bed, and I was fine when I woke up at 8 this morning. I took 2 more when I woke up, and it only lasted me 4 hours. The cramps came back an hour ago, so I thought I would just let it wait out but I couldn't. I took a cool orange goody powder about 10 minutes ago, which should help. I'm tired of taking so much medicine. I'm trying to not take to much, but I'm sitting here about in tears, and I can barely breath. Please someone give me some advice!

I'm in horrible pain, please help me fast!!?

DALACIN C is the antibiotics!

Help! I'm in horrible pain after playing dodge ball, is this normal!?

honestly yes its perfectly normal to strain muscles, especially if they were not properly warmed up, and it was cool outside. I suggest you take either asparin by itself (which may help with any inflamation) or tylenaol and ibuprofen . Its not good to take asparin and ibprofen together.
We got muscle strains a lot playing base ball and foot ball and I can tell you a hot bath can help, anything that helps your body relax is a good thing. Ice may help for ten minutes at a time , wrapped up in a towel put it on the muscle and let it cool . Ideally, your body needs to rest and do not over use that aching muscle And remember next time to warm up some, bring a wind breaker and do some stretching exercises and deep breathing keep up the good work and stay out of trouble.

Horrible period pains, will birth control help?

Firstly, your periods ARE regular - you're not a robot so your periods will not always occur on exactly the day predicted, you estimate when your periods are due based on an average of your last 6 cycles, anything up to a weeks variation from that is completely normal and considered regular. If that's still not predictable enough use fertility awareness method so you know exactly when due.

Hormonal birth control shouldn't be used for menstrual problems except in extreme cases, all it will do is suppress your cycles so hide the underlying cause of the problem - even then depending on why you're getting cramps it actually may not help at all, or could make the situation worse. On top of that suppressing your cycles means suppressing benefits of your cycles, limits your ability to care for sexual health, and risks multiple side-effects ranging from mild to life-threatening.

What have you done to prevent menstrual cramps?
In most cases cramps are down to minor issues like dietary issues, ill-health, hormonal irregularity, or even the sanitary products used - most women can prevent cramps all together with dietary changes or regulating their hormones with treatments like Vitex. Also if looking purely to stop cramps when they do occur Mefenamic Acid is far more effective than hormonal birth control, and won't suppress an entire bodily cycle in the process! You can find some suggestions for cramp preventing and relief in my answer here -

What tests have been done to determine the underlying cause?
Menstrual cramps are common but not a normal part of healthy menstruation, and certainly it's not normal for cramps to be so bad as to effect your life. It may be that you're suffering an underlying health problem such as endometriosis - your doctor should run full tests to determine the possible cause, although some will try to palm you off with the pill this will not help you long-term.

The pill is an option, however you shouldn't go on the pill without first trying to identify the cause of the problem and treat it - hormonal birth control has a major effect on every aspect of your body and can have serious health risks so best avoided if at all possible.

16 having really bad chest pain!! Please help?

Can someone please help me im having such bad chest pain on the left side of my chest. Its been about 24 hours and its not going away, i went to the er and the tested me for a pulmonary embolism and i came out negative they said im too young to have anything cardiac and its most likely just normal chest pain teens get from growing. But i dont think it is, they said take ibuprofen and stuff to help but it doesnt help it hurts SO BAD . Its all the left side of my chest now its going to my neck and shoulder. I can barley move, its hard to breathe normal, i feel horrible and though im not a doctor i feel like its definitely not normal

PLEASE HELP I chugged a 2 liter of soda and I'm in serious pain and I have a soda belly burping uncontrollable and farting?

Take 4 Extra Strength chewable Tums. It'll help settle the air bubbles from the carbonation and the chugging a bit. If you don't have Tums but have a different antacid, try that according to package directions. The only other thing I can think of if you don't have either is a dose of Pepto Bismol (if it says it helps as an antacid).