Help With Conjugating These Two French Verbs

When do conjugate french verbs?

ahhh! i'm in academic/advanced placement french and am so lost. i wanna know when i'm suppose to conjugate my verbs and when i just leave it in its infinitive form. can you please give examples of when and when not to. thanks!!!!!!!

French Verb Conjugations?

I think that "Je vais aller" is used a little bit more often, but there really isn't a good answer to your question because the two future tenses have different meanings and would be used whenever you want to say that particular meaning.

Je vais aller = I am going to go (immediate future)
J'irai = I will go (farther away future)

(it's not j'allerai because several common verbs have irregular future stems. etre = ser-, savoir = saur-, etc.)

If you have two verbs in a French sentence that are NOT linked, are both conjugated?

in english when you have '' i wanna know ( = i want TO know ) you say in french je veux savoir, i would like to see (je veux voir !) yes the first verb is conjugated but the next not
it's more hard when you have the QUE : when you have 2 verbs in the sentence but they are not followed by another verb : i show :
my friends say it's cold outside
we wouldn't say in french ''mes amis disent il fait froid dehors'' but ''mes amis disent QU'il fait froid dehors'' (qu' = que front of vowel)

french it's easy and bonne chance =p

How do you use l'imparfait with 2 verbs in French?

I'm in French 3 too! It's not too complicated, you conjugate both verbs into l'imparfait.
Il faisait froid dehors et il neigeait
It was cold and snowing outside.

Nous connaissions des gens qui venaient du japon.
We used to know some people from Japan.

Il existait un endroit où les gens parlaient latin.
There used to be a place where people spoke Latin.

If the verbs were right beside each other, you would not conjugate the second verb. For example
Je vais manger. I'm going to eat becomes
J'allais manger. I was going to eat.
Je sais faire la cuisine. I know how to cook becomes
Je savais faire la cuisine.. I used to know how to cook

I hope this helped. Bonne chance !

How can I memorize french conjugations more efficiently and quickly?

Most of us will have to do it the normal way – write it on cards or small notebooks and work on memorising them.Keep those cards in your bag and go over them regularly.I am sure you know that the first few verbs we all started with include the very common “avoir”, “être”, “aller” and possibly “venir”. (If you cannot remember the conjugated forms of these very common verbs it is of no use trying to advance too much. You’ve got to memorise them first before moving on. They will be useful when you get to other tenses, like the passé composé. Some of my peers got to level 3 and still cannot remember the forms of "avoir" and "aller" - which is very bad.) Now you must be aware that there are regular verbs in French and if you carefully note the pattern how each verb form is created, you can make memorising work easier for you. Take the –ER verbs like “parler”, “aimer”, “danser”, etc – in the simple present tense.Note how the endings in “parler” are formed for each different “subject pronoun” and you can quickly work out what it would be for other –ER verbs.Example 1. PARLERJe parlETu parlESIl parlENous parlONSVous parlEZIls parlENT Example 2. AIMERJe aimETu aimESIl aimENous aimONSVous aimEZIls aimENT Can you see that it is not too hard for these –ER verbs? For other –ER verbs, refer to: French Regular -ER Verbs # I HAVE EDITED/EXPANDED AND ADDED THESE FOR TWO OTHER REGULAR VERB FORMS: -RE and –IR. 2. REGULAR –RE verbsExample 1. DESCENDREJe descendSTu descendSIl descendNous descendONSVous descendEZIls descendENT Example 2. PERDRE (or VENDRE)Je perdSTu perdSIl perdNous perdONSVous perdEZIls perdENT 3. REGULAR –IR verbsExample 1. CHOISIRJe choisiSTu choisiSIl choisiTNous choisiSSONSVous choisiSSEZIls choisiSSENT Example 2. FINIRJe finiSTu finiSIl finiTNous finiSSONSVous finiSSEZIls finiSSENT So, it is not that difficult for these regular verbs. Take the time to try conjugating other similar verbs in the same way to understand how to do that.And – learn to say them correctly also. The last syllable in all of these –ER verbs should sound the same too! The same goes for the others - -RE and - IR too.Check ��Learn French With Alexa” videos on YouTube. She has many lessons on verb conjugation.Learn them and say them with/after her – which is part of learning too.Download the videos and play them over and over.Cheers.

Which of these verbs use être to form the passé composé? FRENCH?

all but nager and parler