Help With Writing French

Help with writing a french letter?

There's no equivalent to " agony aunt " .This topic is called " courrier du coeur "in France, so an agony aunt would be a " journaliste du courrier du coeur" or a " chroniqueuse du courrier du coeur" .
If you had no contact with this woman before, yes start by " Madame,"
To close a formal letter we have different formulas, and the one you chose will do it allright, unless you want to invite her for a dinner .

No . If you write " dans l'attente de votre réponse" you must follow it by a politeness formula anyway .
In this case write " Dans l'attente de votre réponse, je vous prie d'agréer, Madame, l'expression de mes salutations distinguées". Then your signature . Your name must be written on top of the page, with the place and the date .
This type of endings is universal for formal letters . only " salutations distinguées" can be replaced by other words, depending on whom you're writing to but here it will be fine .

Help writing time in french!?

I have tried to complete these but the online homework keeps saying they are wrong. I know how to write my numbers and I know the phrases like midi is noon and et demi half past...

So on #6 I submitted Il est six heures et demi. and it counted it wrong... HELP PLEASE!!

Again using complete sentences, write out the correct time using the 12-hour clock and the expressions du matin, de l’après-midi, and du soir. Note: You will need to convert the times from the 24-hour clock notation.

MODÈLE: 22 h 55
Il est onze heures moins cinq du soir.

1. 14 h 05

2. 3 h 35

3. 16 h 15

4. 21 h 30

5. 6 h 30

6. 4 h 45

7. 20 h 15

8. 13 h

9. 12 h 30

Help with writing a paragraph in french?!?

ok first off if you're answering the question please be able to speak french. PLEASE DO NOT USE A TRANSLATOR ON THE INTERNET OR SOMETHING. thanks :D

k so the essay is "your french pen pal is visiting you in connecticut this august. tell them what the weather is like. ask them what they will like to do."

the essay must includes the verbs faire, venir and aller. it has to be atleast 8 sentences long. obviously, this means you might have to add in some other stuff to (like what you will eat in august and where you'll go)

now don't worry, i'm not being lazy. i wrote my essay already, i just don't know what's wrong with it and what to fix in it. so if you want 10 points, can u either re-write the essay for me or tell me the errors in mine? thanks!

heres my essay:
En Connecticut en étè il fait chaud beucoup! Je vais jouer au volley et fais du surf. Qu'est ce que tu aimes faire? Qu'est ce que tu aimes jouer? Je viens d'aller au lac. Il beau! Nous allons aller á ma maison at mangeons une glace! Nous allons ne manger pas des frites.

Help with writing this french sentence ?

This sentence requires the verb "grossir"in the future tense.

"Vous grossissez si vous mangez trop de chocolat." is correct IF your homework says to write the verb "grossir" in the present tense although, in this type of sentence, we would not use 2 present tenses.

Normally, we say/write "Vous grossirez si vous mangez trop de chocolat." Because of "si", you should use a future tense (vous grossirez) with the present tense "vous mangez".

I hope this helps.

Edit : FYI -> grossir
Present tense :
Je grossis
tu grossis
il/elle/on grossit
nous grossissons
vous grossissez
ils/elles grossissent

Futur tense (= futur simple) :
Je grossirai
tu grossiras
il/elle/on grossira
nous grossirons
vous grossirez
ils/elles grossiront

What tools can help me with my French listening, writing, speaking and reading?

Good day.Some quickfire suggestions:Yabla. Website where you can access French TV shows. Useful tools such as option to toggle subtitles in French/English. Pause, rewind, slow-mo etc. This is a paid service.Italki, conversationexchange. These are two websites where you could find native French speakers who are looking to learn your language. This is free.As another answer has mentioned, Duolingo is awesome. Uses a slightly gamified approach to language learning. Has good cross-platform integration (e.g. apps, smartwatches). It's free.Think in French instead of whatever your native language is a few times each day as you go about your daily activities. Most importantly, don't give up!

Will learning to read and write in French help me in a college application for a Canadian University?

It depends of which University. If you want to go to an French speaking University, yes. You will have to pass the International french exam. Otherwise, it will be useful but not necessarily mandatory. You have to check the criteria of admission of the program and University where you want to go. It differs from one University to another.

Help writing a thank you letter in french?

Here you go

1.) Thank you so much for all the help you have given me over the past seven years.

je vous remercie beaucoup pour toute l'aide que vous m'avez donné au cours des sept dernières années.

2.) from the times in year eight when i was the quiet one to now, thank you for all the support you have given me.

des fois en huit ans quand j'ai été le calme maintenant, je vous remercie pour tout le soutien que vous m'avez donnée.

3.) i don't think i could have done the past few months without your support

Je ne pense pas que j'aurais pu faire ces derniers mois, sans votre soutien.

4.) thank you so much, for everything!

je vous remercie beaucoup pour tout!

I hope i helped my french is rusty too! If this doesn't work for you! You should try google translate it could help.

Where is the best place to find help in writing a French linguistics paper?

From a linguist specializing in French, not necessarily a French person, probably one at a university, not necessarily a French university.

Would learning French help for getting a PR in Canada?

Yes knowing french with add additional points to tour overall CRS score to help in getting PR of Canada.If you are looking for immigration on Permanent Residence Basis in any of the countries like Canada, or Australia then PR Visa Consultants for Canada & Australia would be your right partner. We provide Permanent Residency and Business Investor’s Visas. Do get in touch by filling in this form to proceed further. Canada Providing PR to Skilled ProfessionalsCanada Requires 1,80,000 ICT Professionals by 2019Note:- Fill the inquiry form for free counselling

Please help -- How do you write (English) in a French accent?

So you know...there is no "th" sound in the French language. Paris French and Quebec French replace it slightly different: usually Parisienne will say "Come see zee birds fly" in a flowing sound where Quebec French is a little choppier and would say "Come see dee bird fly" In French the qualifiers make it single or plural btw. La or Le turns into Les. For example: Les Miserables. Miserables and Miserable sound exactly the same so many times French people do not use the English plural forms. H is also a sound unknown in French and is usually replaced by nothing: so "house" would be spelled (to be pronounced "ouse".