Help Meee Stop Answering Others Peoples Questions Lol

How can I make people stop staring at me?

I don't want to generalize this answer based on any gender bias. However, I got this wonderful piece of advise on - how to avoid someone staring at you? This ancedote happened when I used to share ride from office to home with one of my senior lady team member. She used to live nearby my house. She mostly used to take me along when heading back to home and drop me on the way to my home. This happened once that we had stopped at a red light and she was on the driving seat and I was on the front seat. As we were waiting for the signal we saw two bikes with two guys who had stopped their bike close to our car. I realized that the guys were constantly gazing inside the car as if they have seen something unusual and in Maam. It started making me uncomfortable as if they are absolutely shameless and have no respect for humanity. I turned towards Maam and saw she was absolutely normal and wasn't even bothered of their actions. I was puzzled and was bit uncomfortable asking this as a question? How is managing knowing that a set of people are constantly stalking at her. However, my body language was good enough to tell that I am puzzled and angry of the way how people on the bike were behaving.Then she very comfortably asked me what happened? I said “Maam how could you manage to not get bothered even, knowing when someone has been stalking and gazing like an idiot constantly? She smiled and said, ignorance is bliss and said unless it gets to a situation that you give them a harder look? She just turned towards guys and looked once and the carried the expression on the face if they want something, they felt ashamed. She made them realise there isn't anything different from their mother and sisters, that they should behave differently. Her sense of confidence and courage not only impressed me but also touched me. We should never do things which might make you feel shameful.Their is an advertisement, which gives a very strong message to our society. Perhaps, people behaving such a way should have the similar treatment. Link below"Dekh Le" -- Issued in Public Interest by Whistling Woods International

Is it rude or polite to say: "I am sorry for many questions. Of course you can answer whenever you have a time”?

I find it toady and annoying. Presumably you’ve written me a bunch of messages with questions already. So I have to make time to read and answer them. Then you waste my time by apologizing and making me read another message for no reason?It’s obvious I can answer whenever. No need to say that.When I ask someone questions I put “important” in the subject line if it needs immediate attention, and “unimportant” if I mean she can answer when and if she feels like it.

I want to stop looking at my crush but I can't!! Help meee pleeeasee !!?

I had that problem before and let me tell you...alot of guys hate that and it makes them feel creeped out even if you are cute. Too much staring is never good so even if you get that urge don't look. Just look at someone else or write a letter to a friend to keep yourself busy or just do your work.

It's okay to look at him every once awhile because you have a crush on him but don't overdo it or you might scare him away. If you want him to be yours you have to play your cards right and stop staring. Instead talk to him and it gives you a reason to look at him or compliment his clothes that way you don't come off as staring.

He randomly stopped talking to me?

Ive been seeing a guy on and off unofficially for a year. Weve been getting closer lately and he said he feels like its going somewhere. He constantly gives me mixed signals. He sometimes goes 1-3 days without talking to me or asking to see me, but its been 5 days. The last time i saw him was when he came to see me at work on friday, then he texted me for a few hours. Now nothing. Should i just pretend it doesnt bother me and move on and see if he comes back? Or should i text him? Hes done this before then pops up again a week later. Even if he does come back im thinking about ending it because of his hot and cold behavior..

Girl help boob issues. LOL.?

Ok so I'm 12 and haven't started my period yet and my boob's just all of a sudden grew I think I'm a 34 or 36 B now I tell my mom that these bra's are to small but she won't take me to try on a B. These bra's hurt they are so tight. Will that affect my boob growth if I don't get bigger bra's soon cause I don't wanna be stuck at a B for the rest of my life. I want to get into a C after I start my period cause my friend is telling me to " Be jealous Kristen be very very jealous." Well I'm not her friend anymore cause of that so I wanna wind up a C so I can tell her to "Be jealous Cassidy be very very jealous." Just because she is telling me to be jealous b4 I start my period and she has started hers in June so she won't grow for a while. But will my 36A bra (the tight bra) affect my boob growth. I have been to tight for a week and a half. Thank you

My hairline is moving back!! I hate it help meee!!?

You need to stop straighting your hair first !

You hair is getting dry and its breaking off this is why you hair line is moving back.

I had a similar problem with my widows peak I was getting braids too tight and it was breaking off.

Ii think this is the best product invented for growing back hair lines

I used it and my widows peak is growing back.

start using this and put a moisturizer on you hair to keep it healthy and no more straigtening

Cant stop eatinq?

ok i cant stop eatinq no matter how muchh ive been eatinq lately i never seem tahh be full am always hunqry am a VERY skinny girl and i love food lol but i just cant sotp eatinq and beinq hunqry and idk why any suqqestiions ? and no i am not sad about anyhtinq or any other kinda emotional thinqs am fine i jus cant stop beinq hunqry ... ive ate at least 12 browines today cuz theyre aint nuthinq else too eat .. and am still hunqry wats wronq mee i was never a biq eater and all the sudden i am i dont wanna qet fat ... hellpppp

Why does it feel like I give off bad vibes or something?

1- stop being stuck up

2- dont talk about others, or ask why other people dont get as much sh*t as you do. (if you want people to love and respect you, you have to genuinely YOURSELF love and respect other people!!! you cant expect people to love you, if you dont love them! So be really fun, outgoing, talkative, and interested in peoples lives and friends lives- even ppl u DONT know- and guess what? they will like you back!)

3- nice isnt everything. if you are a boring, fat, ugly person, few people will like you even if you are really nice. Is that mean, harsh, and f*cked up? HELL YES IT IS! Is it true? ALSO YES! The point is... im not trying to be a jerk or a d**chebag... im just letting u know the reality of the world. dont hate me for it.

4- just dont give off bad vibes. always be in a good mood, and show that, and u will get what u reap

When did the 't' become 'muted' eg personality = person aly ee?

I assume you mean the accent from London and its environs? The "t" isn't muted, it's sounded as a "glottal stop" - a catch in the throat, or technically, a total occlusion of the airstream formed at the glottis. I don't know when this happened, but it was certainly hundreds of years ago.

And no, it isn't "sloppy" or "sub-standard". It's just the way we speak round here. It doesn't mean we're uneducated either! Some speakers do it more than others. I do it when I speak quickly (because it's my natural way of speaking) and when I speak to friends. In business meetings and on the phone, I speak something that comes close to "Received Pronunciation" (Radio 4 style), but you can still tell I'm a Londoner, from the glottal stop that always comes through in words like "kitchen" /ki?chen/ and "Richard" /ri?ched/. My mum tried to educate me and my sister not to do it, but even as a child, I always knew I wanted nothing to do with social engineering.

People who criticise other people's regional accents, however "refined" they may like to think they are, just display their own bad manners and lack of education.