Help With Parents Who Hate My Pc Gaming Habits

Why do my friends hate PC gaming?

Idk why I just started PC gaming later last year and ever since then I have been able to learn more, play more, and I have now basically stopped playing consoles. Whenever I tell my friend thought that they should play on PC they just say "It is too confusing and complicated." even though they watch live streams of Starcraft II, Dota2, Garry's Mod, Half Life, and Counter Strike. I have even showed them what mods can do to a game like Arma 2 DayZ Epoch, GTA 4 mods, SKYRIM MODS, and might and blade. They just always deny the fact PC can ever be better then a Xbox one or PS4 (even though we all just talk about how most of the games coming out just seemed over hyped and rehashed garbage.) but they just don't believe PC will even last either. Do I have to accept that they want to only play on those consoles or should I try something else to get them to play on PC. And if they never accept PC gaming should I ignore them for years to come?

My parents allow me roughly 15-20 minutes of gaming time on PC daily, and I'm in year 9. More or less everyone else I know gets at least double to triple this time. How can I get them to understand this?

I’m sure you have told them and I’m sure they understand just fine. They simply don’t care, and don’t agree with it for their own child. Arguing that “everyone else does it” is never an effective way to win an argument with parents.Picture this: it’s Sunday morning. I am sitting in the house I own. Parts of the house are a mess, others not so bad. I am currently feeding a chicken blueberries from my breakfast as I sit in my pajamas at 11:30 AM. (I invited her in for a few minutes, then she’ll go back out to the coop with the others.)If my mother lived with me, she’d be horrified at so much of that paragraph. So much would be different: no chicken in the house, get your damn butt dressed, clean up this, clean up that, go do something with your day, etc. etc.But I don’t live at home anymore. I can do whatever I want within the bounds of the law and what I can afford to do. And so will you, someday. For now you’re stuck, just like I was as a kid.Trust me, right now there are kids too terrified to ask someone how they get their parents to stop selling drugs in the middle of the night, or stop hitting them, or even buy some food for the house. Parents limiting your game time is not so bad, even though it might be annoying.Please keep things in perspective.

How do I stop my parents from giving me a buzzcut? Or should I?

So i'm a junior in high school. My parents know how much I love my hair. It's brown and my bangs are to my eyebrows. Anyway... Since last year, they made a rule for me that if I got anything other than A's and B's in my classes at school, they would give a a buzz cut. Unfortunately, I got a C in math for the interim. It's not like I'm not trying in that class. I really am, but they don't believe me.
A couple of days went by after the report card came out without them saying anything so I thought I was off the hook, but tonight at the dinner table, I fixed my hair and my dad said "Dont bother fixing it. Its coming off anyway."
I have no idea how much longer I have. It could be tonight, but does anyone have any suggestions that might give me a chance of stopping this?
Since it's not likely I'll be able to stop this anyway, what do girls think of buzzcuts? Do you think they're cute or not?

My parents nag me about EVERYTHING!?

If you're on here because you want sympathy for situation, don't bother reading any further.

If you're on here because you want honest advice, here it is: Your parents are being good parents. They're doing what parents should - encouraging you to keep your grades up, be neat and tidy, dress appropriately, and use your time wisely. You didn't say how old you are, but from your question you sound between about 13 and 15. And at that age, no, you shouldn't have a computer in your room. No, you shouldn't sleep past 9 on weekends - trust me, it's really, really hard to get over a habit of sleeping in and it's not good for you to sleep later than that. Taking away your phone without a reason - first, I'm sure there's a reason, and second, you should be thankful to have a phone. I didn't get one until I was 18 and could pay for it myself. I didn't get a computer until I was in college.

And about posture... well, I realized recently that I have horrible posture. I hate the way I look, and I wish my parents had nagged me more about it earlier in life because now it's too late to change it - I've grown into this position. So even though it seems like they're on your back all the time, TRUST ME, you will thank them later in life. You might say "but I want to do what I want now! later I'll be old and it won't matter!" but you'll spend most of your life as an "adult" and it's definitely worth a little discomfort and a few rules to be able to enjoy your life as an adult.

Are we strict parents? Was a spanking ok in this situation?

OK my husband is a gentle man and an excellent father, however, he is no non sense kind of guy. My husband was in Iraq the first two years of my daughters life. She is seven years old now. They are super close. She is big time daddies girl. She is polite and just a great kid. However, she has been getting into a little trouble recently. It is a big deal, she has gotten into a small habit of stealing. We have had a talk with her about it, my husband told her he did not want to do it, but if she did it again he would have to give her a spanking. I thought for sure she would take this seriously. As she has told me before a spanking from daddy is no fun. She didn't though, the other day we were in the store and I caught her trying to steal.
We immdeiately left the store. The begging began, "don't tell daddy, please don't tell daddy." We got home and of course I had to tell her father, this had to be nipped in the bud. I felt so sorry for her in a way, I remember how it feels to know your father is going to spank you. I remember though and learned from them. It broke my heart as a mom when my husband told her to come with him in the other room and her seven year old heart broke and began to tear up. My husband stayed strong and spanked her for what she had done wrong. He gave her an hour or so to cry it out and think about. Then, went and had a talk with her. She understands her daddy loves her, and why he spanked. I hate having my children get a spanking, but I would rather correct this problem now with a few swats on the bottom then have her arrested as a teen.
Are we strict? Did we handle this ok?