Help . School Is Sressing Me Out

How do I stop stressing about school?

Wow, sounds familiar.
My Junior year of college got a little stressful too.
I think there were several things that got me through it:
I studied my @$$ off... until I was absolutely sure I knew the material as well as I could. That helped me relax (somewhat) since I knew I was as prepared as I was going to get.
I started calling my parents more often. Having someone to talk to (read: unload on) really helped with all the pent up anxiety.
I made time to go out and have an adult beverage with my friends. Just getting away from it (even if it was just for an hour) helped alot as well.

Good luck!

School is stressing me out so much?

I'm just like you - up until last year there nothing that really gave me problems in school. Sure, there was occasionally something that threw me off, but I was always a straight- A student as well. When I got in to 7th grade and started Algebra and what not, that's when things got tough. The only thing you can do is study and just work your hardest, because sorry to say, things will only get harder. If people were perfect and could handle hundreds of things at once, nobody would fail anything. It's only expected that as you get in to higher grades that you will be overwhelmed with more and more work and harder subjects. Like I said, you just have to accept it and try your best, because that's all you can do and all anyone can ask for. That being said, don't spend every second of every day stressing over things. Stress will only make things worse. So, take a little bit of leasure time every day to do something fun, like hang out with friends, listen to music, or just chill. Hope I helped and good luck!

School is stressing me out?

School started last month and it's already stressing me out! I'm a sophomore and my life is fairly easy but trying to keep good grades is making me mad and tired. I get all the math and history or whatever but it's the homework is what it is. I feel like it's too much my teachers are giving us. (I can do it easily) just doing it every day is killing me. I'm tired of feeling how I am right now. I need a break from it but my grades can drop significantly from 1 or 2 homework assignments that I don't do. What can I do about this?

School is stressing me out so much?

Well, im in 7th grade but I don't think im doing seventh grade work. ( Im homeschooled/ online schooled.) I have 2 F's and one of them is in math. I ask my parents for help but they don't understand it because when they were my age they didn't learn this stuff until they were in college. I cant ask my teachers for help because all they do is put me in unnecessary class connects that don't even help me, it just puts MORE stress. Its gotten to the point to were I get headaches almost everyday, AND im missing my period. I didn't get my period last month (Im a virgin. -_- ) And I don't know what to do, ive tried websites, but they don't help at all.

High school is stressing me out!?

It's barely the third month of high school, and I'm finding myself worrying over every little thing. I've lost countless friends, and I really miss 8th grade. I'm in all honors classes (something I'm not used to, I was always put into regular classes) and the amount of work I get is insane. I'm not doing as well on tests, and it's not even because the work Is hard, I'm just overthinking. Sometimes I can't even get enough sleep because of large amounts of homework. I'm really worried for the future and I know this will prepare me, but is there any way I can reduce stress? I'm not complaining, however I do wish I was more prepared for this...


Hi, I'm a freshman and I have anxiety. You can figure out the rest.
Anyway, I've been in the school I am in for my entire life, it's a small private but VERY demanding school. And I've got some language issues because I've been studying English my entire life at school but Spanish is my main language.. so I've never really mastered both completely :/
Since I entered my freshman year, classes got harder, typically, and teachers went even crazier. The amount of required time ( as shown in the school handbook) spent doing homework for high scholers is AT LEAST 4-7 hours! And sometimes I spend even more! And when we try to talk to the principal or teacher they just say that's how real life is. Plus I live in Venezuela, so there's pretty much enough stress going on in the country with political protests. We missed a month of school and now the teachers are making it up with chapter tests of more than 4 chapters together at once. I'm getting dandruff so much and my scalp has those hard things now from all the stress. I can't relax. I JUST CAN'T. My heart is always beating fast and idk what to do! I always get straight A's and if I don't our teachers act as though it were a blashphemy. Please help me!!!! How to handle all this stress!

Help! College is stressing me out.?

I have trouble concentrating and studying and my grades a dropping...i'm studing but it doesn't seem to help me in the end.
Can you give me some advice?

I am a high school senior. School stressing me out to the point of crying myself to sleep. Is that normal or am I a pansy?

As a professional who helps high schoolers bridge to college or whatever might be the next step in their life, stress as a senior in HS is perfectly normal! Crying yourself to sleep, on the other hand is not a sign of being a pansy, but definitely a sign that you are overwhelmed. First things first, as yourself to reflect a bit on the first few things off the top of your mind that are stressing you out. Is it school work, friend drama for family issues. From there, try to ask yourself what it is about one of those dynamic that is stressing you out. There are resources & coping techniques for whatever issue you are facing but first you need to be honest with yourself and determine what that might be. A trusted friend, a parent, school counselor or anyone else who might be your go to person could lend their time to listen and support you. If it’s academics, stay orgsmized, keep a planner & get extra help if there are areas you need more help in. Personal issues can be helped with a friend & a solitary form of support is journaling ( super helpful). Please let us all know how your doing. Please don’t do nothing though, crying yourself to sleep shows you need a bit of help from someone. Hope this helped a bit.

School is really stressing me out, it is affecting my life and I feel like I am losing my mind, how do I reduce stress about school?

My son is going through this too. I’m so sorry you are so overwhelmed. Did you talk to your parents? My son was having a mental breakdown from it all (he is in 6th grade) and I ended up meeting with the principal, head of the school and counselor. They allowed him to get rid of one class (his elective - which was either health or art) and instead use that for a study hall so he could complete his homework at school. It actually became his second study hall, as he had one already. They came up with a great plan because homework was his worst stressor and cause for anxiety, almost a phobia. It helped him a lot…and still is. But, he is still stressed overall with school. What grade are you in? Any help with the parents? Or counselor? I also had my son see a psychologist outside of school, to help even more. I know others are mentioning exercise, and I think it could help. But, if you are anything like my son, the issue is larger than that. Some kids have anxiety issues like this and really need some help. I hope you can get it. :)Also, when I was in high school, my parents were of no help to me. I became really close with the school pschologist or counselor. I hope he/she can help you.