Help With My Guy Friend

How do I help my friend find a guy?

Firstly,Know guys.Before you make a boyfriend, you have to meet some guys.You can try to socialize with people you already know, and you can go out and meet some new people.1.Join clubs, community classes, or activity groups.You can play favorite sports, join clubs, go to classes or attend bible study groups.Find organizations that are aligned with your interests and run well, so you can often see people who share your interests.2.Go to clubs (adult or all-age clubs, see how you like), talk to people you don't know.But be careful and have some common sense.3.Find a online group that appeals to you .It can make a performance interesting BBS, the activity you like, or the multiplayer video game that you find interesting.Secondly,know more about them.When you first meet someone, get to know him before deciding if he can be your next boyfriend.You can't judge a person by their looks.Try to see if they meet your minimum requirements.He interesting?Smart?Good?Decide what is important to you and evaluate these things in the initial chat.If he looks exactly like what you want, he won't be able to look good.Thirdly,make sure he doesn't have a girlfriend.If he already has a girlfriend, don't go after him.This is disrespect for him, yourself and the person he's dating.If you don't want someone to do something like that to you, don't do it to someone else.The next,see what other people think of him.Ask someone what this guy is like.If his friends, especially female friends, seem to be happy to have a relationship with him, that's a good thing.Ask your mutual friends how he is and try to get to know his friends or colleagues.Show your differences.This is especially important if he is the kind of person who wins the day.If you are different, you stand out.Don't do nothing in the crowd, don't reinforce his bad ideas about women.Don't be someone who pursues his looks, be independent, funny and attractive!That means making things slow down and letting him know you.Finally,Look at what you have in common,it’s important to have common interests "so that you can connect with each other", but it's also important to be different "so that you can test each other and broaden your horizons".Chat together and find out what you have in common.You may also try online dating if you have been unlucky in real life dating. It is said that today one in five relationships is made online. You can read some dating service reviews to help you pick up the best dating app/site.

I need help with one of my guy friends?

ok well first of all we are just friends. but he wants to die and if i tell him not to kill himself but then he just gets mad. he has cut himself before but hes not emo... and im really scared cuz i dont want him to kill himself cuz hes my best guy friend that i have.... plus he said when he was a little kid [bout 3 or 5] he witnessed a robber breakin into his house and kill his lil bro and sis.and he thinks that his mom hates him and think she really does.... but just plz plz help me

What do I say to my guy friend to help him get over a girl he likes?

That maybe if he acts a little different towards her, he might have a better chance. Sometimes the way back is to go forward. Maybe he needs a different “love interest”. I say it with the quote marks because love is something else. Lets see. Maybe tell him that he should gorget about her because he could have a better chance with other girls, and he could miss that by focusing on her. And besides, she might be getting her ego from having a guy that still likes her even if she turns him down. Making her feel she's that pretty, although she isnt. And besides, girls usually like the guy that is nice and fun but is not trying to hit on her other than the guy who is trying to hit on her anyway. This doesn't necessarily mean she will like him if he doesnt hit on her and is just nice and fun, but he wont get any closer by liking her. I guess sometimes its not worth holding on to emotions. If he cant help it, then tell him to try think of her in a different way when he sees her.

I let my guy friend finger it that wrong???[HELP]?

my best friend said it is..;.
so here's the story...

last nite i went to a party and we played some lame game called 7 mins and heaven..and my guy friend jake and i went into the closet and made out..and then when everyone went to sleep(it was a co-eed sleepover)..jake and i weren't tired so we went outside and layed on the trampoline and looked at the stars and just talked,and then we started making out,and he stuck his hand down my shorts and starting fingering felt really good,and i didnt want him to stop.
and then he asked me to give him a i did.
but then i stopped bc someone came outside...

is it really wrong what i did? we kind of like each other.

oo and im 14,and he is 16 by the way.

