Help With Listbox Control Additem And For/each Loops .

How to add color to the text in a listbox in VB6?

It can't be done. The listbox control has a single ForeColor property, every item in the list will be printed in this colour.

You could achieve something similar by using a RTF box and a Vscroll control, although you would need to write your own handler routine to co-ordinate scrolling and list management.

Visual basic code adding 3 of each item to listbox?

I am having a problem with a program i am creating in visual basic. When it reads in the data and adds it to a listbox it adds 3 of each item not one.

eg. 12352 Red Shoe 2
12352 Red Shoe 2
12352 Red Shoe 2

I'm sure its a simple problem as earlier while trying to make it work i got ride of the problem. But at the time it wasn't working so i wiped out the bit of code that fixed this problem.... :(

Here is my code:
Private Sub btnGetData_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGetData.Click

Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader("parts.csv")

Dim storagelist As New List(Of numbers)
Dim numarray(0) As String

While sr.Peek <> -1

' Trying to split the data
numarray = sr.ReadLine.Split(",")

Dim num1 As New numbers

num1.Ppartnumber = numarray(0)
num1.Ppartname = numarray(1)
num1.Pinventorybalance = numarray(2)

For Each w As String In numarray

End While
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

' Works but adds everything 3 times and is rather messy.
For Each test1 As numbers In storagelist
lstData.Items.Add(test1.Ppartnumber & "," & (test1.Ppartname) & "," & (test1.Pinventorybalance))
End Sub

Can we give multiple cell links in a list box (Form Control) in Excel?

You can use the word of the ListBox as below:And use this code on a button to go to a web page:Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If ListBox1.Selected(i - counter) Then
If ListBox1.Selected(i) Then _
partnumber = Trim(ListBox1.List(i))
counter = counter + 1
End If
Next i

OpenUrl (partnumber)
End Sub

Public Function OpenUrl(pn As String)

Dim lSuccess As Long
OpenUrl = ShellExecute(0, "Open", "" & pn & ":Def_Type:Product")
End Function
It opens a search tool inserting the content of the listbox, however you can insert links or the listbox or on another listbox column and go to the website.

Can a drop down list contain check boxes in PHP?

Well, php cannot do anything special in the frontend. It's just a simple backend language. It can contain logics and database manipulation code inside it. Your question here is related with the frontend not with the backend. The purpose for putting checkbox inside a dropdown could be just because you want user to select multiple options at once, and you want a dropdown because it goes with your website design. A simpler answer to this problem is that you can use select multiple and that is all. No you will have a list with option to select multiple values. Here's the code sample for the same -
Now, To answer your question-In conventional way, NO you cannot put checkboxes inside of a dropdown. If you really wish to do it then you must accomplish it with the help of Jquery or Javascript or CSS if you are an expert. This may require writing extra code for it. You can find it here - I hope I cleared your doubt regarding it. And as always,cheers :)

Visual basic 2008 how to make a listbox loop?

upload a textbox and command button interior the challenge. Set multiline to textbox and revel in with here code. After giving the linked fee interior the enter container that's going to on the spot you the character of variety additionally that's going to write all numbers in textbox line smart with characteristic of variety. Public class Form1 inner maximum Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As gadget.merchandise, ByVal e As gadget.EventArgs) Handles Dim num(10) As Integer Dim i As Integer For i = 0 to 3 num(i) = InputBox("enter the variety") If num(i) < 0 Then TextBox1.text fabric = TextBox1.text fabric + num(i).ToString + " Negetive" + ControlChars.NewLine MsgBox("Negetive") ElseIf num(i) > 0 Then TextBox1.text fabric = TextBox1.text fabric + num(i).ToString + " effective" + ControlChars.NewLine MsgBox("effective") Else TextBox1.text fabric = TextBox1.text fabric + num(i).ToString + " 0" + ControlChars.NewLine MsgBox("0") end If next end Sub end class

How do you populate a userform listbox with an autofiltered excel spreadsheet?

Edit: I assume you have two text boxes for the country and ID parameters in the userform. The following event handler will populate TextBox1 and TextBox2 with the country and ID for the customer selected in the Listbox. Change the cell references and add Sheet references as needed.

Private Sub ListBox1_Change()
Dim i, LastRow
LastRow = Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To LastRow
If Cells(i, "A").Value = Me.ListBox1.Value Then
Me.TextBox1.Value = Cells(i, "D").Value
Me.TextBox2.Value = Cells(i, "F").Value
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub


I would approach this by populating the Listbox dynamically on the UserForm_Intialize event using a loop to check each row in your 'Country' column. For example, assuming your 'Country' column is D and the Customer column is A.

The following event handler will populate the listbox with the customer names of all 'visible' rows only.

