Help With Factorizing

Help with factoring QUICK?

2b^3 + 4b^2 + 8b + 16
factor out the common constant factor
= 2(b^3 + 2b^2 + 4b + 8)
recognize the (X^n - Y^n) / (X - Y) pattern
= 2(b^3 + ab^2 + a^2 b + a^3) with a = 2
= 2( (b^4 - a^4) / (b - a) )
recognize the X^2 - Y^2 = (X + Y)(X - Y) pattern
= 2( (b^2 + a^2) (b^2 - a^2) / (b - a) )
recognize the X^2 - Y^2 = (X + Y)(X - Y) pattern
= 2( (b^2 + a^2) (b + a) (b - a) / (b - a) )
cancel b - a from numerator and denominator
= 2( (b^2 + a^2) (b+ a) ) with a = 2
= 2 (b^2 + 4) (b + 2)


Help with factoring 6x^2 - x -15?

Hello, I have a math problem I can't seem to factor. Any help would be much appreciated! It says:

Given f(x) = 6x^2 - x -15, find the zeroes by factoring and using the zero product property.

I know how factor in general but what's really throwing me off is that "zero product property". I know what it is but not how to apply it to this. Any suggestions?

Help with Factoring Problems?

2xy – xz + 2wy – wz
Which of the following is one of the factors?

(2xy - xz) + (2wy - wz)
x(2y - z) + w(2y - z)
(x + w)(2y - z)

4ax + 8ay + 3bx + 6by
Which of the following is one of the factors?

(4ax + 8ay) + (3bx + 6by)
4a(x + 2y) + 3b (x + 2y)
(4a + 3b)(x + 2y)

x^2 + 5x + 6
Which of the following is one of the factors?

x^2 + 5x + 6
(x + 3)(x + 2)

x^2 - 12x + 27
Which of the following is one of the factors?

x^2 - 12x + 27
(x - 3)(x - 9)

2x^2 + 11x + 12
Which of the following is one of the factors?

2x^2 + 11x + 12
(2x + 3)(x + 4)

3y^2 - 4y - 15
Which of the following is one of the factors?

3y^2 - 4y - 15
(3y + 5)(y - 3)

Factor completely:
8x^4 + 4x^3 - 24x^2
4x^2(2x^2 + x - 6)
4x^2(2x - 3)(x + 2)

Factor completely:
4x^4 - 64
4(x^4 - 16)
4(x^2 + 4)(x^2 - 4)
4(x^2 + 4)(x + 2)(x - 2)

Help with Factoring?

1. There is a COMMON FACTOR of (x+y) in the expression.


2. There are a few ways to factor this...

=2x^2+8x+7x+28 (multiply 2x28=56 and find factors 56 that add to 15...8 and 7)

Algebra Factoring Hw Help?

1) 6(5x²-4x-9)



Help with Factoring in Algebra 2 Honors?

Alright, so we have a worksheet in algebra 2 which we have to factor with different scenarios and i do not know how to do some of them. Alright, so the first problem is...y3-1 (the y is cubed, that is why there is a 3). The second problem is...16r2-169 (the r is squared). And the third problem is... 45x2-80y2 (both the "x" and the "y" are cubed.

Basically, what i want is for you to show me how to factor each problem to get the right answer. So please show your work so i can possibly use the same method on the other similar questions. Thank you so much!

Help with Factoring in Algebra 2 Honors?

Alright, so we have a worksheet in algebra 2 which we have to factor with different scenarios and i do not know how to do some of them. Alright, so the first problem is...y3-1 (the y is cubed, that is why there is a 3). The second problem is...16r2-169 (the r is squared). And the third problem is... 45x2-80y2 (both the "x" and the "y" are cubed.

Basically, what i want is for you to show me how to factor each problem to get the right answer. So please show your work so i can possibly use the same method on the other similar questions. Thank you so much!

Help With Factoring Quadratic Problems?

I have two math problems that are really stumping me. I am supposed to factor them out so they look something like: (x+#)(x-#)

here they are:

3x^2+9x-120 = 0


3x^2 - 13x -10 = 0

I guess it would be
(3x+#)(1x-#) but i am not sure and really confused. Help?

How is factoring in math important?

I'm only a first year math major so I'm not yet an expert on mathematics but I can tell you why factoring is extremely important in high school mathematics and calculus. Factoring allows us to solve things.  Sometimes that is our only way of being able to solve something. Setting an equation equal to zero and factoring is an invaluable technique. It does more than just factor for no reason as it's presented in an Algebra 1 class. Factoring can be used to solved polynomial inequalities, quadratic equations, simplify expressions for them to be easier to work with etc. If you are just learning about factoring then you should know your whole high school math career will involve using factoring throughout. So basically without learning how to factor, you won't be able to move on to further mathematics. I can't remember a week in high school math where I didn't factor in some shape or form. Even if it was just pulling out the greatest common factor. I'll emphasize my point on why factoring is important. Sure at it's core it's just used to simplify things and solve equations. But what we solve and what we get from that is important. In calculus we factor to be able to graph any function we want as accurately as you can on a graphing calculator (but all without a calculator). In precalculus we  factor to be able to solve polynomial inequalities which allows us to find when say certain expressions like (x^-25 is equal to less than 7.)