Help With Frankenstein

Help with Frankenstein essay?

Well, when Victor tries to re-create life using "the Creature," he succeeds. Then, Victor is horribly repulsed and fightened of his own creation, who only wants love and acceptance from him. When "the Creature" seeks out revenge on Victor by killing those closest to him, Victor promises to make a mate; however, when he sees the woman, he realizes the sin is too great, so he tears the woman apart. This angers "the Creature" more than ever before, and "the Creature" goes on to kill the only thing Victor truly loves - his new bride (beloved Elizabeth). All are unhappy. When man tries to emulate God, it is a sadistic, twisted mess that ends in the worst of things, including murder and tortured souls. The only redeeming quality at the end of the novel is when "the Creature" expresses sorrow at the death of Victor. He blames himself in essence for not being able to control his vengeance, so he commits suicide by burning himself on a funeral pyre. A captain of a boat whom Victor told the story to is truly sorrow-filled. He sees the entire story as a tragedy and a perversion of God's perfection, which can NEVER be reproduced.

I need help about Frankenstein!!!!!!!?

There are a few reasons why Victor is afraid of the monster (never call the monster "Frankenstein", Frankenstein is the name of the scientist- the monster he creates is never given a name).

The first is pretty simple- he's hideous! Victor's description of him when he first creates him shows just how hideous he is.

Secondly, the monster murders everyone he has ever loved when Victor rejects responsibility as his "father".

Beyond that, there is a less concrete/obvious reason why Victor would be afraid of the monster. The novel Frankenstein deals with maternity/motherhood as one of its main themes, and the creation of the monster really is a "birth" scene. Victor, the "mother", rejects the monster, the "baby", afraid of the responsibilities of motherhood. Many literary critics believe that Mary Shelley's tragic loss of her first child was the reason that the theme of motherhood was so strong in Frankenstein.

Anyway, hope this helps, good luck!

Frankenstein help????????

Cheaters never really win you know.

I need help with the book frankenstein?

Frankenstein journal help?

ive read most of the book but i dont understand this question

How might Victor Frankenstein’s experiencing the death of his mother due to disease affect his feelings and his drive to understand the secrets of life?

Frankenstein Quotes-Good or Evil? HELP!?

Here are a few study guides that will help you answer your questions about Frankenstein.

Please help for Frankenstein question?

I'm not sure how you're not understanding that Robert is the one telling the story either. The entire first part of the book is Robert's letters. He explains how he encountered Victor, and informs his reader that he will document Victor's story. The novel is Robert retelling Victor's story.

Robert and Victor both had grand plans, both were in it for the glory. Victor learned the price he had to pay though, and tried to warn Robert that there are more important things.

How do I write a thesis for the Frankenstein novel?

Novels don’t generally have theses, and someone’s already written that particular one.If you are asking how to write a thesis statement for an essay about the novel, Frankenstein, it would depend on many things. What kind of essay are you writing? What is the prompt you’ve been given? Generally, here’s a good site on how to write an essay thesis statement. There are millions of other sites out there to help—but be sure you go only to .edu sites.You can also get help from the English learning center at your university, or the tutors available in your college library and/or your teacher during her office hours.

Need help on Frankenstein Scavenger Hunt?

I'm working on a Frankenstein scavenger hunt and in the hunt says "find an article that is about someone being isolated from civilization in some manner." Can you help me find one please?

Help with Frankenstein essay? please please please?!?

Hello, In the novel, Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, the major character, Victor Frankenstein, evolves synonymously with the character of his monster. The evolution of Victor from a man of good to a man of evil leads to his isolation and eventual destruction. Correspondingly, the monster changes from a harmless being to a vindictive psychopath. What began as an innocent experiment in creation ends in a disaster of total devastation. Frankenstein, in trying to gain control of life as a creator, becomes a victim of his own creation.
At the beginning of the Gothic tale, Frankenstein is a naive scientist who enjoys experimenting. He is obsessed with finding the secret to life and hopes that he will be able to overcome death. Frankenstein believes that through his experiments he will be able to cure diseases and prolong life. During the course of his experiments, he inadvertently discovers the secret of life and decides to take it upon himself to create a human being. read the complete essay here: