Help Needed In Scrollpath.js A J-query Plugin

jQuery: Is there any way to scroll css element in a custom path?

Yes, you can do that by creating a custom parallax effect using jQuery.Here is a great resource explaining custom scrolling paths using jQuery.

Is there a way to automatically load a page with infinite scroll until it gets to the bottom of the feed? Is there a software or a setting that helps to do this?

Dunno if there's anything that already exists, but it's pretty easy:var lastScrollHeight = 0;
function autoScroll() {
var sh = document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
if (sh != lastScrollHeight) {
lastScrollHeight = sh;
document.documentElement.scrollTop = sh;
window.setInterval(autoScroll, 100);
There are more efficient ways, but this sledgehammer will work fine. You can throw it into a Chrome Content Script or Firefox Greasemonkey Script. Or even just paste it into the developer console of any modern browser.

Do I need to download Jquery to be able to use Bootstrap?

Thanks for A2A.You have your own choice, you can either download bootstrap and then attatch it to your project(Download bootstrap button in your image) or you can directly give its cdn.Faster approach is to download and call it locally like