Help Should I Be The One To Message Her First

Should I message her, or wait for her to text first?

Text her. Show you are interested.Don’t go all passive-agressive not talking to her. Just show her that you are interested talking to her. Stop look for positive or negative cues and just act. Cues may say a thing or two, but when you show real and active interest in her you’ll get a lot more information, and also faster.Talk, make her laugh, be cool. Don’t take yourself too seriously. If she really likes you back, there are few things to say that will make her go away.In my experience, you can talk about everything if you’re being honest and cool about it. Lies, on the other side are the real relationship killers.And if she’s not interested, you can talk about the most interesting stuff and you’ll get no answers or just short ones (“Ok”, “Good”) and zero input from her side.So please, talk to her. Stop ignoring her. Do you want that kind of relationship with her?

First message to my crush on facebook? HELP PLZ :)?

I REALLY LIKE this guy i have on fb but he dosent get online so im thinking of an offline message ,but what should i say??// we only talked one time so i have nothing to ask or talk about :/ so any ideas on what should i massage him? thx :)

One word text messages?

Ok she's having second thoughts and IS playing the hard to get game. She wants to let you know that she doesn't want you to lose interest in her just like that. She wants to feel that you'll be willing to fight for her love. You've got to play close attention to the way she acts when you meet in person. When she texts you and only responds in consecutive short answers then do the same play her game ;) Once she sees how irritating it is to deal with those kind of texts she will probably either stop texting or she'll start having longer more normal conversations.
Once she has fallen for you even more then take on "the moves" lol, without telling her much of your feeling but letting her know through your actions instead of words. This'll confuse her as she will not know how you think anymore.
Well hope this helps :)

What should you do if a girl is not replying to your messages?

God. Humour! That is the simple key. Remember, attraction is not a choice. If she is single, you have equal chance as much as any other guy. Don’t ask the internet. It will tell you she is not interested, she is not interested. As of now, she may not be. But attraction can be created.I have turned around situations many many times. Just by being funny. Where 2–3 messages were blanked, I made a fantastic humour out of it, she got laughing and we were at it again. 3 messages over a period of time like 20 days huh, not in a row. Never bombard her with messages. I have used humour to get the most uninterested women talking as well. And once there is some flow, I create sexual tension.And also, never ask her why she blanked, why is she ignoring you, plead her to talk, etc. etc. Always always keep it light and funny. And definitely don’t call her out on her behaviour. No emotions from day 1. If you don’t hear back from 2–3 days on your message, never mind. A week or two later send her a funny creatively crafted message.I am assuming that the lady in question is single. And that you really really like her. If your own attraction for her is below 50%, no need to work hard on getting her to talk. But if she knocks your socks off, go for it.Don’t overwhelm her with texting. Move on to meeting up with her. Some guys go on texting forever. Call her once a week only.When you do this, she will know you are different. Not needy, busy with your own life, occasionally putting in creative ‘effort’ to get her talking, humourous and funny, doesn’t get butt hurt when she ignores you, takes lead and makes plans, etc. etc.Compare this to other guys who may be also messaging her and showing completely opposite insecure behavior. You will stand out. When you first meet her, touch her forearm, upper arm or lower back just for 1–2 seconds, casually, and only once or at max twice. But carefully, shouldn’t look intentional. This will tell her unconsciously that you are not interested in being friends but something more. Lower back works like a charm. And I mean back, not butt.I was recently talking to a lady best friend of mine, who was crying about how guys would throw away their self-respect and message her everyday even though she was not responding. I asked her, do you think they could turn it around with some Humour? She said “Yes I think they could. At least it’s unique. Since nobody does it.”Try it. You will be amazed at the results.

If people don't text me, and I am always the one who texts them first, do I look needy and desperate?

I dont think you should worry about that.If you do, and lets say you stop talking. Even he/ she can do the same (to avoid looking desperate).So, there you have a problem, both are not communicating due to their desperation problem.Its good if you are making the conversation. It shows you care. Its not your business or your concern what others think of you. But if equal effort is not put in by the other side, he/she doesnt care much about you.Its your call to just care or get something in return.Move on.And I dont think desperation is bad. People want to judge you to make you look inferior than them. They will find any fault they can within you.I dont have friends whom I can speak my heart out. If that one person comes whom I feel I can share my thoughts with, then hell yeah I'll be desperate for him/her.Its just like this: You didnt eat a single gram of sugar for a long time. When its time to eat it, you will be desperate, eager to munch on it. People will call you desperate but they wont understand how hard it was to hold out on sugar for that long.

How to text a guy for the first time?

1. Obtain a Cellular device that has Text Messaging functions.
2. Power up Cellular Device.
3. Activate the text Messaging function.
4. Enter the recipient's phone number.
5. Compose a series of words to form a comprehensible sentence.
6. Press the "Send" option.
7. Wait for response.
8. After response is received repeat steps 1 through 7.

My gosh, do teenagers really not know how to send a text message in this day and age???

What does it mean if I always have to message a girl first? Should I not text first and see if she will start the conversation?

My advice is similar to what Julio Jackson said; which is to essentially back off a little bit. Why? It’s because of this:The story I’m about to tell you isn’t mine, it’s from a guy named Corey Wayne but it made so much sense to me that I have to share:He was dating this woman at the time and she had a daughter. The daughter pretty much became Corey’s daughter too, they still talk even though he isn’t with the woman anymore.They went to a water park and that’s when the concept of “women are like cats and men are like dogs” crystallized for him. He had already read a book by David Deida “Way of the Superior Man” (awesome book and I wholeheartedly recommend it to you as well) so he understood that women, as a general rule, want attention while men want sex. Not a rule that applies to everybody, but a general rule.At the water park the daughter would run and jump into Corey’s arms as he was in the pool. Then she would immediately want to be put down so she could swim away. Then she would jump into his arms and repeat over and over again.That’s when he understood this simple concept: women are like cats because they’re picky about who they accept attention from, just like a cat. You cannot force them to accept your attention and sometimes they’ll make some crazy choices about who they want attention from.Women will also let you know when they want attention from you.“I just got a new haircut, what do you think?” “What do you think of my new dress?” “Can we talk?” or even a first text message from a woman “Hi” are all signs that she wants your attention.That’s when he resolved to never initiate a text conversation with a woman more than once a week. While I think that’s a little strict, I completely agree. Texting and calling are for setting up dates with women. Do it once a week and you’ll be good to go.When you back off a little bit this will put pressure on the women you like you. And if they like you they will want your attention. When they start to want your attention they will text you.Both Corey’s advice, and my own is that when they reach out you tell them how great it is to hear from them and ask when they are free. They reach out because they want your attention. And you will give them your attention on a date with you.Good luck :)