Help Roasting Chicken And Beef Simultaniously

Can you cook chicken and beef in the same pan?

If you are talking individually, why would you not? A pan is a pan after all.If you are talking about cooking both at the same time, it is possible, but it depends upon the form of the beef and chicken you are cooking, and if you wanted them to be done at the same time.Are both ground up or minced? Then yes you can.Are both diced or sliced thin and small for stir fry? Yes again.Are they both in boneless, whole form (steak, breast)? Maybe. Breasts cook pretty fast and if pounded thin enough, they could conceivably be done in the same time as the steak. However the steak can safely be consumed rare, unlike the chicken breast, so taking the temperature of both before serving would be a good idea. If the chicken part was whole thighs or legs? Probably not, as these usually take a bit longer to cook.Are they still on the bone? Maybe, if you are stewing or pressure cooking them.Then you have to deal with the mixing of flavors. The stronger flavor of the beef might overtake the delicate flavor of the chicken, (unless you used dark meat) and then you will have beef flavored chicken.Whole? You’re gonna need a bigger pan…

Do vegetarians eat beef powder or chicken broth?

Now,why in the world would a vegetarian eat something made from a cow or a chicken? Just because it's chicken or beef flavored,where do you think they get it from? A cucumber? No,it actually comes from the animal. Think of it like,your mom or grandmother making chicken soup. They put either a whole chicken in or pieces of chicken to get the water to taste like chicken. The same with soups made with pork or beef. They just take this broth and either box it for you or dehydrate it and sell it as bouillon.
I do have to tell you that there are chicken and beef-like broths you can get. I don't know how they taste,but they are vegetarian and vegan. I haven't tried them because I've feared that they may taste too much like meat,which I find horribly disgusting. You can find them in health food stores. *Always make sure you read the ingredients to see what the flavoring comes from. Also look to see if it says vegetarian and vegan on the front or side of the box.

If you cook two roasts at the same time, do you lengthen the cook time?

Depends. Are you putting them in the same pan, like one 13 x 9, or are they stacked in a crockpot? I'm going to assume they are in the pan and in that case, since they are both lying flat, than no. But tell me what you are cooking them in so I can Edit.

Edit: okay, in that case, since they are both on the same rack, no you don't. You could go a few minutes more if it makes you feel better, but since the heat is evenly distributed you won't need to.

What happens if you eat fish, beef and chicken together in a meal?

The toxic combination of the three means you will die instantly unless you DON’T not drink water (unfiltered). Two portions of chicken are worth one of fish, and one-and-a-half of beef - UNLESS it’s oxtail which is worth three chicken (thigh and wing are equivalent, breast is worth nothing) . Tenderloin beefsteaks are worth the same as chicken breast unless served with brown sauce. Sauces are poisonous when described as gravy on the menu; dips triply so when described as sauces. Vegetable gravy causes seizures. Fish should NEVER be served in a mason jar unless the diner explicitly requests non-liquidization.In all seriousness though, I expect what would happen if I ate a meal with fish, beef and chicken, would depend on the meal. If it was a good one I’d feel content. If I thought it was badly made then I would feel disappointment.

Can I cook pasta and ground beef in one pot?

Yeah, no.Oh, people try to do it, they try to do it to the point some bright brain has invented a pasta which cooks with the meal- like those weird lasagna noodles; problem is, they have the wrong texture and pretty much no flavor, at all. Hamburger-Helper type meals, same thing. Doesn't quite work, always has a slightly pasty texture and *ick* flavor, which is yet another reason people decry Box-meals.Two pans, one for your meat and sauce and big enough to eventually hold meat, sauce and cooked noodles, and another, a pot, to cook the noodles.  Cook the noodles to al dente, or, "to the teeth", meaning it has just a bit of chew left to it.  Do not, especially if you're adding it to meat and sauce to absorb some of those flavors, cook it to al death, which means mush.When the pasta is done, drain it well, but do not rinse, then add to your meat and sauce pan. Cover and simmer, then adjust seasonings-  pasta absorbs stuff, including flavors, so you may have to add a few more flavorings back to the mix. Finally, serve and enjoy.

Can we have fish, chicken and mutton together?

Yes of course we can eat the dishes made out of these 3 (Fish,Chicken & Mutton). But sometime it depends on the how the body of an individual reacts to them.Some say that greater the intake of fish and chicken varieties they take their stomach troubles them the next morning. :) But we can certainly eat 3 of their varieties. Moreover we don’t die. :)My favorite dishes made from them so that we can eat three of them is:1.) Mutton Biryani.2.) Chicken Curry.3.) Fish Fry.

Is it healthy to eat chicken and fish together, while cooked separately?

You are asking a question based on your culture and what is kosher. The kosher food laws are based on health consideration. It is similar to how, until recently due to modern methods, pork was dangerous to eat unless it was well done, or processed to get rid of any disease. You cooked things separately, and eat them separately, to avoid cross contamination.In the professional kitchen, even with recipes like paella, and jambalaya, the meats are prepared separately, using different, or cleaned and disinfected, utensils, cutting boards, towels, when handling raw meats. Cross contamination is always a danger when not handled correctly. When prepared safely, they are safe to eat together in separate preparations or combined in a dish.In traditional cuisines, multiple courses, with a fish, or seafood course, a poultry course, and a meat course are not uncommon. Or an appetizer like shrimp cocktail served before a poultry or meat based meal.The separation of different meats are more based on custom and tradition that may have once had a basis in health, but now the health considerations are more on being prepared correctly and not the ingredients.

Can I eat egg and chicken together?

My mom used to prepare chicken biryani when I was a kid. And she used to put egg in that. No harm in eating chicken n egg together. But it's too heavy and consumes lot of calories because chicken and egg both are high in protein and carbs. So watch out for that if you want to take so much of carbohydrates which will turn into fat cells n can make you fat in few months. This is my personal experience.Hope this helps!Thanks!

Why does cooking two dishes at the same time in the oven take longer than just one dish?

There may be a false assumption here. As long as your element is able to keep the air temperature in the oven as a constant value, the transfer of heat to the cooking items will be constant, so the cooking time is the same.However, if you load the oven to such a degree that the natural convection of hot air in the oven is impeded, then the cooking items make a pocket of less hot air around them as they draw the heat into themselves. So if you put two creme brulees in the oven, you won't notice any change, but two roast pans will block convection. Just putting in a baking sheet under your food can slow cooking because it impedes airflow.This is why a force air "convection oven" will mitigate this problem. The air is now moved around manually, instead of letting passive airflow from doing the job.The amount of mass that you put in the oven is not going to be much of a factor, since multiple masses are still using surface area as the heat transfer mechanism. As long as the heating element is up to the job of keeping the air temperature up, the additional "heat sink" of added mass won't be a factor. (Once you reach the point that the element has to be on constantly to raise the temperature, this will become a factor, but that's a lot of mass!)

Can vegetarians eat chicken flavored Ramen noodles?

A true vegetarian doesn't eat anything containing any type of meat.
That includes eggs, fish & poultry.