Help With Self Harm Relapse

I relapsed.. (Self Harm).?

I hadn't cut myself in about 3 weeks, not properly anyway. But i messed up tonight.

I don't really know why, but i had a strong urge to harm myself. I'm not sad or anything i feel kind of emotionless and empty. I started of by just scratching myself with broken glass, (this is what i have been doing instead of cutting ; less damage). But it didn't make me feel any better so i got out the razor and started carving words and pictures into my arms and chest/stomach. But that wasn't enough either so i just grabbed a knife and slashed my arm a few times.

I'm sorry about the details, the thing is, the severity of my self harming is getting a lot worse. I'm using different methods such as OD'ing on meds and burning myself. It's only a matter of time before i go back to the hospital. I attempted suicide not long ago, and my doctors know about it. So if i go into hospital for self inflicted injuries they will inevitably put me in psych unit. Which obviously i don't want.

Well i'm asking, How do i stop the self harm urges? Please don't tell me to get professional help, i want to do this on my own, I've never talked to anyone about my problem, so i definitely wont be telling someone i've only just met. I don't have anyone to talk to anyway, i've isolated myself from my family and i have no friends, so it's just the internet.

Sorry this is long and thanks for anyone who reads. Writing helps.

Self-harming relapse?

First, stay away from this guy because you don't need that kind of influence in your life. There will be so many great guys at college and beyond, so let this one go.

Obviously you have a lot of pain inside, the cause of which only you can know or discover. I think the first thing you might want to focus on is allowing yourself to feel that pain and not try and replace it with physical pain. Also know that you are allowed to feel pain and just because there aren't scars doesn't mean it doesn't hurt you. You don't need to make scars to prove to the world that you are hurting. And your mother was wrong, you aren't just trying to get attention.

You have a lot of emotional energy that you could use for constructive purposes, rather than destructive purposes. Try something creative and new - try a bunch of things and see what fits you. Right now, the reaction to the pain you are feeling is only hurting yourself more (I know you know that), and basically you are cutting off your nose to spite your face.

I'm not sure if this would help, but while you are finding other ways to cope, perhaps you could try drawing on yourself with a red pen. It sounds stupid, but I actually know that for some people that helps. It's worth a shot, at least.

If you really are having a hard time, talk to your school counselor. That's what they are there for, and you can get a great deal because you are a student. The stresses of adapting to a new life and schedule can bring out negative coping tactics, and they can, at the very least, help you talk out what is going on in your mind and help you realize exactly what it is that is hurting you.

Self harm relapse again help?

I just relapsed for the second time with my self harm (cutting). I feel terrible and so guilty now after I did it but at the time I wanted to/needed to do it. Their not deep like they used to be just scratches that bleed. I'm in therapy for it, and scared to tell my therapist. I don't want to go down this path again, but it's just something I do when I feel stressed or bad. I just don't know what to do :/ I don't really have a "question" but I guess I need advice... Should I tell my therapist? I don't want her to tell my parents. Does relapsing mean I'm weak? Does this mean 5 months clean is down the drain and mean nothing now? Please help.

Self harm relapse. Help?

I know this shouldnt be in the womens health.. But you guys always help....:
I started self harm last year because I was bullied, alone, not smart, put last, and depressed all the time. I cut up until about January of 2013. I quit up until now. I have relapsed. But, the problem is.. My life is fine now.. It's not as bad as it used to be. But, I nearly have no reason for it. I like my scars. I like to have cuts. Please don't judge me. I'm 14. Is this part if the addiction of self harm?

How do you handle a self-harm relapse?

You know when I was just 17 I tried to commit suicide by cutting my wrist …..I was hospitalized for three days . I still remember one of my friend …..sid said ….DO YOU EVEN REALIZE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ! The day you were born your mom's eyes were filled with tears of happiness or when first your dad held you in your arms . You are a blessing for them . I was influenced by his words through I was almost in tears was something like I did not hurt myself I hurt my mom and dad .The next time whenever you feel depressed and take self harm as your option , just think about the beautiful times you've spent with your parents and your loved ones …it will lead you to tears but even give satisfaction and happiness to your inner self . ( you can text me , if you have any thing to assert regarding this answer )PLEASE FOR THIS UNKOWN FRIEND OF YOURS DONT HARM YOURSELF …

How do I tell my parents I relapsed with self-harm?

