Help My Son Is Becoming Atheist

How to keep your child from becoming an atheist?

Beat the Jesus into them, not only will they respect you for standing strong for your religion, they'll think you're a straight pimp, and love you even more for being just so dang cool.

Help! How Can I Stop my Child From Becoming an Atheist?

I screwed up big time. My son is only 18 months and very very smart. I bought him the "Baby Einstein" video's a week ago and he would scream and cry every time I turned off the player, so I left it on. Every time I would think he's asleep I go in and try to turn it off and he woke up and started screaming until I turned it back on. After a week, yesterday, he let me turn it off. Now I found a copy of Dawkins " The God Delusion" under his pillow. He won't let me take it away, he screams when I go near it. I'm telling you I think my little angle is possessed. I called my priest, he knows I have a baby boy and came right over, like in ten minutes and I live 30 minutes away. My priest took one look and said "This is serious! He's possessed!!!" and that he can excise him but has to be with him alone. Well, I know what priest do!! I threw him out. Now I help. I don't know what to do. HAAALLP!!!! How can I stop my child from growing up and becoming an ATHEIST? Do you think Holy water would help? I'm thinking a bath tub full and some Ivory soap. What do you think???? I'm desperate. SS

What is the best way to stop your child becoming an Atheist?

I dont want any of my children to be punished by God.

I already donot educate them or expose them to critical thinking, logic or science.
I also lie to them constantly about how the world works & feed them a steady Diet of Bible knowledge & pretend that it is deep wisdom. I also Convince them that they are small & weak & worthless & Need redemption from Jesus. I also teach them to resent anyone who is Not Christ-like like them in everyway. I teach them to laugh at and Dismiss out of hand any faith but their own.

How else Can I assure my Child gets into Heaven?

Help! My son says he's atheist now.?

as-salamu alaykum,
I have a bit problem. I have a 17 year wonderful son he's my wonderful son especially after my wife died a few years ago. When we were talking about heaven he say he doesnt realy believe in such a thing. I was shocked, i said why? why say something so horrible? He said he doesnt believe in Allah, he an atheist. I was confused I was mad. i say How can you be an atheist, how can you not see what a wonderful way Islam is. but he say there is no proof for it, why is Islam right and not Christians or Hindu?... I was furious first I try to hit him with belt but he fight back which he NEVER does before. i feel hes changed now hes becoming someone i dont know like my son. first i knew his girlfriend would do such a thing, his girlfriends not muslim english but now its too far. I need help for him to stay the way and be a good muslim again. i fear that i wont see him again when im passed as well. hes my everything, i need help please please please what shall i say to convert him back

My son is an atheist please please please help me!?

my son is 15 and yesterday he told me he does not believe in Jesus Christ or Christianity. and so I hit him until he started crying I told him that you should never question god and he has been in his room ever since I have kept him from going to school because i think thats where he might getting all this nonsense. everything that I have taught him since he was born is now all wasted, he is going to to go to hell and there's nothing I can do. I have now taken away his privileges and he is no longer allowed to play video games, play sports, or go outside with his friends, he will be locked in his room until he believes in god again. this is the only way for me to save his soul, I think i might have went a little overboard on hitting him, but I can't let him burn for eternity, hes turning his back on god, telling me that he believes that we came from monkeys, and that science has a better explanation to why we are here. Satan is trying to trick my son into believing that satanic evolution nonsense. AND THE RAPTURE IS GOING TO HAPPEN SOON!!!!! When i go to heaven and get my new body, my son will be stuck on earth and will give in to the number of the beast and his soul WILL BE LOST FOREVER!!!!! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!!!! should I hit him some more, and don't tell me that its wrong and that i shouldn't hit my child, my father hit my all the time. and I turned out just fine, and I never questioned god. I DONT WANT HIM TO GO TO HELL! it hurts me to even think about it! and in a year when the earth is destroyed, and everyone is dead on, and all of us Christians are in heaven, and all of non believing infidels will be burning in hell, MY SON WILL BE IN THERE WITH THEM!!! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!

How can we stop our children becoming atheists?

I am not a parent yet, but one day I will be. My biggest worry is that my child, or children, will abandon their Christian faith and adopt atheism. It is one thing to fail in many aspects of your life, such as work, but another to fail as a parent. It would be the worst day of my life if my son or daughter said, 'Dad, I'm an atheist'.

How can we stop our children becoming atheists? I have already decided I will enrol my future children in faith schools in which creationism is taught over evolution.

My son told me that he's an atheist. How do I explain to him that it's just a phase and that he'll get over it?

Q: My son told me that he's an atheist. How do I explain to him that it's just a phase?A: “That’s nice, son, as long as you don’t get pregnant.”Let me explain: someone who is convinced that their children’s current “thing” is just a phase is not really interested in their concerns. They could as well go for the non-caring parent mumbling behind the paper while drinking coffee at the breakfast table phase themselves.So take his atheism seriously. I don’t mean confrontational, but out of curiosity. Learn about atheism, and learn about his atheism – why he does not believe in gods, how he came to that realisation – and listen to him. Do not challenge him, but actually listen to what he says. Take notes, even.Then you have two basic paths:“I don’t agree with your point of view, but that doesn’t matter because you’re my son, and I will love you to death and always support you, no matter if you believe or not. Sure, it’s sad, but I won’t challenge you on it. I will expect that you say grace at our table as long as you live in this house, though.” Accept that he has come to a point where he has defined himself, and meet him halfway. Don’t expect him to change, but at least tell him that you expect him to follow the rituals for harmony’s and family peace’s sake.“I don’t agree with your point of view, but I’m curious about it and would love to have friendly discussions about atheism and theism. So if you’re in for it, I would be happy to explore the topic if you are willing to also explore my faith. Deal?” This is the slightly riskier path. It may lead to heated discussions, so you both have to be the adults in the room. There’s also the chance that his arguments for non-belief may kick off the process of you losing your faith.And if it actually is a phase, it will pass.