Help Me Understand My Physics

How can calculus help me understand physics?

The most basic physical quantities are defined in terms of the derivatives and integrals, so, without calculus, you cannot understand physics at all. The velocity is defined as the derivative of the position vector with respect to time,[math]\displaystyle
\mathbf{v}= \frac{\mathrm{d}\mathbf{r}}{\mathrm{d}t}.
[/math]Now, if you want to understand what the velocity actually is, you need to understand the concept of differentiation. At least, you have to understand the basic idea: we know what the average velocity is, then we shrink the time interval to zero, so that the displacement goes to zero as well, but the ratio of displacement and time interval tends to some definite value called the instantaneous velocity . Even if you skip the technical part, i.e. how the limit and derivative are defined, you need to understand the idea behind the mathematical definition, otherwise you will not be able to understand what the velocity is. This is just the most trivial example, calculus is essential for all areas of physics.

I don't understand my physics homework, help!?

a car is 100 m from an intersection and is moving at 20m/sec when the driver observes the traffic light ahead turn yellow. The yellow light will turn red in 4.0 sec. (a) Will the car be able to stop if the driver's reaction time is 0.25 sec and the brakes can produce a deceleration of 5.0m/sec^2? (b) If the driver decides to try to make the light, the car must accelerate. Taking a reaction time of .025 sec into account, what acceleration must the car be able to produce to make the light?

when you answer can you please EXPLAIN so I understand it :)

Can someone help me understand physics?

So we did a lab experiment where i was to grab some tap and put it through a spark timer. The spark timer make these dots on paper (or tape) as it goes through it. Before making the tape go all the way through the spark timer, i put a CLAMP at the end of the tape.

So once this mass was at the end of the tape, i let the tape go through the spark timer...

When i got the tape, there were dot on the spark timer, and every 0.025 seconds, the dot were getting further, and further apart.

But i don't understand why. The question is:

Why aren't the points on your spark timer equally spaced apart over the length of the tape? If they were equally spaced apart, what would this tell you about the motion of the object?

Please help!! i dont understand physics!!?

5. B The work required to stop a moving object must convert its kinetic energy to something else but must at least equal the KE. For example, if your car is moving, you must exert a force on the brakes to stop the car and the KE of the car goes to heat dissipated in the brakes. A hybrid car, on the other hand, uses the work expended to soak up the KE to ( atleast partially ) charge up a batter so the main reason hybrid cars get better gas mileage is that they recover some of the energy of braking that is more usually lost in heat.

6 E The cart starts with a kE of (1/2)MV^2 where M=4kg and V=3ms. The KE can either be overcome with force done on it OR get converted into Potential Energy = MgH where H = the height above the starting point.

So, KE = (1/2)( 4kg)(3m/s)^2 = mgH + W = 4kg(9.8m/s^2)2m + W = 18J = W + 78.4J.

Since it winds up with more potential energy than the KE with which it started, the work must be done ON the cart to get it up the incline W = 60.4 J

7 C The distance is 1.5X10^11 m. The velocity of light is 3X10^8 m/s. Time is 1.5X 10^11/ 3 X 10^8 = 0.5X10^3 = 500 s = 500/60 minutes = about 8 minutes.

Wts the best way to understand physics ?

spend more time on physics and chemistry and less time on the other two. And READ READ READ

I need help with my physics hw i dont understand this stuff at all?

Here is an example of this type of problem. A 1000 kg rollercoaster has velocity of 5 m/s when it is 10 meters above its final position. Let’s determine it final velocity.

Initial KE = ½ * m * v^2 = ½ * 1000 * 5^2 = 12,500 J
Initial PE = m * g * h = 1000 * 9.8 * 10 = 98,000 J
Total initial energy = 12,500 + 98,000 = 110,500 J

As the rollercoaster moves 10 meters downward, all of the kinetic and potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.

Final KE = ½ * 1000 * v^2 = 500 * v^2
500 * v^2 = 110,500
v^2 = 221
v = √221

This is approximately 14.9 m/s.

Now let me show a much easier way to solve this problem. Use the following equation.

vf^2 = vi^2 + 2 * a * d, vi = 5 m/s, a = 9.8 m/s^2, d = 10 meters
vf^2 = 5^2 + 2 * 9.8 * 10 = 221
vf = √221
This is approximately 14.9 m/s. I hope this is helpful for you.

HELP! Need help on my physics homework. Do not understand this?

a ball rolls off a shelf with a horizontal velocity of 4m/s. At what horizontal distance from the shelf does the ball land if it takes 0.5 seconds to reach the floor

How do I understand physics easily?

You know, when I was in my 6th grade, I was always confused with units. Say 40 N, 60 W and all. I was so confused that I used to put any alphabet after a number. My Physics teacher saw it, asked about it, the reason and finding my reason, had a great laugh. Then, he told me about the scientists. That was the first time when I got to know about the value of knowing things. Every little thing is precious.As I reached higher grades, I got to know about other things. But before knowing, I was ridiculed a lot. Sometimes, I would write 5000 A current in lab notebook and the lab teacher would punish me. Sometimes, I was asked about the Sun, the Earth but I had no answers.Time passed. Finally, I got to know the secret of learning Physics. It is imagination, practice, errors, confusions, failures, delays. If you want to understand Physics, imagine as much as you can. Question everything. Question what is going around you. Be curious. It takes a lot of effort to get in tune with Physics. Once you get in tune, it is more orgasmic than intercourse. True Story.Solve problems. Love Maths. Without Maths, Physics is nothing. Play with Physics. If you will find both boring, you will never be able to learn Physics.Einstein, Newton, Feynman, they all questioned a lot. Failed many times but never left that imagination and curiosity. The result is: They were master in Physics.You can make Physics easy. Curiosity, Passion, Imagination and Questioning, keep on doing it.C P I Q, that's your code word to be the best in Physics.

Why don't I understand physics textbook?

Alright kid, listen up.  Dumb isn't a useful concept.  Intelligence is overrated.  Quora asked: Who is the smartest human being that's ever lived? And although there were lots of answers, John Von Neumann came up most often and had the best support.  Here is my favorite Von Neumann quote: 'Young man, in mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them.' Link:John von Neumann  So, you can think of intelligence as how quickly you 'get used to' an idea.  Neither you nor I nor anyone we've ever met will 'get used to' math and physics as quickly as Von Neumann did, but fortunately you don't need to in order to be successful.  Von Neumann 'got used to' things almost instantly, lesser geniuses 'got used to' things more slowly, and people who never 'get used to' things can't do them.  If the time it takes you to 'get used to' something is shorter than 'never' then you have what it takes brainwise.  And if you can clear that hurdle then more intelligence just isn't very important.  Malcolm Gladwell quotes Arthur Jensen in Outliers:  "Beyond this, the IQ level becomes relatively unimportant in terms of ordinary occupational aspirations and criteria of success. That is not to say that there are not real differences between the intellectual capabilities represented by IQs of 115 and 150 or even between IQs of 150 and 180.  But IQ differences in this upper part of the scale have far less personal implications than the threshold just described and are generally of lesser importance for success in the popular sense than are certain traits of personality and character." Link: Outliers EDIT to add personal anecdote.  I just spent nine months in China and my Chinese is bad.  I'm not good at language acquisition.  It is going to take me more time and effort to learn Chinese than it would for other people.  It doesn't mean that I can't learn Chinese, or that its a bad idea for me to try.  It just means that if I want to do it then it is going to take more work.