Help My Life Is Terrible I Feel Like A Failure

I Feel Like a Failure In Life?

Your local community college will probably offer a GED class to help you get that taken care of. Once you have your GED, look at one year technical programs offered by the community college. That will get you started in a better job than where you are now. After you get your new job, you can make the decision of continuing your education to get a two or four year degree.

It's difficult to succeed in special ed classes. However, learning disability does not mean stupid or incapable or learning. Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb and 1,000 other patents, was kicked out of school at age 12 because he was considered stupid. He once said that his father thought he was probably mentally retarded. Other people with learning disabilities include Alexander Graham Bell (inventor of the telephone), Albert Einstein (creator of the theory of relativity), and Winston Churchill (leader of England to victory during World War II).

You'll have to work twice as hard as the other students, but you can do this if you want. Good luck to you.

I feel like a failure?

Hey! If there is one thing I can tell you, is at least you still have the drive to want to do something. That is one big advantage that you have over others that struggle with depression/social anxiety. I want to tell you something. You are never too old to go to school. Something that has always helped me get more motivated and stop being a failure, is working out. I know it sounds ridiculous when you want your whole life to start and that running around or doing pushups is just stupid, but its not. I can guarantee one thing: you will become increasingly more motivated and INCREDIBLY happier if you exercise. At first, it will feel like hell. But working out releases endorphins, and endorphins are happiness. As you become more motivated, start by looking for a job. Make some money! Set a small goal every day. For example: Today I am going to workout for 1 hour. I will also start a resume (You can totally do a resume even without much experience in anything else). Tomorrow: I will work out for an hour, and then do a job search in my area. Set out little goals, and as you accomplish them, you will feel less like a failure and more like you are doing things! If you ever want to talk, feel free to message me back for more tips! Just apply yourself! This might sound harsh, but you are at the prime of your life. Take advantage! If you don't do anything now, do you really think anything will change in 1 or 20 years? Do you want to live on your parents couch when you are 25? Of course not. You can't say those things will happen eventually. You have to do those things now.

17, already feel like a failure in life, what to do about it?

Don't worry. Your life is not meaningless. You're writing screenplays and movie plots! That right there is amazing! Even when you don't work on them, it's still pretty great that you have this hobby that you're working on. If you'd like you could try to start a new hobby too. That way, even though you're not working or in school, you can still gain more skills. There's dozens of hobbies too that you can choose from such as learning a new language, researching your favorite subjects online, and a lot more. You're only 17 years old, so you have a really bright future ahead of you, especially since you're still young. Even though you say you don't have a social life, you can make friends online too. There's so many friend websites you could check out too.

I feel like I failed at life and want to die?

I'm 20 years old and male.

I feel as though there is nothing for me in life, and I honestly want to die.

I have always suffered from social anxiety disorder, and I have ruined myself with it. I lost my social skills and can no longer interact with people without over-analyzing everything, even online.

My job is something that I've been burned out with for the past 5 years - washing dishes in a restaurant. I've applied for many other positions, even jobs working with people hoping it would cure my anxiety. I just go into the job interviews and the employers see what a horrible person I am and don't hire me.

I have an associate degree and want to go to university, but I can't afford it. My parents make too much money for me to get enough financial aid, but they aren't helping me out at all. I don't want to take out a loan from a private lender because I won't be able to pass a job interview and pay it off when I'm done.

There was a time when I had a motivation to go out and do things, but not anymore. I've wanted to die for so long now... I just don't think I'm going to be able to make it through another year like this...

When I was a senior in high school, some things my step mom said to me made me go out and buy a bottle of antifreeze at 12:30AM. I was going to chug it in my car, but I didn't because I didn't want to leave behind my friends and real mom's side of the family.

I am looking for practical advice on how I can solve my problems. Please don't tell me to go to the doctor or anything like that.

Thank you.