Help Me. I Am Like Hysterical My Dad .

Should I call the police if my dad slaps me in the face?

One slap? Go ahead….and also be prepared for the consequences. In most US states, a single slap is not considered child abuse. However, if it is considered to be abuse (or interpreted as such), be prepared for the disolvement of your family unit as you know it. Dad might be arrested, but it is also likely, if he is the only caregiver (or if your parents are not considered fit), you could be removed from your home and placed in foster care. That often means changing schools and leaving your friends behind, You might have to go to mandatory psychological counseling to help you cope with all these changes. You might be placed in the care of a foster family of strangers. If that’s what you want to risk, by all means call the police.Perhaps if might be better you should reflect on on why you were slapped. If it was indiscriminant, if the parent who did it was under the influence, or simply it was done because they are genuinely evil and uncaring, you have a much bigger problem and the police SHOULD be involved. On the other hand, if it was administered because you continuously act like a spoiled jerk, then THINK! What could you do to modify your behavior. I am not a fan of corporal punishment but it is usually administered as the result of extreme, obnoxious, or recurring misbehavior on the part of the child. Children today tend to overstep their boundaries far too often. They are seldom in control of their emotions. Respect is often not modeled or taught in the homes. When it is, it is often not enforced. Add to that the addition of raging hormones in the years of puberty and it’s not surprising that some parents get fed up and finally lash out. I am not excusing the slap, but it can happen.As you did not specify that it happens frequently or maliciously or that you have a dysfunctional family, I am going to assume it was just one slap. If that is the case, I would that use that slap as an opportunity to grow and improve. Do you have a crappy attitude? Change it. Are you disrespectful? Learn and practice respect. Do you refuse to obey? Learn to or move out and live on your own. You are responsible for your own behavior. How you treat others often dictates how they treat you.

Dream my dad's feet were cut off? HELP?

My sister and I were walking with our father through a carnival. A man was sitting at a stool, and he asked my father if he wanted his feet cut off. He sat down at the stool, and the man began to amputate at the ankles. My dad was laughing, treating it like a joke, but my sister and I were in hysterics, crying and screaming. Finally it was finished and my sister and I were dragging our father across the ground, devastated and hysterical. though he had bleeding stumps where his feet used to be, he was laughing, telling us to calm down. We had to help him drive the car, by pressing the pedals with our hands while he steered. Then I woke up in a panic

Please help me interpret this! thank you!

My 2 month old randomly started crying hysterically and...?

I hate to say it, but colic usually starts up between 6 weeks and 3 months. There's really nothing you can do for it, but I know that it is extremely frustrating and kind of scary. It may have just been a bad night though-and those happen with little ones too. A good thing to do is to set up a bedtime routine. Don't expect to follow it to the letter while she's so little of course, but setting up a general expectation for bedtime can help kidlets calm down and rest a little easier.

Our middle child has never been a sleeper. When she was a baby she would never sleep more than an hour at a time and one night around the time she was 4 months old she cried, in my arms, for two hours straight. Nothing would stop her, and by about an hour in I just held her and bawled my eyes out until my husband got home. I was already an experienced parent (our oldest was 4!) but I had no idea what was going on or how to help her and I just lost it. My husband came in, laid her on her tummy, and rubbed her back for a second---she let out a little burp and went immediately to sleep. I had been burping her for hours! I had been rocking her and cuddling her and making myself crazy and he just came in and put her to sleep like magic.

I know how frustrated you must be.

As far as the worry goes, I'm afraid it never really goes away you just worry about different stuff the older they get. And it doesn't go away with multiple children either. I still sleep right next to our little one just to watch her breathing, and I still check on my older kids three or four times a night even though they are long long past the SIDS phase (right now I'm worried about the middle one taking off her diaper and peeing the bed or the oldest one who is going through a nightmare phase). Moms worry. It's what we do. I have no doubt in my mind that I will worry about them for the rest of my life, and I think it's only natural-you know what they say,

"The decision to have a child is the decision to forever have your heart walking around outside your body"

Hang in there mama! With a little more time you'll get into your groove and it won't be as hard. Good luck to you =)

My dad died yesterday, and I don't feel anything?

He died suddenly of a heart attack. The day before he was fine, and the next I was picked up from school and informed that he had passed away. Of course I was hysterical, but today I feel completely numb. I haven't even thought about it, even though it was such a surprise. I feel so guilty, I just don't know why I'm not more hurt than I am now. I loved him so much...and I'm so confused. I'm only 16 and he was only 40. I miss him.....

but still I'm numb. This can't be normal..right?

My sister is threatening me and terrifying me?

" nor do I want to lose the relationship (if majorly screwed up) that I have with her. "
You do not have a relationship with this abusive sister of yours. She has already soiled any sort of healthy relationship you two could have. I think the next time she threatens you, hits you, yells at you, you speak up about it and call the police. She could be dangerous like you said it yourself. Her unhealthy choices are making you unhealthy. You might even be depressed yourself. See a counselor have them help you figure out what you can do. I'd say the best you can do now is keep yourself distant from her, tell your parents about what she does to you. You two don't have a bond, at least not a sisterly one. I've never gotten in a fight physically with my sister and she battles depression as well. Tell your parents you don't feel safe with her around and that you can't take it anymore. You've been bottling it up inside. Don't feel sympathy for her. There's a fine line between having three disorders and be abusive. She needs to see a doctor immediately.

Will a law enforcement officer force my 12 year old daughter to go with her father for his non-custodial visitation if she does not want to go?

Back in the 80s my son's father had visitation rights, every other weekend.Once, my son came home after a weekend with his father and father's new wife. Son and I decided to go to a local burger place for supper. We ordered, they brought our food and we started to eat. After 2 bites my son burst into hysterical tears and sobbed "Please don't make me go back there ever again!"I went + sat next to him [instead of across from] and swore an oath that he didn't have to go back if he didn't want to. Period. I didn't care "why." I only cared that something had made my easy-going son hysterical with fear.He was terrified that his father would show up at our apartment and force him to go - or that the police would come "get him."I didn't think either of those were a realistic concern, but my son did. I promised him that I'd take care of it, that he didn't have to worry.We got home and he was still very upset and worried that his father would come and take him away. I devised an escape plan for him if his father did show up at our door. That gave him alot of relief.But - what if the judge says he has to go?? I promised that I would call a lawyer the next day and find out for sure, but I really didn't think anyone would force him to go.I called the lawyer as soon as the law office opened the next morning. I told him what had happened. How extremely upset my son was. How afraid he was that he'd be forced to go. That this usually easy-going kid had been hysterical and begged me not to make him go.Me: Can "they" force him to go??Lawyer: How old is your son?Me: Nine years old.Lawyer: He's old enough to decide. If this were to go before a judge and your son said he doesn't want to go, the judge will accept that. He will not be forced to go. And no, your son will not have to justify his decision.edit: I didn't like the guy, but I never bad-mouthed my ex to my son. In fact, there were times [b-days, xmas] when my ex was really struggling financially and I bought son a gift for my ex to give him. [To this day, son doesn't know that.]