Help My Brain Is Being Annoying

Im 13 my parents are so annoying help?

I am 13 and my parents have been so annoying lately. They're being so strict they said i couldn't go to my friends party because it started at 10 thats not late im not a kid anymore i want to go to latish parties. I didn't even have school the next day so i dont even know why they said no. I was so mad i was yelling at them and cussing so they sent me to my room. I was so mad and crying and they told me i couldnt come out until they told me could or else i would have to go to bed early for a week EVEN ON WEEKENDNS. i didn;t think they were serious so i decided to sneek out my window and go to my friends house i did and the party was so much fun. I got home at 1 and my parents relized i was gone and go really mad. They told me i had to go to bed EARLY that WHOLE WEEK. How unfair!!! i hated it i usually go to sleep at 12 and they made me be in bed at 9!!!! i hate them. Every night i was yelling at them and crying and i told them they were so mean!

Help what should i do there're being so mean!!

Can you help me with my sexdrive? its annoying me!?

can i ask what your opposition to touching yourself is?

As with anything else the more you tell yourself it's wrong or you shouldn't do it the more you will think about it and want to do when people go on a diet all the sudden they want to eat even more junk....same thing with masturbation if you are telling yourself it's bad and not to do it you will think more often about doing.

I say masturbate as much as you feel is needed as long as you aren't doing it in public then there is nothing wrong with it and it will help you with these feelings you are having.

My teachers voice is annoying?

I can't learn because my teachers voice is annoying.
Do I have autism.
I've been taking respirdone and ever since her voice makes my brain hurt. (Kinda)

And my other teacher is always yelling.

"Brain Shocks" from Celexa--> HELP? PLEASE?

I halved my dose of Celexa two weeks ago, and quit it completely one week ago. I have been experiencing these strange and super annoying 'shocks' to my brain that jolt my vision and make me see a blue sort of line. It doesn't hurt necessarily, but it is very disruptive to thought. They seem to getting more frequent, not less, as the withdrawal period has passed.

When will these go away? The other symptoms have subsided- i just got one again, damnit!- but this hasn't.

Help, please! I have enough sh-t going on, and I don't need the constant distraction and annoyance of this!

I am bipolar, was on the Celexa for a severe depressive episode in "crisis" dosage, and was left on it for too long... I flew into a very uncomfortable and aggravated mixed episode/mania for about 2.5 weeks just recently due to the antidepressant. I am also on Lamictal and Lithium

Why is it so annoying to hear Al Gore's voice?

Answer #2
Edit: "politics aside", noted.
What you are describing is a conditioned response. Al Gore's voice is so aversive, to you, that reading elicits the same physiological, etc. responses as hearing. For background only, I'll mention Dr. Ivan Pavlov, who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine, in 1904.
Pavlov did experiments with dogs, pairing the sound of a bell with the delivery of food. Eventually, he found, that the dogs salivated when presented with the bell alone. They anticipated food delivery. In your case the aversive stimulus is Al Gore's voice, the response is as you described. Your reaction is milder than the woman who claimed hearing the voice of a certain TV personality caused seizures, take heart.

My mind will not stop even during sleep, It is very annoying and irritating. I can't have any peace of mind. What can I do to stop my mind from thinking of something?

This is fairly common.Good news, there is a solution.At night your mind has habit of replaying the past hurts and increasing anxieties by thinking of future worries,in your case,Job,Money,Girlfriend...etc.This is the nature of mind.It has been conditioned like that.Your mind is analogous to a monkey or a wild horse who will run wherever they wish to.They don't like to listen to anyone and just run aimlessly in whichever direction they wish.You need an equipment to Tame the monkey,a horse tack to control the horse.The tool is breath. Yes your natural breath.How?Breathing is a process which is always with you from life till death.Breathing is the neutral process,by which i mean there is no good breath or bad breath,just breath.Focus on your natural breath ,as it comes in naturally,as it goes out naturally,where it enters the nostrils,observe the sensation around nose.Observe the length of breath,sometimes it's deep sometimes short.Do this for about 5 minutes,no controlling the breath,no counting of breaths.Doing this will bring your mind to a very relaxed state.the race of your thoughts minimizes drastically.Whenever you get distracted or flow away with thoughts,again bring your mind to the breath.Breath as it is.After few minutes,you will experience peace.minimal thoughts.A deep sense of calm and balance.And you are ready to doze off…Practise this,give it a shot.If you think it makes sense,and this can help you calm your mind,practise it tonight.Thanks.

Why is my brain so slow?

My brain seems to work at an usually slow pace and it really pisses me off. for example when people will try to talk to me itll take what seems like ages to process the information then come up with a reply.. its really annoying bc everyone else brain seems to work alot faster.. and better.. than mine. i also can never seem to come up with any ideas of my own. like sometimes its almost as if im braindead or something.. n how is someone supposed to talk to someone whos practically braindead?? is there any way to speed it up?