Help With Etiquette And How People Grew Up As Better Members Of Society

Help with personal finance quiz?

1. Jeniffer grew up in Beirut
3Job shadowing
4 A way for employers and employees to connect using social or professional relationships
5 Exaggerating your abilities
6 Accountant
7 The end result of an employee’s work behavior
8The ability to change your attitudes, behaviors, or beliefs to match those around you
9 Avoiding eye contact
10A situation where an employee could benefit by taking unfair advantage of their position in a company
11Wearing professional clothing (really all of them work)
12 Giving responsibility for part of a company’s work to another company
13 Whether or not you’ve been convicted of a crime
14A document that describes your qualifications for a job
15Guaranteed raises

Etiquette question. so all of my life I followed this rule. If I was invited to a family or close friends ?

No, it was not wrong. You seem like a very nice and thoughtful person and you have done well all these years. I'm sure people having nothing but lovely words to say about you and your kindness. You've done the right thing. So, don't feel bad about it.

It's sad to say that many, many people are not nearly as thoughtful, polite or well-mannered as you. I've been taught to ALWAYS bring a gift to an wedding (or any party/celebration). I always thought showing up empty handed was rude and made you look like an unthoughtful and poor brought up individual. The same goes for not attending the wedding. While I don't think a gift is always needed, if you don't attend. You should at least have the decency to send a Congratulation card with some well wishes.

It's just ashame that people are really so thoughtless and rude. Some old-fashioned manners are quickly dying and it's really awful. I'm only 24, but I hope to keep some of these polite gestures going and teach them to my children.

Anyway, don't feel bad. If anything, you should be turning your noises at these ill-mannered individuals and pitying their lack of social graces. The classiest individuals are people who understand proper social graces and etiquette. It doesn't matter how much money you make, your social class or where you grew up. It doesn't matter if your are the definition of poor. People who are thoughtful and well-mannered are always seen as more respected individuals. I'm thinking you are a very well respected person amoung your friends and family.

Why is social etiquette so important?

Just to give a little background in case any of our friends here are not familiar with the concept, the definition of etiquette is: the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.Why is etiquette so important? Simply put: abiding by this code of polite behavior or "having manners" is a way of showing your fellow humans respect.  It is not just "a" way of showing respect, it is THE highest form of showing respect. Examples of how to implement proper social etiquette to demonstrate respect:Being on time for events, meetings, appointments, and other time specific things. Interacting with others in a kind manner with a friendly demeanor.When meeting someone new, make eye contact while greeting with the appropriate salutation for the particular situation. Don't chew food with your mouth open and don't talk while chewing. Say "please" and "thank-you" at appropriate times. Address individuals using their name, for addressing elders, use Mr. or Mrs./Ms.  And for others who hold special positions in a specific profession (like Doctors, law enforcement, or government officials) use the appropriate title: if unsure of the appropriate title, use "Sir," "Ma'am," or "Madame." Use proper decorum for the situation you are in- for example: national monuments in Washington, DC (war memorials) should be approached with solemn respect and reflection. When departing from a social situation, address those present with the appropriate salutation. Don't use foul language, racial/ethnic/religious slurs, or speak negatively about others. If you are unsure of proper etiquette in a certain situation, ask someone!Never ask someone else how much money they make.Never discuss personal finances or money of any kind. It is a private personal topic and discussing, prying, or bragging is rude and tacky. Never make someone else feel inadequate about themselves.  Be kind, gracious, and welcoming. Abiding by social etiquette codes is the surest way to show respect and the true definition of class.

Chinese Etiquette and Behavior: Why does it seem that queuing in China is less orderly than in most Western countries?

Because Chinese are individualistic to a point that offends western sensibilitiesSay in America, everyone is conscious of their part in society. If there is a line, you enter at the back of the line and wait politely, you do not want to disrupt social harmony and be ostracized by the community. In mainland China though, it's every man for himself. People are intensely individualistic and view society as something to exploit for their own gain. If there is a queue, you jump to the front and bully your way in. No sense of social harmony. This comes from the way they are raised. In America, people often join a team sport at a young age, where you learn to contribute to the greater good of the team. You learn to submit to the authority of the coach who will guide you to become a person fit for society. Churches are a common sight, where communities come together to submit themselves to God and receive the wisdom of their elders. The holy day of rest, Sunday, is seen as the day to come together with your community. numbered uniforms represents the submission of the individual into a greater being, the 'Team' This is not so in China. A child is raised not to cooperate, but compete. Team sports culture for kids is nearly non-existent, instead you have competitive study culture where your peers are presented as rivals to be vanquished. The collectivizing presence of organized religions is also very faint, most Chinese are atheists who do not believe in any greater spiritual authority. The cultural differences really show at the Olympics, where China excels at individual events but weaker at events requiring a collective effort. Hopefully the collectivist culture of the west can influence the individualistic Chinese towards a more harmonious society. Harmonious Society

What is with "Respect for your elders?"?

