Help My Mom Is Threatening Me

My mom is threatening to kick me out of the house and I'm 16?

My mom treated me the same way when i lived with her...i'm only 17 right now and i moved out 8 months and into an apartment with my boyfriend. My mom told me it was my responsibility to take care of the family, i never knew my dad and my sister is 3 years older. Starting at 5, she made me start cleaning the house top to bottom, by myself, and started teaching me how to cook so by the time i was 8 i was cooking alone for the family. She has always been mentally, verbally and physically abusive towards me and has always told me i'm worthless and she should've had me aborted and i was a mistake and she regrets me life. I go to school full time and have always gotten straight A's. My friends parents tell me i'm the greatest girl but my mom just thinks i'm this horrid piece of trash. Finally i got sick of it and said i didn't want to be here and she let me go. But she did kick me out a few times before then and i always went to a friends house.

There's not a whole lot you can do by arguing with her because her opinion is set and it won't change for a while. Try to stay out of her way and talk to a friend or two and see if you can stay with them temporarily in case she kicks you out, it's always good to have that security. Other than that, talk to your dad when he's around and see if he can do anything about it.

If you want to talk more, you can email me...i'm more than happy to try to help anytime. Best of luck.

Help? My mom threatened to kill me...?

Ok, for starters, I just want to say that there are two sides to every story. But here's mine: Ok , so my mom is bipolar, adhd, she forgets things really easily, she's ocd and I don't like being alone with her especially when she's mad. My mom has threatened to kill me more than twice and in front of my dad once or twice, but I think he is just fed up with being stuck in the middle and dosen't know who to believe anymore. He was supposed to get consoling for all of us, but that hasn't happened yet. My mom has threatened to run off the road when we are in the car alone, she has threatened to kill herself, she has threatened to leave, she said that either me or her is going to have to die and or leave and when I was 8 or so she took a hammer or axe(I can't really remember) and busted down the door. My dad just replaced the door and nothing else was said about it. I am always blamed for everything. I have always been the one to see counselors and been the one dubbed "crazy". I admit that I have been wrong in the past but it takes two to fight and I haven't been disrespectful in a while and I don't understand why I get yelled at and threatened even if I don't say anything at all or when I try to reassure her or calm her down. I really have no one left to turn to. No friends, family or teachers because I am in a difficult position right now. Please help, this is not a joke and I am really close to calling the police, but I don't want to be separated from my dad or being blamed for destroying our family.

My mom keeps threatening my hair???

Ok, so my hair is shoulder lenght, kinda choppy and dark-ish brown. (it's naturally curly, but I straighten it for a few days in a row)Personally I love it! Especially my bangs, those are my pride and joy, but my mom doesn't agree =/
She hates how they're always in my face, especially when I try an occasional side-bang.
She says it's ugly and is always threatening to cut them. (She did this a few months back before I cut my hair shorter. They've finally grown back again.)
How do I convince her to let me wear the style I want??? (she also has a problem with my clothes, which is usually black but I've added some color. She still detests black though, and I can't get ANY of it. I can't help it if I like dark things but I do try to tone it down. I haven't been wearing spikes or zombie stuff D:)
I don't want to have to hide my hair from her anymore and I don't want her cutting it in my sleep. She's saying they'll be gone sometime this week and it's freaking me out!!! >.<

Dad is Threatening to kill my mom..HELP?!?

My parent have been married for about 24 years. My dad has been abusive in the past to my mother and he even broke her nose once. He's verbally abusive, and he hasn't hit her recently, last time was about back in September. Lately, hes been acting very strange and calling her constantly, checking her phone, checking her every move. He even checks her underwear everyday because he thinks shes cheating on him, which isn't the case. My father is an alcoholic. And Now hes threatening to kill my mom, or "turn her into pieces" like he said..he told my mother that and she said "well, you're the one who'd be screwed because you'd go to jail" and he responded " i wouldn't have to worry i'd just kill myself too" and i seriously don't know what to do. My mom lives with my dad and my younger brother[7] and younger sister [11] and they don't deserve that, none of them do. I wish there were something i could do. I live with my older sister and we're trying to figure out ways to avoid this scenario.
Please help me, suggestions, advice..anything.
its my mom's life at stake and possibly my younger siblings.

My mom keeps yelling at me and threatening me? What do I do?? Please help?

Get ahold of somebody

My mom saw my cuts and is now threatening to send me to the mental hospital, what should I do?

First, let's back this panic truck up. Everything you've probably heard about mental hospitals has probably been Hollywoodized to the hilt. The scary doctor with the drugs that turn you into a mental zombie, getting electroshock therapy... let's just put all that in the urban myth bin. Shall we?Second, cutting is a sign of a mental illness. It means something isn't functioning right in your brain and you need help. No, this doesn't mean you're defective and you need to be locked up. Mental illness is an illness. If you had diabetes or epilepsy you'd go to the doctor. Right? Well, same for this.Third, you are self-harming and that's a problem. You do need someone to intervene to help you to stop. Your mother is trying to help you in the only way she knows how. Here's your chance to work with her rather than fighting her.Tell your mother what you need. Whether it's more sleep or hot chocolate in the morning or whatever. Go to the doctor and BE HONEST about what's happening. He/she can't help if they don't have all the facts. Talk to your mother about when this started and work out a plan on how to get better.

My mom threatened to kill me.?

People/parents tear you down to build themselves up- Think about this for awhile. Words are not said to help you at all. Its only a trick to make abusers/parents feel good. When people are sick they say mean things to feel better. This goes for people at school as well.

Abusers use put downs, ignoring or hitting. You are tricked and thats why you feel bad. Abusers lie and have lies mixed with past truths other times. They have problems so its not your fault. Hurting people hurt others and were abused themselves. You are being abused.

Divorce, father gone, abuse, ignoring can make children grow up with non existent so called "Mental Problems" or turn them into abusers. Abusive mean people often call you names like crazy or mental disorders to abuse you. The "Chemical Imbalance" claim is false. It has been thoroughly discredited by researchers. They "vote" to make it a disease.." Its total fraud" -- Dr. Fred Baughman Neurologist.

It's okay to live away from abusers verbal or physical and cut them off. Dont speak to them. They will never change unless forced.

Remember- Read 20 sites daily on Emotional Abuse- also Tell your teacher.

God wants you to Forgive- which does not require talking to them- Call Child Protective Services transitional housing to age 21.

State directory-

Experience seeing this work.. Contact me I have questions for you.

Is it normal for my mom to threaten to kill me?

Hmm what did you do? Do you know? How old are you? If she is NOT HERSELF. I would make sure that you have a police number at hand. I heard one mother killed her children and husband. SHE LOST HER HEAD. Please pray for protection. And watch her and how she behaves in general. I would rather be safe than sorry. Mothers can be traumatized too and cruel but to kill is another level that is out of the normal zone. Make sure that you are not alone. And perhaps you can make it known that your friends are alerted to this conversation…so that she may be careful with her thoughts!may you be protected and you will have to learn quickly how to oversome all negativity. I don’t like threats never did.

My Mom is threatening to commit suicide!? Please help!!!?

Alright, so I called the phsycologist that my brother and I have been going to, and he is helping us. Thank you everyone for your anwers, I'll add details if anything else happens. Please pray for us aswell if you're into that stuff. Thank you.