Help With Application

Help with job application!!!!!!!!!!!?

I sent in my resume a week ago and two days ago I called the company to reiterate my interest and to make sure they received my resume. They told me that they never received it, but for me to resend it in and they would email me back right away. So, I resent it and waited 24 hours with no reply before calling back. They said that they received my resume and would email me in the next hour about setting up an interview. It has been 24 hours and still no email! What should I do? I feel like if I call again it will seem annoying!

Help with job application?

So I was a stupid kid, and for my first job, instead of quitting I just stopped showing up and answering phone calls(I know it was dumb). So on a job application should I lie when it asks if I have ever been discharged? Or tell the truth and just say I stopped showing up and it was a terrible decision and i've learned from it? What should I do

Help with job application?

Unless they have a separate section for volunteer work, put it under work experience.

You can use anyone as a referee, for the first job people put down teachers, priests, scout leaders, football coaches etc as referees. Anything is fun other than putting your mother down. Your best bet for a referee would your supervisor at the volunteer work.
Yes, weekend is usually the most popular time for part-time work in the fast food industry, so friday nights and the weekend is good.

Help with application!!! ?

At a movie theater, admission tickets are $5 for children and $8 for adults. The receipts for one Friday evening were $2500. The next day there 3 times as many children as the preceding evening and only half the number of adults as the night before, yet the receipts were still $2500. Find the number of children who attended on Friday evening.

I need help with a job application form?

Ok you want a job so now you have to sell yourself. That's what these questions are all about. They know exactly what they want to hire you for but they want to see what you think about yourself. Don't have too big an ego but don't be timid either.
Think about a nice job that would interest you and you would enjoy doing, say that, but clarify it with the fact you would take a lesser job to get started with their company.

They also know exactly what they would pay you if hired. So same advice, go a couple of bucks an hour over what you think they normally pay entry level employees. You might get it but more likely they will offer you what you thought in the first place but let them make the decision.

Company's like to hire employees who want more that just a job to make money. That type of Job might be what you want just now but you must say you find the company interesting and would like to make a career there. Who knows maybe you will and maybe you wont but for now tell them what they want to hear. Don't tell them you just want a job for the money even if you do.

Help with job application!!!!?

First thing's first: a work permit. Usually this is just a document stating that both your school and your parents are ok with you working. The best way to get more info is to visit the counselor's office at your school, they can help you get that ready. On your application, go ahead and say that yes you can provide a valid work permit.

Secondly, when thinking of skills & qualifications, first take a deep breath. This is always an intimidating part of any job search, even for those of us who've been working for years! Just try to think of times when you've had a difficult project or situation at school. Then try to think of how you dealt with it. Did you have a tough group project and lousy group members who left you with all the work? If you still finished the project and got a good grade, then you could say you're a team player (you kept the team focused enough to get a good grade). Say you always do really well on pop quizzes, then you're good under pressure. Almost any situation you've been through in school (or in your personal relationships with family and friends) can be translated into skills and qualifications.

But remember, you're applying to the kind of job that is usually filled by people like you, young kids just getting started, so take that deep breath and try to keep your confidence up. If you're confident you'll almost always attract more attention that a similarly qualified but unconfident applicant.

Help with job application question!?

There are a total of 4 of these type questions on the application for a job I am applying for. The job is for an Administrative Assistant (behind the scenes kind of gig) The first three questions were easy and I answered them with no problems! This last one, however, has me stumped. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Question: In the role for which you are applying, how do you expect to support and contribute to the educational system?

Help With Job Application Form?

I would focus on the second part of the question, if you already landed the job.

You could say - 'My immediate career aspirations including learning as much as possible about the (fill in the blank) industry or department so that I can contribute effectively. Beyond that, I want to take advantage of training so that I can advance to leadership roles of have greater responsibilities in (name this company).

Hope this helps!

Help with algebra application problems?

1) The discriminant is (b² - 4ac)
a = 2, b = 1 and c = 4
1²- 4(2)(4) = 1 - 32 = -31 which is less than 0 therefore the roots(solutions) will not be Real

2) let x and y be the numbers
x + y = 20 and xy = 96

xy = 96 x = 96/y So we sub this value of x into the other equation

96/y + y = 20 multiply across by y

96 + y² = 20y => y² - 20y + 96 = 0
(y - 12)(y - 8) = 0 y = 12 or y = 8

So y is either equal to 12 or 8 but cant be both so which ever value you choose for y the other value will be x
Answer : 2 numbers are 12 and 8

3) let x = lentgh and x - 3 = width
length X width = area
x(x - 3) = 340
x² - 3x - 340 = 0
(x - 20)(x + 17) = 0 x = 20 or x = -17 But you can have length of a rectangle as -17cm so x = 20
Therefore length = 20 and width = 20 - 3 = 17

4) x² + (x+2)² + (x+4)² = 11
x² + x² +4x +4 + x²+ 8x + 16 = 11
3x² + 12x + 9 = 0 Divide by 3
x² + 4x + 3 = 0 => (x+1)(x+3) = 0
x = -1 x = -3
Combinations are : for x = -1
-1, 1 , 3
For x = -3
-3 , -1, 1

5) @ h = 64 => 64 = -16t² + 80t
=> 16t² - 80t + 64 = 0 Divide by 16
=> t² - 5t + 4 = 0
=> (t - 1)(t - 4) = 0
=> t = 1 or t = 4
@ t = 1 and @ t = 4 the ball will reach 64 feet.

I hope part 5 was right, not 100% sure though. I'm pretty confident about 1-4........................................ = )

Need Help With Halfords Application Form?

Why do you want to work for them? You need a job and they are looking for staff - No never say that. Do some reasearch on the company and find something about a new product or expansion - something like you are a well know company and I have heard there is a lot of opportunities for me as I grow with the company, Good Luck