Help With Newborn Kittens

Should I bathe newborn kittens?

No, there’s no reason to bathe them; it might even be dangerous. Newborn kittens can’t control their own body temperature and catch a chill very, very easily. They need to be with their mom, or in a kitten pile with their siblings, to stay warm.It’s normal for there to be a bit of blood. When mom eats the placentas and chews off the umbilical cord, there’ll naturally be blood from those organs. Birth isn’t a neat, clean process for cats any more than it is for humans.She’ll lick the kittens clean and dry herself. If she doesn’t, take a soft, clean towel, pick up the kittens, and gently dry them off. Sometimes, when Mom is exhausted from the birth, she won’t have enough energy to clean off all her kittens properly, so you can help her. It doesn’t matter in the least if they’re still a bit gunky—they just have to have their faces clean and their coats dry. Mom will do the detail work later when she’s recovered from birthing.When Mom gets a chance to rest and eat, she’ll get her energy back (you should be feeding her a high-calorie kitten food; she’s nursing and she needs the calories). She’ll go about cleaning her kittens thoroughly, licking them all over, and then lick herself clean.When things have calmed down a bit from the birth, you can swap out the towels or blankets in her nest for clean ones. Hopefully she’ll let you do it. If she won’t let you close enough to put in some clean towels, that’s okay—she’ll probably move her kittens when they get a little bit older, to get them away from the old grime of the nest; you can provide an alternate, clean nest and hope that that’s where she moves them, but cats are picky and it’s a toss-up whether she chooses your prepared nest or not. Mom cats have the instinct to keep the nest clean and keep it from smelling, because predators could find it that way; if the nest isn’t clean enough, they’ll move their kittens.By the way: Get Mom spayed as soon as she stops nursing. Cats can go into heat very soon after birth, and you do NOT want her to have another litter, especially not right away. It’s amazing how fast a cat can get pregnant again, trust me; get her spayed before it happens, or you’ll end up with another batch of kittens to care for.


first of all that kitten needs to stay warm,very warm,you must go out and buy a heating pad! They are used to having their mothers warmth they cannot digest and absorb the milk unless they are warm.Heating pad on low to medium heat with a towel or even better a thermal blanket on top,the kitten must eat at least every 3 hours but really in the first few days mama would be feeding them hourly,so this includes even in the middle of the night.It's alot of work and time consuming you have to have the time to be able to do this if you want the kitten to survive,or find someone who can take it in but not the dogpound they will just put it to sleep,but about the stimulating The mamas do lick their kitten so it won't pee on itself get wet and then be cold and die,try warm water not cold but it is normal for the kitten not to go poop everyday,Good luck!

I need help with newborn kittens?

For the majority of the day, a newborn kitten will sleep. When they are not sleeping, they are eating. A newborn kitten cannot urinate or defecate on his own until he is about 2 ½ weeks old. Mummy cat licks and cleans her kittens’ bottoms, you can substitute by using a rag to stimulate them to poop and wee. You will take a piece of moistened cloth and gently rub the kitten’s genital area to stimulate him to “go potty.” This has to be done every two hours around the clock. If you’re raising the litter on your own, you’re up feeding every two hours anyway.

When it comes to raising kittens, cleanliness is certainly next to godliness. You’ll need to change blankets out twice a day. When kittens scoot around, and boy do they scoot around a lot, their genitals will be stimulated and they pee and poo on their blankets. If you are raising an orphaned litter, you will also want to wipe the kittens off with a lightly damp cloth when you change their blankets. Don't soak them wet because you don't want them to get chilled.

When feeding the kittens yourself you can either bottle feed kittens or tube feed them. Kittens need a precise amount of food per weight, and tube feeding can be tricky. It is best to talk to your vet about how much to feed and get a quick lesson on tube feeding. This includes with finding out what is best suited for their diet at that age.

For more information, contact your loacl vet. I am sure they will help you with any issues/queries you may have regarding your new found babies.

How to help a newborn kitten?

My friend just brought me a tiny, newborn kitten that she found at a barn. (She left it there for 2 hours hoping mommy would come for it but no mommy...)

I've raised several orphaned kittens but they were 10 days old. This kitten still has its umbilical cord -- very dry but there. When she brought the kitten I fed it some KMR and it drank very well. But now it won't eat and I haven't been able to get it to urinate. It had the tiniest bit of meconium... (I know about helping it urinate with a wet washcloth.)

