Help With Foster/adoption In Story

I need help on how to adopt a story on

Hello I will like to finish a story that was left for adoption by the original author on March 2011. Her last update was on Dec 20, 2010 and she wrote that if she did not update in the next three months the story was open for adoption by anyone.

I already have six chapters ready but i have no idea on how to publish it, please any help will be appreciated.

Adoption story title ideas?

K, first of all she did not live a life of truth. But their's your title, you said it: She lived a life of truth.
Read Journey of the adopted self by betty jean lifton and the primal wound by nancy newton verrier. These books will give you a better understanding of what it feels like to be adopted. Hope this helped!!:)
Oh and Gabby Gabby whatever. Your children are reacting negatively to their birth parents because they are picking up on YOUR negative emotions toward them. You shouldn't push your children away from their birth parents, that is not in their best interests. BOTH their birth parents AND their adopted parents are their "real parents". There is no way for you to erase the fact that their birth parents are their parents. They will always be their parents no matter what. You however, may not. And sadly this seems to be why you are emotionally mistreating your children. Your child was probably screaming and crying because of the way that YOU were behaving.

Do you have an adoption horror story?

My husband and i are considering starting a family. He has an adult son but we have no children together. I am 31 he is 42. I am scared of adopting a child that will turn on us or be too hard for me to handle as a first time mom. I am a sensitive person and my greatest fear is not being able to raise a successful person. What is your adoption story?

Crazy adoption stories?

My daughters adoptive mother caught the house on fire in a drunken stupor and it burned to the ground. Thankfully, my daughter and her adoptive parents were not injured. However, my daughters beloved dog perished :(