Help Me Find A Movie Comedy

There was this comedy movie that had a scene with a nun who was attracted to a painting of Jesus Christ, but I can't remember the title.?

She described in detail his physical appearance, including his "erect nipples." I watched it when I was very young and thought it was hilarious. It might've been a Monty Python film, but I can't be sure. Would very much like to know the name.

What is the divine comedy, it was in the movie Seven?

It is the name of a book, it would have been referenced in the film Seven as it contains information pertaining to biblical ideas and explores them

The Book was written by Dante Alighieri in between the years 1308 and 1321. It is divided up into three sections, Hell or Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise, the most popular of these is the section about hell, it can be purchased on it's own and is Called Dante's Inferno.

Dante was an Italian poet, however he was involved in politics in was in favour of a secular ruler he was a member of the white party, however the Black party, was ultimately in charge they favoured the pope, Dante was exiled for his beliefs and ideas.

It is commonly believed that Dante used the book as a way to get back these people, thinking them corrupt.

In his book Dante describes different levels, for example he decribes 9 circles of hell, with each being attributed with people of different sin going to a predetermined circle. Naturally the lower circles afford higher punishments than the first, the earlier circles are described as actually not being as awful as we might think, the ninth is where satan is trapped.

There is within what I have told you a lot of the reasons it would be used in seven as it is based apon sin.

I dont really think I should go into further depth as I believe you will find it a worth will read, and there is of course english translations available.

I recently bought a 1890s copy written in english as a gift, I am sure you could pick up a new copy relatively cheaply.

Hope I was of help

Regards Armand

What makes a movie a dark comedy?

It is mostly a matter of 3 distinguishing factors:How grave the tragic elements are, to which a degree violence has an impact and what the general attitude is towards tragic incidents.For instance:In ‘Light comedies’ such as old silent movies, you often see characters having accidents without ever getting really hurt. They fall through manholes, slip in a banana and so on. - so here we see that the incidents themselves aren’t grave they seem to survive unharmed and lastly , the characters attitude towards what has happened is never that of pain or grief.In a Dark comedy, the opposite is true. In a movie like Fargo the subject matter is grave; it deals with debt, Kidnapping, homicide,deceit, extreme violence, and much more. In addition to that the characters attitude towards it is that of , Anger, revenge, grief. There is a serious and realistic tone in the overall way, that the tragic elements are portrayed.

Is "Scream" a comedy or a horror movie?

It is a parody of the slasher movies. Especially Halloween.

What original idea for a comedy movie do you have?

Picture this: It is the not-so-distant future, and a new political party of conservatives have grown in numbers. They now own the majority vote on almost every issue simply due to their sheer numbers. In a sudden decision, conservative leaders outlaw all stem-cell research, and close stem-cell labs by force. Technicians and scientists are carried out into the streets by angry mobs, and stem-cell labs are left abandoned.A government-issued clean-up crew moves into the empty labs to lean out bio-hazardous materials and expensive equipment before demolition crews arrive. Unbeknownst to the general public and most political leaders, the clean-up crew decides to speed up the process by simply flushing all the biological material down the toilet.Three years later, a construction crew begins their examination of an abandoned sewage treatment plant which they plan to reconstruct. To their horror, they find packs of wild children living in each of the fourteen sewage treatment tanks.The children are extremely pale, completely mute, and unbelievably dirty. The government now has to decide what to do with the 124 stem-cell children found in the 14 tanks. They also must search all other sewage treatment plants for similar surviving stem-cell kids.

Which are the best 5 Punjabi comedy movies?

TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH20 Best Punjabi Comedy Movies Ever to Watch (2019)Whenever it comes to the humor level, the Punjabi movies are always at the top. Isn’t it? Of course, If you understand Punjabi language and watch Best Punjabi comedy movies Your Answer will be sure Yes.In fact, Punjabi Movies are so fantastic that most of the people prefer to watch instead of other types of movies when it comes to quenching more fun and entertainment.There are many Punjabi movies but If You are confused to select one for most of the entertainment, then I am glad to help you here.Handpicked Best Punjabi Comedy Movies To WatchIn This Article, I am providing you with a detailed list of Best Punjabi comedy movies of all time that one should never miss watching out.Click Here To Watch Best Punjabi Movies Right Now

Is Deadpool a comedy or action movie?

It's a comedic action movie. Or an action-comedy. Either way it is both an action movie and a comedy movie. There are a lot of movies that are funny but not comedies. For example, "Fargo" is not a comedy at all even though people try and call it a black comedy. It is humorous but it is definitely not a comedy.Also, the perfect example is "The Avengers", or even many other Marvel movies for that matter. These are typical action/superhero movies but most of them are either extremely funny or contain funny scenes. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that it is a comedy."Deadpool" on the other hand is definitely a comedy as there are 4th Wall breaks, un-seriousness, punchlines, and tons of parodies.

Over the top comedy or action movies like Scarface 1983 or Robocop 1987?

"Serial Mom" is an over-the-top comedy.

What is a good movie comedy made in the last 5 years?

Wanderlust! It’s about hippies and it’s really funny and clever. Give it a try!