Help My Snail Has A Broken Shell

Does a snail die if its shell is broken?

Depending on how badly the shell is broken, the snail may be able to repair the damage. If there is just a single crack, and none of the snail's soft body parts are exposed, then it can probably repair the damage on its own. However, if the shell is broken into many pieces, and especially if the
snail's body has been damaged as well, then the snail will probably not survive. If all you can see is smashed shell bits and a lot of oozy slime, then the snail is likely to die.

Do snails survive with broken shell?

The depends. If it’s a small crack, it can usually be fixed with the help of a human, or just by waiting. As long as the snail is getting enough calcium, they should be able to fix small breaks with little to no help. Here’s an interesting video on the subject: how i fix a broken apple snail shellNow if you’re saying the shell is completely broken and has fallen off the body, will it survive without it, the short answer is no. The shell is what protects the mantle, which houses all the organs. Without that structure to steady and protect it, it’ll die. I came across a forum post a while back about such an incident, and it’s pretty well documented. The OP provided photos of the snail during the few days the little guy managed to survive, which gave a great view of the mantle itself. If you’re curious, here’s the post: Poor snail completely without its shell :(If you do happen to have the supplies and patience to mend a broken shell, it is possible, but can be difficult. Veterinarians Develop Treatment For Broken Snail Shells

Does the shell of an apple snail heal if it is broken?

The actual shell that grows out can not be repaired the same way it is produced, however the snail can and probably will (if healthy) create a protein substance to internally patch the hole. Once there are not any predators that will pick at the snail and the hole isn't large, it should be just fine.

I had a Gh and pH issue with my 20 gal long tank filled with Bridgesii and their shells started to deteriorate. The shells became soft and some got damaged beyond repair and died. However, when I finally got my general hardness under control the pH gradually rose to a good 7.8 and the snails have generated the protein patches. It isn't as strong as a healthy snail's shell, but it keeps pathogens from coming in and innards from getting out.

Also, it's best you know the species of your snail considering some Apple snails can actually procreate like rabbits (like the ramshorns). If you have a Bridgesii or a Canaliculata then you won't need to worry too much about over-population since they lay their egg clutches above the water line and are not asexual/hermaphroditic. Also, remember they do breathe from the air so make sure the water line is an inch or two lower. Algae wafers should be a staple diet. Good luck and check out the links.

What happens if i break a snails shell?

A snail can repair a certain amount of damage to its shell, and living snails are often found with scars indicating places where they have repaired cracks, chips, and small breaks, and occasionally even fairly large breaks. But, if the damage is too severe, if the shell is pretty much crushed, the snail will die, either by dehydration or as a result of being more susceptible to predators like small mammals, birds, and insects.

If the open end of the shell is broken off, but the snail is okay, will it survive?

Yes, provided it stays somewhere wet and safe. Snails can repair their shells, but thet make rather a botch job of itHere are two that have managed some pretty extensive repairs

My snail has a broken shell but is not coming out. Why is this?

Snails can survive quite bad damage to the shell, provided they are kept damp. They will slowly mend the damage, though usually in a rather crude way. Unless your snail has died, keep it damp, make sure food is available, and wait patiently. There is nothing else you can do.

Nail polish, broken snail shell, betta fish?

Snails do not create new shells. The one they have is the one they keep for life. The shell does grow, but older parts of the shell stop growing.

Nail polish is a kind of paint and the closest I can compare it to is the paint that used to be applied to hatchling turtles that were then sold in stores as pets. The pictures and designs faded, but the damage to the shell caused the turtle shell to deform and sometimes became so extreme the turtle died. Turtle shells grow in segments all over and the snail grows near the opening, so this is a hopeful sign that if you stayed away from the body, it will only have to recover from the VOC's (volatile organic compounds) given off as the polish dried.

Usually the standard advice is to use Reef Gel, a type of super glue similar to surgical glue that can be used in contact with delicate soft tissues of a stony coral polyp.

Using nail clippers and empty snails shells, cut out some patches and then use the Reef Gel to attach them over the cracks or missing shell.

Then the shell comes apart where you painted it together, then try this proven method instead of the experiment you found on the internet. If the polish holds the shell together then I would not do more.

Your fishes would show stress soon after this, if the volatiles affected them significantly. The standard rule is to protect tanks while a room or house is being painted. Regular partial water changes would be helpful, but most of the chemicals have probably already left the water.

My snails shell has a crack what do I do?

This crack might be due to a lack of calcium. So, in addition to keeping up with water changes, you can give your snail a source of calcium. You can buy a cuttlefish bone from the bird section of the pet store, cut off a small piece, and put it in your aquarium. Other sources include crushed egg shells, crushed coral, and liquid or powdered calcium supplements.However, you need to be very careful with water quality because adding calcium can result in drastic changes to your water's hardness, and possibly pH. Get a good liquid test kit, like the ones made by API.

What happens if a snail breaks its shell?

If the break is small, like a crack or chip, the snail can use its mantle to try and repair the damage by excreting shell material around the weak spot. However, generally a large break cannot be repaired. The snail will still continue as best it can, and if the break is not fatal, it will keep growing new shell, and hopefully the break will be pushed back along its body to a location that no longer exposes its flesh to the outside world.