Help Me Is This Possible

I dream about people I don't know. Why and how is this possible?

It is quite possible that every person you see in your dreams is a nameless face you've seen in a crowd that did not consciously register but registered in your latent consciousness and popped up in a dream.  If you want to get way out there, maybe you are dreaming of people from past lives or parallel worlds.  Perhaps what you are seeing in your dreams are merely facets of your own personality represented as other people.  There are so many answers but I will tell you this:  The thing that will bring you closest to the truth about your dream is paying attention to the feeling of seeing those people - do you feel like everyone is a stranger?  Maybe you are feeling like a stranger in your own life and that theme just wants to get your attention with symbology in your dream. :)Great question and I wish you the best. :)

A woman has 7 children, half of them are boys. How is this possible?

she has all boy's.the other half are boys too.

If phone is switch off, is it possible that call forwarding is active?

There are three types of call forwarding, but really two.The first is when you go into the phone, settings, advanced, call forwarding and then set it to forward as needed. Even if the phone is off the forwarding works as it's been set on the network itself.The second, basically the same as the first is when to enter a strong of codes into the handset to forward the calls. It's not like the first but does the same function. Many phones have secret codes that can be manually entered to do this, like Samsung, lg, nokia, etc. Not all phones have this option. This also work when the phones off. It's the same as if you entered the call forwarding codes directly into your land phone home basically.The third is called an active call forwarding where have an app running on your phone to make the call forwarding. In this case, when the phone is off this type of call forwarding will not work as our needs the phone and the network connection to be active to work.

Is it possible that your siblings can get morning sickness from you being pregnant?

Not 100% sure, but i'm 6 months pregnant now, and sometimes my symptoms rub off on my husband. Sometimes he has morning sickness and cravings just as much as i do! So u never could be possible

Please smart people help me!?

Im so confused on these two question help!!

a) Object A, initially travelling to the right, collides with object B, which is at rest. After the collision, object A moves back to the left and object B remains at rest. Neglecting friction, is this possible? Explain.

b.An object is travelling to the right and collides with another object that is at rest. After the collision, both objects travel to the right, but at different speeds. Neglecting friction, is this possible? Explain.