Help Me Find A College For A School Project

Can someone help me with my school project?

School projects are basically meant to showcase what you know actually without any interceptions of its working nature.I know I haven’t made my myself very much clear in above statement. What I made from your requirements is you need to create a website running on local server that carries few implementations of HTML, CSS and JS. But you should be detailed in your question about what kind of project you are talking about. For example, inventory management systems, human resource management system, payroll management system, air ticket confirmation system - these are some of the common projects that are allocated at school level. Also, it doesn’t make sense to host this on website as you need to just showcase the functionality of your project.Here is a resource to Programming Help Online for ₹500 in IndiaAnd for any other projects for other subjects, you can connect with people who are willing to do school projects for Rs. 500 on Anything500. Here is a quick reference - Get School Project Help for ₹500

I hate school projects?

I just really hate them. They're supposed to make learning "fun", but that doesn't apply to me. My biology teacher recently gave us a project that requires us to make a story book about an element. I'm not a very creative person. I'd be better off learning about elements without having to worry about how the hell I'm supposed to come up with a story for it and also how the hell I'm going to make a "book" as I'm not artistic either.
All in all, this is just wasting my time because I stare at a blank piece of paper for hours on end and still can't come up with anything. But it's not like I have a choice so I have to suffer this hell until I reach the stage where I say "**** it" and get a 0.

How can a make a simple harp for a school project?

For my college physics class we have to make a musical instrument of our choice out of household items. We're being graded on creativity. Our instrument also needs to play at least a full octave and we need to play a recognizable Christmas song in front of the class.
I thought it would be fun to make a harp, or one of those small harps thingys (Yeah, I really have this thing figured out, don't I?) or maybe a xylophone.
Do you guys have any ideas on how to make a harp or one of those small, hand-held ones. Or do you suggest another instrument. Don't say guitar b/c a lot of guys in my class are going to make one.
Thanks. :)

Need Ideas For A Fake Business For A School Project?

I am attending College and I have to do an assignment and I have to make up a fake business. I cannot think of anything! I need some ideas PLEASE! This is the assignment........

For this assignment, it is your task to create one piece of intellectual property for the business--it could be a trademark, a logo, or any other related intangible. Feel free to be creative--if you are artistically inclined, you may attach a photo or jpeg of your product. Whatever piece of property you create, be sure to document the characteristics of the business and the piece of property in a memo. Write a one-page document about what your business will be, what you will need to start it, and what legal expertise might be helpful in order to figure out whether it conforms to laws and regulations. Once you have completed your intellectual property creation, imagine that you are hiring your first employee. You know that written contracts aren't required to hire someone, but you want to hire an employee on a contract basis for tax purposes. Who would you hire, and what would they do for you? Be sure to draft a legal document that conforms to all of the contract requirements you learned about this week. Submit the business model, the contract and the intellectual property as your assignment this week.

My school project partner does TOO much work?

I've got the opposite problem most people do in college projects. My partner does too much work-- the work we divided up before hand she doesn't intrude on, but other extra things we didn't divide up she always gets to before I have a chance to do something. I have a feeling she thinks I'm slacking, because I'm a but slower than her to get my stuff on the page, which is a bit insulting, since I'm a good student and always get things done (and done fairly well) in time. It's understandable, since most people worry their partner is slacking during partner work, but still.