I think its funny looking over the answers to the question. It seems to me the only people who are religious about this “treat elders with respect” are people who have come off to be very rude with in their defense.

I like the Golden Rule (as was pointed out earlier) that you treat people the way you want to be treated. Also, as was pointed out earlier, that doesn’t give you the right to treat people rude right away. Everyone deserves a fair chance at niceness but there is a fine line. Some people were born to be rude; they were raised by rude people therefore they have become quite rude themselves. They’ve never given anyone a chance and they’ve found it easier to be a complete jerk than to be compassionate. Some people acquire that anger with age and confuse anger with wisdom. If you are consecutively rude to someone who is trying to be nice to you, there is a breaking point. Your rudeness will eventually be thrown back into your face. Weather it’s with words or actions.

If you want to be treated with respect young or old you’re going to have to give it first. This page is an example. It’s not very fair to get on this page and be a jerk because someone is stating their opinion and it happens to clash with yours.

As you get older you acquire wisdom it’s guaranteed. But that does not by any means say that younger people do not have wisdom that reins over yours in different aspects. There are kids who are barley in their teens that are graduating from high school all of the time. There are young adults that have graduated from college with Bachelor degrees in things a lot of people could never imagine. There are eighteen year olds that run businesses of twenty employees or more that bring in thousands of dollars a day and do so better than some adults can.

So to say respect your elders is sort of ridiculous in my opinion. You should in fact respect everyone and that should go around in a circle. Just because some people are elder does not mean they are smarter than some people that are younger. People are getting smarter every day; they’re people who try. They are not people who say “I’m older therefore I’m smarter”.

I’m sorry this was very long but sometimes things have to be pointed out and explained.

Why does society frown upon those who are covered in tattoos and piercings?

Think it started a long time ago. Most people who we heard about growing up who had tatoos were criminals. Now its not like that. A lot more people who have tattoos are regular people. But its hard to forget what we were taught. Another reason is having a lot of tattoos is so far from the norm, it scares some people. I am not scared of tattoos, and a few tattoos are sexy to me. But I am turned off by a lot of tattoos on a woman. As for piercings I like belly, ears maybe the tongue, and the nipple are sexy. But I do not like it down there, you know where I mean.

Why are people clapping for themselves these days?

One of the things that I learned when I was growing up is that you are NEVER supposed to sing your own praises, and part of that is to clap for yourself. When other people clap for you, you're supposed to smile if you're sitting, and bow if you're standing. Otherwise it shows very poor taste.

It is too bad that our youth aren't learning the basic rules of ettiquette. But what is appalling is that as I'm watching the concert for Princess Diana, as the Princes were being introduced by Randy Jackson, Prince Harry of all people was clapping for himself.

I've seen everything! If members of the Royal Family aren't being taught proper manners, why should the rest of the world be expected to?

This is so tasteless!

What does everyone think? Please state your age (or approximate age) as well as your opinion in the matter, because I'm willing to bet that anyone over 30 will agree with me, while those under 30 won't.

I have a bet going on a nice juicy steak going on this.

Why are some elderly people so outspoken and rude?

I adore older people, and when they 'mouth off', there's usually some wisdom behind it. I'm 45, but compared to someone who is 75, I don't know squat.
Your grandmother is correct. They've lived 65, 75, 85+ years, and feel they've earned the right to say what's on their minds. Most older people are shocked by the way today's children are raised. For instance, in the 1940's, kids who mouthed off to their parents were in very deep s***. They are disgusted by the deterioration of our society, and I can empathize with them.

Also, as people age, it is natural for some deterioration in the frontal lobe of the brain which is responsible for controlling social behavior. In some older people, it's more apparent than in others. Some of them experience no deterioration at all, but it might give you some insight about the phsysiological changes going on.

Finally, most are tough: They've dealt with cancer, heart disease, and the loss of a spouse. Add to that the fact that most suffer from some form of arthritis and are in a certain level of pain most the time.

Yes, they can be rude, but give 'em a break. Hopefully one day, if you're very lucky, you'll be an old person yourself.

Love & Blessings