Help My Friend Get Custody Of Her 4 Year Old Sister Who Is In Foster Care By Donating Any Amount

How does my sister go about getting me out of foster care?

Your sister first of all has to be old enough for the court to even consider her a suitable person to care for you. Your sister is also going to be able to prove financial stability, and the means to be able to take care of you, give you shelter and maintain you.

So, here is just a suggestion. Make sure you sister has a good job, a place for you guys to live, Make sure that you guys are having contact with one another. If not then maybe your sister needs to ask the social worker for some kind of visitation either supervised or unsupervised whatever is called for according to your situation.

It might take a little while as the court process does not really move that swiftly. So, I would say just try to be patient, use your sister as part of your support system. Have her, clean up any past issues that she might have.

Good Luck, I worked in social services in the past and know how it is when an older Sibling is trying to get their younger sibling. I have known it to happen but it just take a little while.

Good Luck to the both of you. I hope everything works out like you would like.

How can my sister get custody of me? Please answer or i'm going to be sent to foster care i'm so scared:'(!?

My dad got married to his wife and had 5 kids with her. then in his late 60's he cheated on her with another woman (my mom) and had me and my sister. My dads wide found out eventually because i lived with my mom till i was 3, my sister 6, and my mom abused us to the fullest extent so my dad went to court to have custody over us and he got it. My dads wife generously took us in and i respect her for that and i considered her my step mom. I'm now 14 and my sister is 17 turning 18 in about 7 months. My dad recently passed away and he was the only one in the family that cared about us so much. Now the whole family wants my sister out of the house because she doesn't get along with our step mom and neither do i. They offered my sister $3,500, and a car with insurance to leave and we still get monthly checks of $600. My sister is going to live with her boyfriend in orlando or rent out a house down here and stay with me. Me and my sister have been through hell since my dad left. My step mom is 86 and she can't drive. My maid never got a license, i'm too young and my sister is the only one with a liscence but they refuse to let her drive for some reason even though our dad used to let her. So that being said, we are pretty much stuck at home evvvvery day unless we take the metro/bus which we almost got raped on one time. Once we were stuck outside the mall till 2 am cause we had no one to pick us up and we had to call a friend who we rarely talked to. how am i going to get to school too without a ride? i cant take the school bus because i live about 4 miles from the school and you need to be atleast 5 miles away from the school for you to have a school bus take u to school. My step mom is constantly bitching, and my uncle is threatening to send me to foster care or send me back to my abusive mom. I'm going into such a state of depression right now as it is. Thoughts of suicide are constantly in my head because my life is so boring, pointless and worthless and i never used to think of anything like that. My sister is pretty much all i have and is all that makes me happy and i don't want her to leave me with all of this. Everything my step mom says to me makes me feel like a horrible person and my whole family does too :\ I want my sister to take me into her custody and she wants to too. everyone wants us out of the house so is it possible? For her to get me into her custody and how complicating is the process? please help me )))))';

Can an emancipated minor get custody of his younger siblings in foster care?

the one rule of being emancipated is the ability to support yourself by yourself.. and with out the help of food stamps or any help from the government.. AND you have to be able to prove that you can do this BEFORE you go in front of a judge..

I do not see a 16 year old being able to support herself and a sister.. sorry..

OMG! my sister pisses me off to no end! help?

Ok well I had the same situation with my own sister. I know it hurts you so bad to see the children go through this. It puts alot of emotional stress on them. It also puts alot of emotional stress on you.

I know i was furious to see that my sister left her boys alone to "run" to the store. When I went over to her house I always needed to feed them and change their dipers. Even bathe them! It was horrible. I used to babysit them, and take them to my house for the night or weekend to get them away from that. Their father also abused them and they are only 7months and almost 2 years old! He almost killed my sister in fron of them and I.

When that happened even though I thought I could NEVER do something like this, I took the children with me to my house and had to call CPS.

CPS ended up giving her an ultimatum when they finished their investigation that she takes parenting classes and the father takes anger management classes and parenting classes. If they dont do them they go back to court, and are given one more chance to straghten up and if they dont the children are placed in foster homes.

Now being in the foster system myself when I was a child I know that the children are cared for greatly and are taken very good care of.

But if you are going to call CPS you can tell them you are her sister and you see this everyday and it is STRICTLY confidential!!!!!!!

Be strong and please do something soon because god forbide that something happens to the poor babies and they arent here anymore.

Stop thinking about how telling CPS is going to affect your relationship with your sister and think about whats best for the kids. And soon. My nephew doesnt talk at all because of all the trama he went through, he is mute.

It breaks my heart to hear stories like this but everything will work out.

Good luck and i hope you figure out what to do!
If you dont mind please keep me updated! And if you need someone to talk to that went through the same thing email me!

PS- The courts can order her to go on birth control or have her tubes tied.

My son's friend is being abused, he wants me to take her in, I won't (I can afford it, but I don't want a child that's not mine in my house). What do I do?

As a child from a broken home I'm writing this from the bottom of my heart. Please, I beg you take her- even if just for awhile while you contact CPS and try to get her into a better situation.I was 14, it was my freshman year of high school and my mom just got custody of my sister's and I after being in foster care for 7 years. We barely knew her and had a very toxic relationship with her- she was only given her rights back because the system was low on funds but she was in no shape to get us back yet (another story for another day). She ended up relapsing 6 months in and the shit hit the fan. We were in danger of having our electricity turned off, and I was working at Popeye's chicken at the time as an after school job and had to use my checks to keep the lights on etc.This was also 2 weeks before my 1st homecoming to which I had no money to buy a dress or tickets etc. A week before homecoming my boyfriend came over to do homework and my mom was drunk, she started cussing me out and then began to beat me up in front of him. I fled the house with a bloody nose, black eye and no shoes leaving him there out of sheer terror and embarrassment. I ran blocks and blocks to my bestfriends house where her Grandmother/my Guardian Angel welcomed me inside and said I can stay as long as I needed. When my mom sobered up the next day and tried to come get me from her house, my friends Grandma came outside and said I wasn't coming home and if she ever touched me again she would “lay her out where she stood". I've never in my life before or since then felt so loved and protected.I eventually called our caseworker and we were removed, put back in the system and separated but I'll never forget the love I felt that day.Dig deep in your heart and help this girl, PLEASE.