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim i, LastRow
LastRow = Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To LastRow
If Cells(i, "D").EntireRow.Hidden = False Then
Me.ListBox1.AddItem Cells(i, "A").Value
End If
End Sub

Edit: Change to begin the loop in row 2.

Excel ActiveX control: How to change the date format in Listbox?

if you are going to do something like this. you opt for something versatile and common on your shoppers to apply and that gets the job finished. to try this, all you somewhat need to do is reformat the cellular. This macro shall we them opt for what cells they could desire to alter the formatting on. If no cells are chosen, the macro exits. If cells are chosen then it adjustments the format to ddmmyyyy. So i think of this macro maximum heavily meets what your shoppers are in all probability searching for. Sub DateChange() Dim MyRange As variety, x As variety Set MyRange = utility.InputBox("opt for the cells to alter the date format.", _ "Date Changer", type:=8) If MyRange Is no longer something Then go out Sub for each x In MyRange x.NumberFormat = "ddmmyyyy" next x end Sub

VBA ComboBox Loop help?

I don't think you need to use the combobox object at all. Just need the text name of the control for Me.Controls() to find it.

Also, don't forget to convert integers to strings ("ComboBox" + IntX - will cause a data type error.)

Try this:

Dim combo As String

For intX = 1 To 20

combo = "ComboBox" & Cstr(intX)

With Me.Controls(combo)
.AddItem "Choice1"
.AddItem "Choice2"
.AddItem "Choice3"
.AddItem "Choice4"
End With

Next int X

You can also use the For/Next loop when adding items to the comboboxes:

Dim combo As String
Dim ComboItems as Integer

For intX = 1 To 20

combo = "ComboBox" & Cstr(intX)

With Me.Controls(combo)

For ComboItems = 1 to 4
.AddItem "Choice" + Cstr(ComboItems)
Next ComboItems

End With

Next int X

What is the difference between list box and combo box?

Let's start with ListBox. This box is scrollable and filled with choices. You select an item by clicking on it, and you can hold down the Control key while clicking Two important properties that you'll find in Visual Studio .NET's design mode are Rows and SelectionMode. Rows lets you specify how many rows of information should appear; you can define this as any number between one and 2,000 (the default is four). You can set SelectionMode either to Multiple or Single, which determines whether you allow the user to select multiple items from the ListBox.A ListBox is a container for a collection of ListItems. These ListItems can comprise a dataset bound to the ListBox, or you can generate it manually. For the demo code, I use manually generated data (and I freely admit that I cheated and used the Items property in design mode rather than generating HTML for the items by hand). A quick perusal of the HTML shows the value assigned to a list item is a property of the list item element, and the text displayed appears between the opening and closing spans of the element.A combo box is a commonly used graphical user interface widget. Traditionally, it is a combination of a drop-down list or list box and a single-line editable text box, allowing the user to either type a value directly or select a value from the list. The term "combo box" is sometimes used to mean "drop-down list".In both Java and .NET, "combo box" is not a synonym for "drop-down list" Definition of "drop down list" is sometimes clarified with terms such as "non-editable combo box" (or something similar) to distinguish it from "combo box".combo box:1. We can select ony one option from list.2. We can add info. at run time.3. We have only drop down facility.4. We can't use checkbox within combobox.List box:1. We can select multiple option from list.2. We can't add info. at run time.3. We have both drop up & drop down facility.4. We can use checkbox within listbox.

What is an elegant way to iterate over a list, removing elements as you go in Python?

List comprehensions and the built-in filter() function provide elegant ways to iterate over one list while building a replacement list (and filtering out unwanted elements.In Python this should work for all reasonable cases (where the lists are not huge). After creating the new list just bind it to the name over the old list. For example:somelist = [0,3,5,2,6,2,4]
new_list = [x for x in somelist if i%2==0]
somelist = new_list
(Where the del(new_list) statement is basically optional but clarifies our intentions).Note that Python lists are a generalized container for items accessed by numeric index. They are NOT arrays nor matrices. For more efficient processing (memory and time) of homogenous numeric items one can use the array module from the standard libraries or, for more sophisticated or higher perfomance (as well as for matrices) one can use NumPy. However much of the efficiency from using these is gained by declaring the table dimensions in advance. This allows Python to allocate contiguous blocks of RAM and use efficient indexing to access the items while traversing fewer dereferencing links; and it allows better use of the system’s caches and read-ahead hardware. (Additionally NumPy is designed around an SIMD model — one that “broadcasts” operations over the matrix rather than incurring “fetch-modify-store” overhead for every element). None of these is optimized for ragged list structures and removal of items.It’s often far more efficient to replace items with sentinel values (None, or float(‘Nan’), or some custom sentinel created with a line like: NA = object(), etc). Then structure your operations across these arrays/lists/matrices or data frames such that the “Not Applicable” values are skipped.