Help Me Psychology Is Hard

Is intro psychology hard?

I started intro Psychology this semester in college. Its pretty difficult. So many big words, tons of terms to learn, and its just a long process that it takes me to remember the material. Is intro psychology just a difficult class, or is every psychology class like this. I'm asking this because I heard intro Psych was the worst of all classes. Is it true?

Is psychology hard?

im a 16 year old girl and im really interested in psychology. Im about to graduate in highschool in my country and im planning to take it up. And i dont know what profesion to have or what to do in the future. maybe a psychologist? idk. and i suck at calculus and physics. almost anything that has to deal with really really complicated logical reasoning that has to do with a lot of numbers.

Is AP Psychology a hard class?

AP Psychology is regarded as an "easy" or "soft" AP. It is often then ruthlessly compared to the hard classes such as AP Chemistry, AP Physics, etc. Do I think AP Psychology is difficult? Not necessarily. But, it depends on the teacher. Ask anyone in college, and they will tell you that you choose classes based on the professor, not necessarily because the course sounds interesting. I had a really tough AP psych teacher and I worked really hard for an A-. I ended up getting a 5 on the exam, because my teacher over prepared our class. Psych is a lot of memorization, which can be difficult for some people. It also requires a lot of application. For example, you have to apply several theories from several psychological schools of thought to a specific scenario. It is the required analysis and synthesis of information that makes this a college level course.

I encourage you to take psych; it is by far the most interesting AP class that I have ever taken.

Is psychology a hard course?

I enjoyed Intro to Psych, Educational Psych, and Child Psych - all great instructors! I hated Abnormal Psych and the person who taught it. Talk to other students and get recommendations about WHICH instructor and be sure to talk to several people because opinions will differ.

Is studying psychology hard?

Some of it is, the most difficult, depending on how far you take your studies in psychology, are psychology statistics and experimental psychology. Part of majoring in psychology (again, not sure how far you will pursue this discipline of study), is understanding the mathematics involved and in tandem with experiments to determine the validity of the tests and the outcomes. It is NOT easy, and you have to be very disciplined, open to the differences in statistics and results computation, as well as the ethical and moral standards. Studying psychology is much more than common sense, it is a science, and like all other sciences, involves proving theories and supporting them with evidence and statistical and raw data. Good luck!