Help Stomach Flu

The stomach flu cure?!?

When green peppercorns are dried in the sun, they become black. When black peppercorns are soaked, their skins and pulp are removed and the resulting seed is the white peppercorn. White peppercorn and pepper itself aids in digestion, improves the appetite, and is anti bacterial.

What can help cure a stomach flu????

It has to run it's course just like a cold or the flu. But you can treat the symptoms with Tums, or any anti acid, a hot water bottle or heating pad, for the stomach pains or cramps, and Imodium for diarrhea. A nice hot bath helps make you feel a little better too. Keep hydrated, drink lots of fluids, but tea is not recommended unless it is herbal tea, or decaffeinated tea. Caffeine drinks can cause further dehydration. Just eat very light, like jello, broth, chicken noodle soup, sherbet, and toast, to name a few things. You have to keep your body nourished so it can fight your illness. Rest, stay on the couch and watch tv, and stay away from others until you are over it...

How do you get over a stomach flu quickly?

Stomach flu often leads to diarrhea and vomiting that can further cause dehydration. Follow these tips to ease stomach flu and to avoid any further problems. One must visit the doctor if nothing helps with stomach flu.Fluids: Stomach flu often leads to vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, it is important to take in enough liquids to prevent dehydration. Consume plain water or sports drink and avoid drinks with increased sugar content such as juices or sodas.Ice chips: If taking in fluids troubles you, then one can opt for ice chips to keep the body hydrated. Ice chips should not be preferred for small children as they can be a choking hazard.BRAT diet: BRAT diet is Banana, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast. These foods are bland and help in making stools more firm. Bananas are a good source of potassium that can replace nutrients in the body lost from vomiting and diarrhea.Tea: Caffeine-free tea is a good choice for those suffering from stomach flu. Tea such as peppermint tea, ginger tea, and lemon tea can ease nausea. Avoid caffeine as it can act as a diuretic, making to lose fluids you need to hydrate.Other tips: Avoid heavy foods unless you feel better such as dairy products, alcohol, and fatty foods. Get plenty of rest to regain your energy.

Does dicyclomine help stomach flu?

First, there's no stomach flu. Flu, influenza, is an upper respiratory virus. Dicyclomine is an anticholinergic and it's used to reduce contraction of the muscles in the intestines, a major problem with IBS, i.e. diarrhea. If you take it, instead of the virus exiting your system, you'll keep it in your GI tract longer. Don't interfere. The gastroenteritis will resolve on its own.

How do you treat a stomach flu?

Thank you for A2A. I'm glad you are feeling somewhat better at this time. Now that you're not vomiting, you can take acetominephin for pain. Are you sure this was the "flu"? If you continue to have a fever, seek Urgent Care or doctor's visit, not necessarily ER. It could be something else.Be careful what you put in your stomach. For issues of vomiting, the BRAT diet is recommended: bananas, rice, applesauce and toast (plain). Also clear liquids are good, broth, jello, sherbet.For the future, keep over the counter anti-nausea med, Tylenol suppositories, a heating pad on hand. I hope you do not have a repeat of an illness of this type. Always be mindful of hand washing, as this is the way this type of flu is most often communicated.

Does Gravol really help with the Stomach flu?

The stomach flu is going through my house and I want to be prepared. I'm a stay at home mom and I need to take care of my 3 & 4 year old, so spending the day in the bathroom isn't an option. I just want to be able to take care of them (really don't have any babysitters I can call if I get sick). I'm praying it passes me by, but if it doesn't, does Gravol stop the puking? I've never used it, but a friend suggested it. Any feedback I could get is very appreciated!!

Is it OK to eat ramen when you have the stomach flu?

Whenever you have gastroenteritis for any reason, your digestive lining is irritated and needs a rest to heal and deal with the infection if there is one. Best bet is to start with clear liquids and see how that goes. Next step if clear liquids work ok is to slowly introduce Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast (BRAT).BRAT isn’t gospel, though— these are just foods most people find easy to digest, but maybe you don’t find that, and there’s another food item you find works well and is comforting. If ramen is on that list for you, then by all means try a bit and see how it goes.Generally it’s better to stay away from foods high in fat or protein, as most people find these the most challenging to digest. Avoid eating too much, and don’t feel you need to eat when you don’t feel like it— you won’t starve in the short term, as most people’s bodies have a significant reservoir of stored food energy to tide them over for a few days.

Is it okay to eat pho when you have the stomach flu?

If you can keep it down? Sure. “Hot broth and noodles and foods that are gentle on the stomach” is perfectly fine. I wouldn’t go for spicy pho when you’re nauseous, though; that’s going to be a bit rough on your system.