Only tell them if you want to or are comfortable doing it. I know that this is frowned upon or whatever, but it is really about what works for you. Personally, I wouldn’t tell my parents that I relapsed with self harm because it would bring up things that are not worth bringing up and would also just bring a lot of unnecessary attention to my mental/emotional state. But of course, that is my opinion, albeit an unpopular one.If you you want to be open with your parents and encourage a healthy environment within your home, then I would tell them whenever you have the chance. Don’t think about it too much, otherwise you’re just going to psych yourself out of it, ya know? Of course tailor this method to comfortably accommodate a healthy venting sesh.If you don’t want to tell your parents after all, just move on with your life. Not saying that you should ignore it, but leave it behind and move forward.BEST OF LUCK BUDDY-Obtw sorry for the crap writing, haven’t answered anything in 5 ever, and I’m just progressively becoming less and less intelligent. HAVE A FANTASSSSSSS DAY!!!!!!

Do all self harmers relapse?

Nobody can say for sure if ALL of anyone does anything. I bet that somewhere there is someone who has stopped for good and never had trouble after that.That said, it is quite common for people who have been self harming to relapse. Until one learns healthy coping habits, self harm seems like the only way to deal with things. If one try to do it by merely the strength of one’s will they will exhaust oneself, possibly making things worse, then fail. One needs to figure out how to deal with their emotions in other ways. That takes time. During that time, relapses are to be expected. Depending on how long one has been self harming, relapses after being completely “off the wagon” for a long time may occur if a sufficiently painful even were to push them to the limits of their heathy coping methods, but this doesn’t always happen.

I relapsed today (self harm)?

Okay, so, I self harm. I Didn't cut or burn myself for a good two weeks and I was healing and everything, but things got bad today and I relapsed. My boyfriend found out and he's super against my cutting. After answering 11 to his demand of knowing how many times I cut he got super emotional, and said he doesn't want to talk to me. What should I say to him? I feel awful about this whole thing D:

How do I hint to my therapist that I relapsed with self harm? I want her to know but I get so anxiety ridden that I can’t get the words out.

I usually engage with clients in the early few sessions about the process of progress - that is, we all are challenged when trying to changing our behaviour, and relapse is part of the process. We need to expect it and prepare for it. You can let her know in any way -write a note, or just blurt it out, or whatever.Having said that, a therapist who shows anger or disapproval is not likely to be a good therapist.You could start by stating your anxiety “I am really scared to tell you something because I am frightened that you will be angry” (Or whatever you feel you want to say). WHen clients say this to me, I say something like “My job is to help you with very difficult things, so if there is something that is a big thing for you or giving you a lot of distress, this is the place to share it. If you are afraid I will judge you, I am here for your growth, not judgement. You are not your behaviour. You are so much more than certain actions that you do not want. I can only work with you to cultivate healthier action if you share your struggles with me.”I support your desire to progress and I acknowledge your relapse as an important part of your progress. Share with your therapist and you are bound to grow and learn even more to help your evolution.

Self harm relapse after almost 3 years... ?

I understand what you're going through, as I used to self-mutilate. It took my promising someone that cared about me that I wouldn't continue, because at times it was hard for me to care enough to promise myself. Promising made me see how it affected those around me, and I was finally able to look at what I was doing to my body through their eyes. This led to my truly wanting to stop for myself.

Cutting is damaging for various reasons, but we as self-mutilators often have trouble understanding why. After a while it becomes a comfort, and when we feel those endorphins it's hard to imagine quitting. I think you need to look at why you cut. What made you do it this time, after almost three years? Also, why did you quit in the first place? Did you actually feel that what you were doing was destructive, or did you do it because you felt it was expected of you, without actually caring otherwise?

As with any addiction, you have to want to stop doing it, because you see the harm in it.

Also, cutting doesn't make you a bad person. It's just something to overcome.