Help With Us Government Questions

Us government question help.?

I would say the regulatory commission would be more likely to become part of an iron triangle because they are somewhat outside the branches of the government. Members are appointed by the president (with senate approval) but the president cannot fire them. They usually set the guidelines for their industry and decide who has the license to operate. The members of these commissions also have no set term of office, allowing them to serve indefinitely.

The cabinet members can be fired by the president and are much more likely to be in the public spotlight. They will also (usually) only serve as long as the president who appointed them.

3 US Government questions? Help! 10 points!?

Amanda, he's the Commander and Chief of the army. That is definitely part of his job.

Anyway, passing laws (Congress job), hopper, federal agencies.

Hope I helped!

Help with US government questions?

Which of the following provides the best description of the "Electoral College?"
Caucuses are held in each state for the purpose of training party leaders.
Meetings are held in each state capital wherein the formal votes for president and vice president are cast.
Meetings are held by each major party, during which their candidates are officially announced and their platform presented.
Party endorsed candidates are required to attend classes and conferences in order to be able to discuss the party platform with the electorate.

Question 2. 2. The number of Electoral College representatives allocated to each state is based upon
the physical size of the state.
the date that the state entered the union.
the population of each state.
the number of registered voters in each state.

Question 3. 3. Which of the following statements is not accurate?
Most states assign electoral votes on a "winner take all" fashion.
Because we do not directly elect the president, the results of a presidential election are not usually known until 41 days after the election.
A candidate could get more of the popular (individual) votes, but still lose the election.
Each state has at least three electoral votes.

Question 4. 4. The maximum number of electoral votes available is
435 - the same number as membership in the House of Representatives.
100 - the same number as membership in the Senate
538 - the same number as the combined membership of the House and Senate, with representation added for Washington, D.C.
50 - one vote for each state.

Question 5. 5. In the event of a tie vote in the Electoral College.
another presidential election must be held within 41 days.
the House of Representatives votes for president.
the Senate votes for president.
the Supreme Court determines which candidate will be president.

U.S. Government questions... Please help me!?

So the obvious point, since we even have to number these for you, is you have no plans to do your own homework.

This is NOT a free site where you can place your homework order and have it done for you ... in fact, to make it simple QUIT CHEATING.

All of this is easily available in most textbooks. Simple to more elaborate explanations are also located here:

Now run along, do your own work, and QUIT CHEATING.

Government Questions? Help is very appreciated :)?

Those people in government are elected, their rights come from the Constitution of the United States

Government should be designed to reflect the views of the American people, not to the desires of those elected and certainly not those of the lobbyists.

The type of government that should be respected is a government that truly is by the people and for the people

Dictatorships and socialism, I know that this will get a heap of thumbs down but the government that should be resisted is the type that Hillary Clinton would bring if she is elected.

U.S. Government Question, please answer?

I have to answer this essay question but i dont know what to talk about. Please help:

Show how historical experience with problems created by the articles of confederation led to the creation of a stronger form of government under the constitution.

All answers welcomed! thanks!

Two U.S Government Questions. Please help?

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the development of communism in the Soviet Union under Stalin?

A)The availability of consumer goods was minimal.
B)The Soviet Union became a world leader in the production of steel.
C)The quality of life of the Soviet people was dismal.
D)Education continued to decline.

Which of the following statements is true about U.S. relations with Latin American countries?

A)U.S. leaders do not intervene in Latin American countries.
B)Latin Americans have welcomed U.S. intervention.
C)Latin American nations have expanded trade with the U.S.
D)The U.S. entered into a Cold War with Latin American countries after World War II.

Help will be greatly appreciated. I've looked through about 3 chapters in my AP book and I can't seem to find it.

Why doesn't the US Government have a Question Time like the UK Parliament?

McCain, in 2008, mentioned that it would be a good idea for the US to have something similar. He caught some flack for that. I agree that we should. I'd like to see a required 90 minute required Q&A with the POTUS (or designated cabinet member, when unable to attend, but no more than 30% of the time). The simple answer is that we just don't. PM's Questions is a joy to watch (for me). I love catching it from Westminster countries on the American station, CSPAN (Question Time in Oz and Canada, IIRC). The thing is, PMQ is a result of parliamentary structure in nations who have a Prime Minister, Chancelor or some other head of government, elected by her or his peers (instead of what the US, Mexico and France have with an executive who is both the head of government and state). In parliamentary democracies the PM is ostensibly the first amongst equals; elevated less out of stature and power than out of necessity to have one voice to an executive that is less of a single individual power holder and more like the Borg Queen: a single elevated voice who embodies the policies of the majority (or coalition) with specific considerations for the cabinet of ministers. In many cases, the three big Westminster nations (UK, Canada, Australia) have moved more towards a presidential Prime Ministership, with that leader holding significant power to shape his/her cabinet in ways that really are not in keeping with what was intended when it was conceived (then again, the PM position in the UK was never conceived; it just sort of evolved and one day it was just sort of there). In the US, the head of government (the President) doesn't represent the majority in Congress, he (maybe a "she" soon enough) represents the people directly(ish... by way of the electoral college). The president is the pinnacle of authority in a wholly separate branch that is maintained as such (except when specified by the Constitution) to act as a check on the other branches (Congress, Supreme Court).  Except for the poorly defined presidential "State of the Union", the president is under no obligation to address Congress, much less entertain their questions.

Can you correctly answer the 10 questions on the US Government's Science Knowledge Survey?

I took the quiz, and some of the questions are wrong.These are the questions:The center of the Earth is very hot.The continents have been moving their location for millions of years and will continue to move.The Earth goes around the sun.All radioactivity is manmade.Electrons are smaller than atoms.Lasers work by focusing sound waves.The universe began with a huge explosion.It is the father's gene that decides whether the baby is a boy or a girl.Antibiotics kill viruses as well as bacteria.Human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals.Coffee can be very hot. The center of a planet (or the sub-layer of the plane, for the Flat Earth crowd) can be very very very very hot. The issues I have are with the particular words used, rather than the answer. The question uses “center” when (I think) more correct terminology would be “core”. implying a greater volume.7. The universe may not have began by a huge explosion. Seriously, that was just like…his opinion, man.10. Human beings either developed from human beings, or were created always as human beings. Evolution is just a theory with some gigantic holes, called the Cambrian Explosion.So… I don’t know if 70% is passing or not,Hope this answers your question.-George