Help Me Rewrite The 2nd And 5th Part Of The Declaration Of Independence

Do red flag laws violate the Second Amendment and Fifth Amendment?

The red flag laws will be struck down as unconstitutional for several reasons.They violate the accused right to due process (5th and 14th amendment violation).Right to an attorney (6th amendment).Search and seizure (4th amendment)This is just partial list.The victim, yes victim, of a red flag law is not afforded the ability to stand in defense, nor have legal representation. The prosecution is not bound to prove guilt. The courts are under direction that a report the victim is a danger to themselves or others are based off just that the sometimes anonymous report. There is no challenge accepted. Once the confiscation order is issued and enacted the victim is bound by this law to comply (even though the supreme court has ruled citizens are not obligated to obey unconstitutional laws) on the threat of death.Only after the confiscation the victim is given a chance to appear in court to prove innocence. Which is backward to being innocent until proven guilty. The laws are open to abuse by angry family members and/or neighbors, teachers, etc…These laws cannot be overturned fast enough. They have already resulted in the death of one gun owner.

Translate the second paragraph of The Declaration of Independence?

I need to rewrite a couple of paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence but I keep getting stumped. I know I should understand all of this, and I get the gist of it of it, but we're pretty much supposed to do it sentence for sentence. Please help!

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

I've started some:
It's clear that we are all human and we are all equal, we are created with humane rights. Among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

I know I haven't gotten much but any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

What does the second paragraph in the Declaration of Independence mean?

Basically it means that all men (now expanded to mean women as well) were created equal and have rights that cannot be taken, liberty, pursuit of happiness. And to ensure that these rights remain, people create a government to protect those rights; while retaining ultimate power. And when government starts to act in such a way that the rights of the people are threatened/diminished, the people have the right to change the way they are governed, or remove the current government completely and replace it with a new version. One that will continue to ensure the final authority of the people, and their pursuit of those inalienable rights.

What's so great about the United States Constitution?

I keep a copy right here on my phone, thanks for asking.This document is what has created a great nation. A nation of immigrants who come here to escape poverty in Mexico and Central America, escape starvation in the Horn of Africa, political repression in China, religious extremists in the Middle East.Freedom.There are those who want a different Constituion, and the process for that is found there as well. The fact that we have a tripartite (judicial, executive, and legislative) system allows for the diffusion of power. Through a representative body we have a constitutional republic[1]. This is much different from a direct democracy, and allows for debate of issues, and there are plenty.Liberty.Our system of government has had a smooth succession and peaceful transition of power from Washington's farewell speech: Obama's first inaugural speech: have flaws according to some, but we also have people fleeing to this country daily. They are not fleeing FROM this country; I, and others say the draw is our Constitutional Republic.[1] http://www.stopthenorthamericanu...[Edit] Footnote:I also have a companion link bookmarked:

Does the second amendment make it legal to kill tyrannical politicians?

Answer: if by “tyrant” one means a politician and/or political appointee and/or bureaucrat and or military person and/or LE and/or other who uses his/her power to crush the Rights granted or affirmed to the People, under the Constitution and when no governmental nor electoral action is undertaken to stop such tyranny, then the ultimate answer is: YES - IN FACT IT IS MANDATORY TO RISE UP IN DEFENSE OF THE CONSTITUTION AND THUS OF THE RIGHTS OF PEOPLE WHICH THE CONSTITUTION GRANTS AND AFFIRMS.The Founding Fathers did not pledge their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honors, and fight and bleed and die to give us a Republic with the Constitution as the ultimate law of the land, and then intend that we as guardians of that which they bequeathed, get to simply pick and choose what’s convenient - that’s for the Snowflakes who don’t want to be inconvenienced or for the enemies of the Constitution who want to see it erased from history. For that matter, every American who has ever stood up and taken the Oath and served and fought and bled and died, honoring that Oath, didn’t intend so either.Resist Tyranny - Molon Labe !!!