Help Me Is She Even My Friend Anymore

Help my parents wont let me see my best friend anymore because they think this? help plz not stupid answers?

ok me and her were best buds we were always together like our hips were attached (there not) and then one day the nurse at school said she found nits but it was dandruff and found one nit and my dad said that my friend had lice and i didnt think she did but she kinda did scratch her head a lot but i didnt want to blame her but it seemed like everytime i would hang out with her it seemed like i was gettin it and he kept sayin that she did have it and we got into a long fight over it and we arent hangin out but me and her are friends again but still cant hang out but the time i wasnt hagnin out with her i was clean i didnt have any mits or lice but im scared because now i do think she has it cause if i get it again i no its from her and she knows we cant hang out btu she wants to what should i do about the lice thing i dont want to get it again ( she's black)

I don't like my only friend anymore?

Bonjour, Ciao, Hello, Hallo, こんにち, Witam (:

So I've known this girl for 4 years now and shes ditched me and couple of times in the past for the popular people in primary. And I was left on my own because she never used to let me make friends.. anyway so she ditched my a couple of time's and then came back when I found a new friend (Well not knew Before my friend moved to this school she was my best-friend but then I wasn't aloud to be her friend anymore..) and my new friend was moving to a different secondary school to me so I would have to stick my my other friend. So in secondary school me and my friend did some VERY bad things.. that led to the Consequences of being hated my everyone.And this thing that we did will not be easily forgotten so now me and my friend don't have any other friends and she keeps saying she wants to make new friends and If she does I know she wont want to be my friend anymore and I know shes using me. Were even taking her to Alton towers on Saturday and I don't even want her there but it's already booked and stuff so we cant even cancel her. I know if someone else comes along I'll be the one left on my own.

Should I tell her I don't want to be her friend so It will save me the pain the the future or continue being her friend in order to not be on my own...? Please help.. What would you do?

Help.. Florence.

Is she even my friend anymore? Help!?

I've known this girl for about 9 years now and we were the closest best friends and for the past 6 or 7 months I have noticed a big difference in our friendship. She never asks me to hangout anymore she always depends on me to ask and make the plans. The only time she ever asks is if she needs something like just the other day she asked if I would help at an event. And I've tried to stop contacting her first just to see if she notices but I don't think she has. When I do see if she wants to hangout she always comes up with an excuse or she's already "busy" but then she's always posting pictures on Instagram with another girl saying things like "best friend" or "my fav". (I'm pretty sure this girl doesn't like me) She also sends me snapchats whenever they're together. What is she trying to do? Make me jealous? She tries to make herself seem more popular than she actually is. She has honesty never been popular. But then she does or says things they still make me think we're still good friends. Like the other day she said we need to start talking more like we use to but she never followed through. I just don't know what to do about her or what to think. Should I confront her? If so how? (We've never had a fight) Is she a bad friend or is it just me? What do I do?

What do you do if your best friend doesn't want to be with you anymore?

I have been in your situation.Not once, but twice.When the same person who you trusted a lot, the one who used to share everything with you, the one who literally has other friends because of you, for the one you did all that you could ever do turns out to be the one who stops talking to you, not just this, the person refuses to give you a reason and ignores you constantly. It sucks, it really does.But that's how most of the people are.In my case I tried everything, called them pinged them, confronted them, only to face ignorance.Not every one is as sensitive as you. I felt so bad initially, I didn't give up. I wanted my friend back at any cost. No matter what. But there is a slight boundary between ego and dignity called self respect and you must respect your self respect.Sometimes you just have to accept the fact that people don't need you anymore in their life.Their work is done, maybe they are just bored of you. Accept their decision and move on.Also remember one thing, too much of attachment can be really really harmful.Sometimes, it's better to embrace solitude rather than cribbing over the fact that people don't need you. You need yourself. It hurts but You are stronger than that.

My best friend doesn't talk to me anymore?

My best friend has been distant with me lately whenever I talk to her she either gives a one word reply, doesn't reply at all because during the conversation she’ll start texting on her phone or just drift off into space, she does this all the time even when I’m being serious she’s been like this ever since last December. She doesn't even call me her best friend anymore it’s as if she’s replaced me with this guy (who she hasn't seen in 4 years) she calls him her best friend now. He’s the one who she’s always texting. We've been friends for 7 years now but I feel this friendship is failing. I've tried talking to her but she always says there’s nothing wrong, she doesn't even talk to me without me having to start the conversation I don’t know what to do please help!!!!

I can't stand my best friend anymore how do i tell her?

Lena has been my best friend for 8 years and now i can't stand her. She lives out of state temporarly while going to school. she is always wanting me to come get her and it's a nine hour round trip. I always have to pay for gas, her cigarettes, and food for her. Then she is always asking me to buy her other stuff. She never seems gratefull either. She is really bossy too. I don't know what has happened to her. Why she has changed so much. I just don't want to hurt her but i can't stand her anymore. She is so rude to me and my friends, family , and boyfriend. Help me please!