Help With A Title For My Essay About Cowboys Of The Wild West

Name of movie from either encore westerns or the hallmark channel....?

...A sheriff gets amnesia at christmas time.
I'm looking for the name of a movie for my grandpa. He watched it on either encore westerns or the hallmark channel. It is about a sheriff that goes on a job to get money for their kids' Christmas. Something happens and he gets amnesia. He said it's a real tear jerker.

Can watching Japanese movies without subtitles help me learn Japanese language faster?

I know a few Japanese old ladies in town in the U.S. They are war brides to American soldiers. None of them could speak English when they came to the U.S. They haven't learned at any English classes at colleges here but they became fluent English speakers (put aside their grammar and pronunciations).Their secret was watching TV, especially sitcoms. They are housewives and had lots of time while their American husbands were working. They remember some expressions from the shows and imitate them.It was a long time ago and there was no subtitles function on TV. They learned from their ears.I think watching the same movie or show over and over is better because you knew the story and its circumstances. So you knew the situation when to speak the phrases.One warning: Choose a model with your sex, age and presumed educational level. Don't imitate girls conversations if you are a male. Don't imitate old people's talk if you are young (needless to say Samurai movies). Don't imitate conversation by delinquent boys or Yakuza. Their talking style are rough and not intelligent.

Modern world studies test (: merry halloween k12 kids !?

thank you so much keep these up you are very loved for this

When should I capitalize the word "western"?

Western should be capitalized when it is used as a proper noun. The first example of this that comes to mind is when someone says I want to see a movie, let's watch a Western.  Would be when the word Western is part of the name as in the company Western Union, or when the term is used to describe the regional culture ex: rodeos are a Western tradition.

What does “another one bites the dust” mean?

It means “someone else has failed badly (in some pursuit).” In the pop/rock song of that title, I think it refers to someone “crashing out” due to inebriation from using illegal drugs (or it could have sexual implications).To “bite the dust” is basically a metaphor for one falling face-first into a dirt or dust pile, so the fall is imaginary, not literal. It is a common colorful expression in American English that I would guess originated near the mid-20th century, possibly in combat, or it could be an older phrase.In many western-themed films, during gunfight chase scenes on horseback (which may have been cinematic but therefore more fanciful than historical, as typically, riders are seen falling from horses after being shot—my guess is that people refrained from shooting guns where the horses would be so likely to be wounded, but I don't know if it happened much or not.

American Literature help!?

1) "I'll git home in time f'r dinner, sure!"
2) not sure
3) present readers with a faithful representation of people, places, and events that they can recognize and relate to (I think this is correct)
4) loves to place bets
5) Jim Smiley names his dog and frog after two respected nineteenth-century politicians.
6) local color
7) true leadership and concern for his people
8) resigned
9) Native American groups, cultures, and traditions were weakened and destroyed in the nineteenth century
10) their failure to understand and respect Native American beliefs, traditions, and cultures
11) mashes turnips so hard that she breaks a jar

What effects did railroads play in westward expansion?

Lots. They didn't have trucks or higways back then. If farmers wanted to ship their crops to market, it had to go by riverboat or train. Towns that had railroads prospered; town's that didn't dried up and blew away.

The cattle drives that you read about were cowboys taking their cattle to rail yards in Kansas, where the cattle were shipped east to be made into steaks and shoes. Texas didn't have any railroads at first.

Lots of towns didn't have reliable water transportation, so they needed railroads. Just HAVING 160 (320, 640) acres of corn, wheat or barley didn't make a farmer rich; he had to ship it to market to sell it.

A train could carry hundreds of times more than a horse-drawn wagon, and do it cheaper. That cut down on the transportation cost, which in turn made it economically possible to grow wheat in Nebraska and Kansas, but sell it to New York.