Help With An Investing Question

Interest rate question help?

a. Rosemary invested $12,500 of her savings in a certificate of deposit that
pays an annual 3.25 percent rate of interest. The current annual inflation
rate is 2 percent. Has Rosemary made a wise investment from an economic
perspective, so that she is outpacing inflation?

b. Philip wants to earn a real annual interest rate on his investment of
at least percent. If the annual rate of inflation is 3 percent, what is the minimum
nominal rate of interest Philip would be willing to accept on his

Help with this investment question?

You are considering investing $1,000 in a complete portfolio. The complete portfolio is composed of treasury bills that pay 5% and a risky portfolio, P, constructed with 2 risky securities X and Y. The optimal weights of X and Y in P are 60% and 40% respectively. X has an expected rate of return of 14% and Y has an expected rate of return of 10%.

If you decide to hold a complete portfolio that has an expected return of 8%, the respective dollar values of your positions in X, Y, and treasury bills would be:

A. $162, $595, $243
B. $243, $162, $595
C. $595, $162, $243
D. $595, $243, $162

Please show steps because I've been trying to do this question forever and just really need to understand how to do it.

Help? Math (Investing Question)?????????????????????...

Principal = p
Rate = 0.03
Interest = i

Term deposits:
Principal = 20000 - p
Rate = 0.05
Interest = 760 - i

Interest = Principal * that means...i = 0.03p

Principal = p
Rate = 0.03
Interest = 0.03p

Term Deposits:
Principal = 20000 - p
Rate = 0.05
Interest = 760 - 0.03p

Again, using...Interest = Principal * Rate...the Term Deposits gives us:

760 - 0.03p = 0.05(20000 - p)

760 - 0.03p = 1000 - 0.05p

0.02p = 240

p = 12000

Going back to the original set-up, substitute p = 12000:

Principal = p = $12,000

Term deposits:
Principal = 20000 - p = $8,000


Investment Math Question HELP?

Set up 2 simultaneous equations to solve this problem. Let S = savings plan amount and H = high-risk amount.

0.08S + 0.135H = 500
S + H = 5000

From the second equation, S = 5000 - H. Substitute that for S in the first equation to solve for H.
0.08 * (5000 - H) + 0.135H = 500
0.055H = 100
H = 1818.18

If H = 1818.18 and S + H = 5000, then S = 3181.82

Sanity check. Does interest equal 500?
S: 3181.82 * 0.08 = 254.55
H: 1818.18 * 0.135 = 245.45
254.55 + 245.45 = 500.00


Say no. of share to buy is n, assume share price and dividend stay the same
The principal+dividend from stock = (20+0.5/20) x n
The principal+interest from bond = 5000 x (1+0.04)
Total value of investment at year end = (20+0.5/20) x n + 5000 x (1+0.04)
Total value of investment at year start (principal only) = 5000 + 20n
If target return on total investment required is 0.03, then
Total value of investment at year end / Total value of investment at year start (principal only) = (1 + 0.03)
=> ((20+0.5/20) x n + 5000 x (1+0.04)) / (5000 + 20n) = 1.03
=> 20.025n + 5200 = 5150 + 20.6n
=> 0.575n = 50
=> n = 86.956
You need to buy 87 shares to bring return on total investment down to 3% pa

Personal Finance and investing question! ?

6.85% Of 1000 = 68.50
Yield = 68.5/953 = 7.19%

Investment questions??? Need help for accounting class!?

Corporations frequently invest in securities issued by other corporations. Some investments are acquired to secure a favorable business relationship with another company. On the other hand, others are intended only to earn an investment return from the dividends or interest the securities pay or from increases in the market prices of the securities—the same motivations that might cause you to invest in stocks, bonds, or other securities. This diversity in investment objectives means no single accounting method is adequate to report every investment.

Merck & Co., Inc., invests in securities of other companies. Access Merck's 2013 10-K (which includes financial statements) using EDGAR at

1. What is the amount and classification of any investment securities reported on the balance sheet? In which current and noncurrent asset categories are investments reported by Merck? What criteria are used to determine the classifications?
2. How are unrealized gains or losses reported? Realized gains and losses?
3. Are any investments reported by the equity method?
4. What amounts from equity method investments are reported in the comparative income statements?
5. Are cash flow effects of these investments reflected in the company's comparative statements of cash flows? If so, what information is provided by this disclosure?

Help on credit card/interest/investment question?

You're really good at investing and you have $1500 in your investment account.
You make 8.5% interest on your investment account!
You owe $1600 on a credit card.
You pay 19% interest on this credit card debt.

How much money are you making on your investment? $
How much money are you paying in interest on your card? $
What's your total gain/loss? $