Help Me. I Have So Many Body Issues And I

Do all anorexics have these body issues?

Yes, almost everyone experiences this uncomfortable period of times during which hormonal shifts occur. You are relearning how to accept food, your metabolism is working super hard since it has been supressed. This can result in extreme bloating, h2o retention, edema and as you wrote, a swollen abdomen. That is completely normal and will go away if you keep nourishing yourself with a lot of nutrients. The wrinkly skin could be caused by the loss of fat under the skin. Your skin also might be streching out more because you are eating food. That being said, since you dont have fat under to support it , the streched skin wrinkles on your stomach waitting for you to eat again. Don’t worry, it will also even out.But if these physical effects will not dissapear make sure to contact an eatind disorder specialist or a doctor. If your ED was severe, you might need hormonal supplements to help you. Best of luck!

Casual sex and body issue?

First off I'm an uncircumcised guy and I've heard many girls negatively react or talk about an uncircumcised penis in a negative sense (never directly at me as they didn't know I was uncircumcised). My question was if you came across an uncircumcised guy when you guys were in the moment would you turn him down or would you fool around with him and just never do it again. I like this girl and we were talking about circumcision one day as a group of which she said uncut men are gross. She then asked me if I was circumcised I told her I was and then she said that I'd better be.

I just turned 18 and I don't have to much experience but I'm pretty sure she wants to sleep with me and I want to sleep with her I just don't know if I should because I'm uncircumcised. While she is a really cool girl I can totally see her flipping out, getting up and walking out and then telling all her friends about my circumcision status. Should I advance the relationship or not? Please be brutally honest

14 years old with major body issues?

We all worry about our bodies not being perfect. There are in fact only a few things we can do to our bodies to make it better and that is to feed it well and not too well, give it rest and exercises. That is it. Apart from loosing weight, I don't want anybody to feel bad about their body parts.

I used to be so scared about being naked and thought I was very small all my childhood. Working out when and how to go for showers at the gym etc. I was so scared to show myself. In the end I gave up and today I don't care anymore. Think about it, apart from weight, there is not much you can do about your breasts or down there, and why would you.

What and who's standards are you using to compare? Porn? Porn is not even real sex and the actors make up all the noises and the men in there can last for two hours...yeah sure!

You will in all likely hood end up looking like your mom one day when you are her age, and you know what? The whole world is worried about just that. That is why you can buy so many age reduction products that don't really work. Reality is they will sag a bit with time and then they will wrinkle as well.

Concentrate on finding the real type of man, the type that marries a person not a body.

If a gp says there is something wrong with you I would worry, so to be safe go see your doctor. But don't see a sales person for a plastic surgery company!

I bet you and your mom are beautiful and I bet there is nothing wrong with you down there

I have so many health issues I can't even count. What should I do to make my life better?

I'm not sure what all your health issues are and I'm sorry to hear you have many. The body is constantly replacing cells and is completely new each year. So do healthy things to improve your internal environment. The basics, eat whole fresh organic foods. Avoid sugar, processed foods and GMO products. Avoid dairy which is acidic in the body. Take a good refrigerated probiotic, like Garden for life or Natren trinity. Exercise. Health is an inside out job, meaning.. go to the cause of the problem and treat from within. Masking symptoms with medicine doesn't cure the cause and generally leads to more Meds to treat the symptoms caused by other meds. A vicious cycle. (If your body has reached a law of limitation then medicine may be necessary but work towards internal cures so drugs aren't a crutch) I'm holistic in healthcare practices, am 56 years old, I rarely get sick and am on ZERO medications. I eat clean. I take probiotics, minimal sugar no wheat. When I splurge, which is fun sometimes, I pay the price. My body doesn't like it. I've learned what feels good for me and follow that for the majority. I also receive regular chiropractic care to allow optimum nerve function, which is SO important in keeping the body operating optimally. Rest. Stay away from acidic foods or limit. Cancer thrives in acidic environments. Alkaline diets help fight off cancer. Self care. Meditate these are all healthy things when you improve you mood your body also increases immunity. Our bodies are amazing healing machines so work towards boosting immunity. Medicine as last resort.

Why is body image problem a feminist issue, when men also suffer from it?

It's a misunderstanding that feminists are only concerned with womens issues. The name "feminism" might give this impression - that it's a movement that deals with feminine issues.But that's misleading. Feminism deals with equal rights. In an ideal world, not only across gender-borders, but also regardless of other indicators like race or sexual orientation.The name is what it is because of the historical fact that discrimination of women has been a lot more prominent than discrimination of men ever was. There's not (as far as I know) ever been a single democratic country where the women could vote, but the men could not, to name just a single among many MANY examples.Thus even if body-image really was a predominantly male problem, it would be an appropriate topic for feminism.But it's not, of course. It's true that men sometimes have issues relating to unrealistic and/or harmful ideals for how their body is "supposed" to look. But the demands of physical beauty made on women is in my opinion much more prevalent than the demands made on men.Yes there's body-ideals that are unattainable for all of us for both men and women. But the women who deviate markedly from the ideals for women are still punished for that a lot more harshly than the men who deviate markedly from male ideals.In summary:Feminism deals with mens issues tooBody-image problems are predominantly a problem for women, even though it's also (to a lesser degree) a problem for menFeminism isn't playing a zero-sum game where women should "win" at the cost of men. It's playing a positive-sum game where everyone would be better of as a result of a more fair, more egalitarian world.