Is my guy friend anorexic?

he's my best friend so we always hang out and stuff. but whenever its time to eat, he hardly eats or doesnt eat at all.
we're seniors in high school but he lives by himself and he doesnt know how to cook so he usually either goes to fast food restaurants like taco bell at midnight or doesnt eat dinner at all.
whenever hes over at my house and im eating dinner he always refuses to eat with me and either says that he had a big lunch or that hes not hungry.
but at school, he never eats lunch and he doesnt eat breakfast. ive been even more concerned lately because the other day we went to starbucks together in the morning and he told me he had a stomachache. i assumed that it was from not eating dinner the night before so i bought him a bagel. all through the ride to school he didnt touch it and we had to go to homeroom. y do i get the feeling he probably threw the bagel away?

i always tell him how seriously important it is to eat healthy and get the proper amount of nutrition but he never listens. ive tried nagging, making fun of him, and threatening to not talk to him but all he does is smile or laugh a little and ignore it.

and just now, he told me that he woke up at 3am last night because his stomach started hurting.

i just think he has no idea how severe things could get. he thinks that hes fine but hes not.
and hes so weak! he cant play any sports and i can easily push him. he has no muscle at all and can hardly lift weights.

he used to be fat when he was a kid. could it also be an insecurity thing?

does he have anorexia?

How can I help my guy friend get over the sudden loss of his dog?

You're kind to want to help your friend through his grief process. In my experience, EFT is the fastest, most effective method for recovering from loss of any kind. For example, a couple of years ago, I had a client come to me to heal from the death of her dog. After one session, she felt that most of her sadness was gone, and she reported that she never cried about the loss again, when prior to the session, she had been crying every day. I think she would have benefitted from another session, but she felt that one was enough to get her to a place of peace, acceptance, and healing.EFT is incredibly effective. I have had many clients come to me to heal from losing a loved one, recover from divorce, heal from a break-up, and similar extremely painful life events. Average course of treatment is three sessions.There are a lot of EFT resources out there, including hundreds of books about it (which you can find on Amazon), thousands of videos on YouTube, and countless articles all over the web. There are also many, many EFT practitioners all over the world.In case it's helpful, here's an EFT tapping script for healing from the death of one's dog. If your friend learns the basics of how to do EFT from a book or a YouTube video, he can use this script to tap his sadness away:, you could learn the basics of EFT and then teach it to your friend. Or you could tap on the EFT points on him while he talks to you about the loss.  It's great to work with a professional practitioner, but there is a lot you can do with EFT on your own, especially if you have a tapping script to use.I hope that this helps. EFT is the most amazing healing tool I've ever come across.I think that if your friend tries it, he'll be blown away by how effective it is.

Have I fallen for my guy friend?

Hmmm I once had that situation before but my guy friend liked somebody else. So I asked some of my friends about these feelings and they gave me this: "It's because you have crossed the line or distance between you and your guy friend. You have crossed the line of friendship.”I wasn't happy ‘cuz it sounded painful when I heard those words. After every heartbreak, I keep falling in love to my guy friend but at the same time, he likes another girl since he gets dumped or gets friendzoned (for the record, it's twice but now I do not know the count since we've parted ways at the time he tried to court someone for the third time.) He even avoided me after all those times. So even I don't confess my feelings, I can really get the strong vibe that I'll get a friendzone. And yet look at me, my friendship with has gone lost even I didn't get a rejection so that’s what pains me the most before. But I learned to move on xDSo in your situation, try to stick with him for a bit so that you’ll know if he's gonna reject you or not(If your feelings are ‘that’ genuine.) The worst part of confessing to your guy friend is the rejection/friendzone. It can put your friendship in the line of extinction due to the full awkwardness you guys are gonna feel—unless if you are sooooo strong to handle that. ;) Some people tend to walk away with their friendship broken without even trying—don't walk away when your friendship with him is valuable to you. If things turn out so ugly, give it time. Time recovers all the wounds and probably a love rejection would hurt but not wound your heart deep. :DHope this helps xP

My guy friend is having girl problems how can i help?

Hey, sunshine. First don't worry about the spelling. Now, the best recommendation I can give you is to step back, and let him fall. When he does, and he will be there to help him back up. Speaking as a guy, we are morons. We want what we want, when we want it. It does not matter to us how bad it hurts. It sucks to see someone that you care about suffering, sometimes there is nothing you can do. You have tried talking to him, he won't listen. His friends have tried talking to him, he won't listen.... beyond that there is nothing else you can do. Be there for him, but don't back him into a corner. He will have to figure it out for himself. Whatever religion you are, pray for him. Pray that he will see her for what she is, and that he will find peace. May God Bless you and your friend.