Help Me Understand This Dream

Can you guys help me understand my dream?

I can only tell you what I think. You'll have to decide if what I say fits your circumstances.If you understand all the dream figures as aspects of yourself then you can begin to have a better understanding of the dream.White is a spiritual color. A bird is also symbolic of spirit as well as of thoughts and ideas including intuition. Given its a parrot is important for you as well as your actions in the dream are not very proactive.A parrot can be related to engaging in activities including language that is not actually natural to you. Parrots repeat what others say. You may be following others as opposed to following your more true self. This includes not expressing your own thoughts and ideas, and expressing what you think is expected. In other words you may not asserting your more true self, and going along with others.A tiger is symbolic of your power and leadership that you are avoiding. In the dream you are avoiding the tiger while other aspects of yourself fight it off. Given the tiger is attacking points to how much this tiger wants your attention. This tiger wants to be given more expression through you including giving your own leadership to your life including speaking your own truth, and not the truth of others.Sleeping in a dream speaks to not enough consciousness, enough consciousness of your own personal power including your own personal Truth. The elementary school speaks to the basic foundation of the power you have, and are avoiding including your personal truth. It's a basic elementary lesson for you.It's important to wake up to your more natural self including your personal power as well as your own ability to speak for yourself giving more personal direction to your life.You can do this, for the dream is showing you your power you're avoiding. Take hold of it, and run with it.Best wishes.

Can you help me understand this dream? I was talking with someone and recalled a memory inside my dream. However I was also in the third person viewing it. I could switch between being me in the dream and being outside of me in the dream.

I love this kind of spiritual interaction. It can make you feel like a super hero.This is your personality. You are sensible and in touch with The spiritual world.You are given the ability to see something crucial that is happening. And it is using this high spiritual ability that you have to indicate it's importance using the 3 ways. You hearing/speaking it. You remembering it. You seeing it.It could be the same thing in different metaphors. Let's say you are talking about someone's situation and remembering a red stalled car, while seeing you and someone.

Can you understand your dreams?

There a number of ways to interpret dreams. There is the occult approach such as this site; Black Cat Dream Meaning | Read Interpretation Now - Dreamlandia.comThere is thee humanistic psychotherapeutic interpretation. This is the one that I am intrigued by and do use in interpreting my dreams. So, yes, on occasion a dream will knock me over my head to be understood. Dreams are generally covert and have to do with the interactions of what has occurred now or in the past. One can barely remember anything about them. Some folks and I agree feel that dreams are a way for the mind to reshuffle the deck and be ready for the next day.

What should I know about my dreams that will help me understand better my real self?

How to interpret them. Most people think the imagery itself has a generic ‘translation’ or ‘meaning’. People will see what they wanna see. The sea could be a wonderful place to you, whereas for me that symbolises fear. If I am swimming in a sea, it doesn't nessecarily mean I am in my fear, i have to take into consideration other things. How did the sea make me feel? Was i in control? Was it destructive or calm? Where was the setting? What does that setting mean to you? Sometimes dreams can be unbelievably random, and test your interpretation more. Sometimes it's just background noise, sometimes a deep message, sometimes dreams don't even seem to come from you. But nobody else can interpret them but you. Sometimes your brain will show you scenarios to test how you'd react. So even if you, say, kill someone you THINK you hate in your dream. You could wake up and think oh god I hate them. Or you could see that you totally panicked after killing them and realise that hate gets you nowhere, and you care deep down. You could easily have interpreted that as psychopathic however lol. It's what the dream is trying to represent to you. Say you're in a maze, it resembles a place where you have to be about your wits. Did you cope in the maze or crumble under pressure? Your brain tests you

Help with understanding of the american dream?

The American Dream, is the ability to chase your success at a large level. I.e. lot's of it having to do with opportunity to advance in the social stratoshpere and of course, the monetary realm. It is the idea that one can dream it, see it, that in America (and in other places to I might add, but we're talking about the American one ) lots of people have a chance to achieve it.

Help me understand my egg yolk dream PLEASE?

Eggs are very symbolic of a seed that has the potential to come to fruition either as something as a living organism (child) or something that is non-living such as projects whether job related or personal. If it were my dream, I would think that it was an attempt to bring something into waking life that may have failed the first few times. It also may symbolize my patience or in this case the lack of patience. I kept cracking the egg and not let it take its own course - more like "aborted" projects. I would work on my skills being a better mother to what I want to accomplish in life.

The black yolks may also teach another lesson - if it doesn't work the first few times then try again. The black yolks may look like rotten eggs, but rotten eggs can also act as fertilizer (e.g. food for plants), or like the Phoenix, rebirth from the ashes. As a snake sheds its old skin, it may also be time to let go of ways that don't serve me anyone.

In the movie Lorenzo's oil what did his dream help him understand?

The dream Augusto had helped him understand what oils to use, and helped him better understand what was going on with Lorenzo's blood levels. When Augusto wakes up he says some thing like "They're the same Enzyme!" he finds out how he can prevent the saturated fats from building up in Lorenzo's blood.
I hope this helped answer your question and helped you to better understand the movie.

Please help me understand what my dreams meaning is about?

as most of u know who i am cuz i mostly talk about my life on how much suffering i am going through but please no bad comments...i am 24 yrs old widow caring for 2 boys..i am going through alot now ever since my husband died Allah Yarhama and inshAllah Allah grants him to the highest stages of heaven inshAllah...he died this year:'(..i own a house now but i had a dream that the ceiling of my house was full of water and it was about to fall; i don't think it fell but it just looked like as if there was alot of rain and the ceiling was about to my dream i went to the kitchen and it was the same thing...i got so scared that i just woke up...what do you think it means because im a little worried...thanks in advance

Can any one help me understand my stalker dreams?

Could be that you are not willing to face a situation or aspect of yourself ~ hence you are being stalked.
Could be that you feel guilty or are having doubts about something & an aspect of your conscience is 'stalking' you to pressure you into facing whatever it is.
The fact that you are really scared in the dreams could be your fear of consequences when you do face whatever it is.
The fact that no-one believes you could represent that you believe there is more drama in the situatiuon than is warranted ~ the fact that when you wake, you feel not as scared as in the dream could also represent that what ever it is you have doubts about/are fearing/not facing up to at present, isn't quite so bad as you may think.