I think it might have aspirated some formula, I saw bubbles coming from its tiny nose...

Does this poor little thing have a chance? Of course tomorrow is Sunday, otherwise I'd be to the vet... Is there anything special I should know about caring for a day old kitten vs an older kitten?

Wish me luck!

Help! One of my newborn kittens just fell.?

I have 2 two week old kittens. I was taking pictures of them and I stupidly put them on my dresser which is about 4 feet high. One of them jumped off and fell and the carpeted floor and he hit his little head on a open can of cat food. the can was not sharp.

The cats are pretty fat and healthy. do u think it would be okay.

I have pics on them on my myspace.

Newborn kittens not drinking milk help?

i rescued two newborn kittens that i found abandoned in a box near a garbage bin, i waited for the mom but none showed up, i tried feeding them cat milk through syringe but they don't drink it, i placed them at a warm place and to my surprise they are still cold, are they dying? i went to the nearest vet already but they are closed and the next one is very far away

Newborn Kitten w/Swollen belly?

Kittens that young can't defecate on their own. Normally, their mother stimulates their bowel movements by licking their bottom. It's very likely your kitty is stopped up. It's very likely the kitty is not completely emptying her bowels.

Try taking a warm, wet Q-tip and very gently massaging the anus of the kitten (use the same pressure a mama kitty would use when she licks). This can stimulate the muscles to go to work on their own. DO NOT put the Q-tip inside the kitten.

As far as internal parasites, check the kitty's gumline or roof of its mouth. It should be distinctly pink. If it is a white, green or yellow color, that can be a sign of infestation.

Yellow in stools usually signifies remanents of stomach and intestinal juices, which can show irritation in the digestive system. However, kitten poop is quite unappealing to begin with.

Try calling your local veterinarian over the phone and soliciting free advice. If the vet recommends an appointment and you don't want to go because of money problems or time constraints, you really shouldn't have a kitten...especially one that's this young (please don't interpret my upfrontness as being rude. I'm not trying to come off that way).

Either way, that cat is going to need to go to the vet when she is 8 weeks old for immunizations. I'm guessing she didn't get much of her mother's milk, which means her immune system is starting off a little short changed. This isn't an impossible situation to overcome, but the veterinarian does need to know this cat may have not gotten mama's first milk, and therefore is at a higher risk for reaction to immunizations.

Good luck! Little kitties are a fulll-time job. I'll be pulling for you.

How can I help a newborn kitten nurse if it is having trouble?

You really should just observe and allow the kitten to learn to nurse on it's own. They all struggle latching on at first and then eventually get it. Unless it is never latching on, it should be fine. The best indicator of a kittens health is weight.

Get a scale that measures grams and weigh the kitten every day around the same time. It should always gain a few grams per day, or at least stay the same. If the kitten is losing weight, it is either sick or not getting enough milk and needs supplemented with kitten replacement milk. (this can be found in stores like Walmart or pet supply stores) Whatever you do, do not try to use cows milk or any other type of milk. It will not only not help, but it will make the kitten sick.

If you do end up needing to supplement with kitten replacement milk, do NOT lay the kitten on it's back to feed it. It needs to be on it's tummy, just like it would feed off of mother cat. Laying it on it's back while feeding leaves the kitten vulnerable to choking and it may aspirate the milk.

Good luck with the kitten!!!

How long does it take newborn kittens to nurse? When should the vet be called if they aren't?

Kittens generally start nursing very soon after birth. The nipples should show signs of having been sucked on if the kittens are nursing. Compared to a non-nursing cat they’ll be larger and darker. Also, the fur around them is usually damp from the kittens’ slobber. The kittens themselves should have full, round tummies if they’ve had their fill.If you have any doubts about the kittens nursing, everyone (mom and babies) needs to see a vet ASAP. It’s very unusual for all kittens in a litter to not nurse, so if this is really what’s happening, I’m worried the mother isn’t producing milk, or she’s not allowing them to suckle.Your cat is very young and this is a large litter, so you have good reason to be concerned. Even if you determine she’s nursing, I advise you bring the family in for a check up as soon as you can.I’m hoping for the best and wish you luck.