Help With Naming Something

Help naming this song- chorus goes something like "hey hey wow-oh" (pop song)?

I know they played it at my graduation a year ago but I forgot the name. It's a pop song but I can't remember any of the actual lyrics. In the chorus they were letting us sing it. It was something like "Wow-oh wow-oh wow-oh!" It's pretty upbeat.

What is "name on card" when ordering something online?

Name on card refers to the name of the cardholder that is usually printed on the face of the card. It looks something like this.In the above illustrative image, Name on card is MR JACK SMITH.Hope this helps.

Name something you lose if you don't use it?

The ability to speak a learned foreign language.

Name something from the Addams Family?


I need a name for my app, creative minds, help?

Rules for naming apps - make it short, quirky (so it’s memorable), and easy to spell. It can also say what the app does. Your limitations may be - intellectual property; someone else owns/ uses a name - web names; is that word available for sites and social media handles? And language - does your chosen name mean something highly inappropriate (or just funny) in another language?And there are other oddities like the UK English speaking world lots of words are spelt with an ‘s’, while is US English, they use ‘z’.So. My suggestions would be something like this:Jiffy - the quick way to organize your timePunc Tool - (‘punctual’, geddit?) - always be on timeHeadOffice - in charge of your scheduleHoncho / Head Honcho - the guy (or app) in charge of a situationStraw Boss - again, the guy in chargeYou should also look for what terms people use in searching for the type of app you’ve built and see if one of those would do… What people search for: most popular trends, keywords, topics

Name something that's imported from Japan?


Need help to name a cooking club(something creative)?

I was going to say "Stir it Up" and have the Bob Marley song (of the same name) for your theme song but the panther threw me.

If you need that in there maybe something like The Pink Pantry? Maybe "Cooked to Purrrr-fection?"

Can someone help with a name for a group helping the homeless?

I can offer a few suggestions if you can clarify the type of service you provide.But whatever you call it, do not create any ambiguity about the type of service you offer. It is a tough balance between compelling enough to get donors, but named in a way that is not impossible for the homeless to find.If you serve food, use “food” in the name.If you provide clothing, use “clothing” or “suits” if you can be that specific.If you provide rides, services (medical/dental/eye), babysitting or coaching, use those words.

I need help with naming my new graphic design business?

Rhino & associates Graphic design.
Graphics Jungle by Rhino
Charging Rhino designs
Rhino-stone cowboy Graphic design
Rhino-tough design group
Concrete Rhino, Graphic design for the urban jungle
the digital Rhino
The painted Rhino

Help me name my antagonist?

Note: The bending of "light" elements is commonly called "Aether". Aether has to do with the dead and light and dark matters rather than light alone. If you name it light, it only makes sense that there should be dark as well, right?

When I think of this man, I think of a fantasy-esque name. Something that is harsh, but unrealistic.

Zandt (or some other variation)
Elathan (I notice it has become quite the popular antagonist name as I see it rather frequently)
Mallum (Latin meaning "evil")

If need be, use a baby names website. They likely have what you are looking for.
If that fails, you could always use Google Translator or some similar source to fabricate names that mean various things in different languages. I suggest using dead languages like Latin that can't be translated into direct meanings.