Here Is A Question For You Especially For 12-16 Year Olds Answer Click To See Question

Which answer is correct for the equation 3-3*6+2=? -13 or -17?

-13This BODMAS always lead to the confusion but only when if you are not aware of its rule.BODMAS means Bracket Open Divide Multiply Add Subtraction. In BODMAS questions BRACKETS () helps alot and elminate many confusions.In our question 3–3*6+2 we dont have divide so we will go for next i.e MULTIPLY. Put the bracket. And solve it first. 3-(3*6)+2(3*6)=18this will make our equation: 3–18+2Again put the bracket. 3(-18+2).Here you may ask one doubt WHY DID I INCLUDED MINUS SIGN OF 18 IN THE BRACKET.When we do Addition or Subtraction we always consider the sign of every number.Examples- (-10+2) = -8. SINCE “+”and “-” together results “-” hence we subtracted 2 from 10 and got 8. Now we will see which one is greater 10 or 2. Ofcourse, it is 10 and it is with the MINUS (-) sign hence ans. i.e 8 will take its sign and our ans for this example will be -8.Another example I’d like to discuss so that in future it will be helpful for you.Let's consider (-2–3). Ans will be “-5”. As per the above explanation we will see the sign of the both the numbers. Both have MINUS sign and “-” and “-” together results addition. hence we will add 3 and 2. Now again we will check which one is greater 2 or 3. It is 3 and it is with the minus sign. That's why ans is. “-5”.From the above examples what we concluded are:-Always put the bracket and in bracket dont forget to include their respective signs. i.e “+” or “-”.After performing operation dont forget to check which one is greater and give its sign to the ans.And remember for operation, for same signs do addtion and for opposite signs do subtraction.Now we can proceed with our actual questionwhere we left it.3(-18+2).=> 3–16 {.: we subtracted because we have opposite signs and -16 because 18 is greater and it has minus sign }=> (3–16) = -13 {.: minus sign because 16 is greater }.I hope all above explanations will be helpful to solve other questions.Goodluck!

Homework Question: Joe walked 4 miles north, 9 miles east, 8 miles north, and then 7 miles east. If Joe now decides to walk straight back to where he started, how far must he walk?

The answer provided by User-9597828242429937573 is great, but there are couple of omissions that make its precision unacceptable for practical purposes:1. Our planet is not spherical: its height is less than width due to its rotation. We should take it into account;2. Joe is not a point, but rather a material object. We have to make calculations probably for his geometrical center or, maybe, his center of mass. It should be discussed and decided. If agreed upon geometrical center, 1/2 of Joe's height should be added to the radius;3. Since the journey is long, the result depends on the time he starts and his speed - because of thermal expansion of the Earth's surface heated by the Sun. If Joe is walking while the surface is expanding, his trip back may be longer if the temperature is still high;4. Of course, we should consider the Earth deformation due to the Moon's gravity;5. The answer has to be expressed in closest integer number of Plank lengths. Otherwise, it would be absolutely unrealistic.Other than that, it is pretty accurate and will probably satisfy Joe. :)

Questions about Mormonism?

why is it bad to date before 16?

why is masterb@tion considered a bad thing?

and who's this joseph smith guy?

whats the other book about?

answers please and thank you in advance, im curious about it

How can a 12-year-old girl lose weight?

If you’re really a 12 year old girl, first thing I would say is relax and enjoy being 12.The thing about eating fruits and veggies is good advice. Try to eat as many fruits and veggies as possible. They’ll never make you fat and they’ll give you nutrition you need.If you can switch over to eating primarily fruits and veggies, real whole food, you’ll be a lot healthier in the long run.At 12, all you have to do is eat healthy and move a little.I mean ride a bike, play some sports, go on walks. Just being an active 12 year old will help you balance out your weight.Don’t worry about it. It’ll work out.Do you have an important event coming up?Need to fit into a dress?Let’s work on that self-esteem a bit. That’s really not that important. Don’t get your head messed up over stuff like that.The way you eat and move is a lifetime thing.You will, if you’re fortunate, live a long long time.Learn to enjoy healthy foods and life in general.I’ve been there. Getting your head right is the hardest part. The rest will work itself out. Trust me on this. I’m a lot thinner than I used to be.If you really are a few pounds overweight, that’s a temporary thing.I got fat at 21. I mean really fat. Like 80 pounds overweight fat.I looked OK at 12, 16, 18. Maybe I was a bit chubby.But, when I was stressed out in my early 20s I ate like it was my only joy. I developed a bad relationship with food.I’m the kid that got tired of being chubby at 16 and just stopped eating until I was thin. It worked. But, it didn’t last.So, I’ve had a hard time fitting into good looking clothes.The difference between me and the average 12 year old girl is I honestly don’t care what anyone thinks about my body. I’m betting most 12 year old girls are really conscious about the way they look.I’m sure you’re beautiful just like you are.Don’t be stressing about those extra pounds.You’re young and have a very long time to do whatever you want in life. And, that includes getting fit and lean. So, instead of setting a goal for next month or next week set a goal for next year.“I want to run 5 miles a week.”“I want to swim 5 hours a week.”“I want to be good at yoga.”“I want to eat primarily fruits and veggies.”There’s a lot of good goals. Pick something that feels right. Think more long term.Trust me on this. It’s the single biggest thing that will impact who you are at 21, 30, and 60. Think about life long fitness.

Why does the Quran allow Muslims to marry pre-pubescent girls?

Not only was marrying pre-pubescent girls allowed in antiquity, it is still being practiced. Last week, I watched a documentary about an 11 year old girl- and read a news item about a 7 year old- who were forced into childhood marriages - and there was the "assumption" that they wouldn't be forced to have sex- but who is watching and making sure that they aren't touched- the husband who marries them? And how do all these 12-16 years olds in muslim countries have babies (as well as fistulas and prolapsed uteri) if their "husbands" aren't having sex with them? They are watched like hawks every second of the day and confined to their homes and women's rooms or quarters; the only men with access to them are their husbands.

EDIT: I have heard that many muslim men marry little girls because they believe that she's "pure"- pure until he ruins her body and her life; that the girl has "tighter" sexual organs than an adult woman, and this gives the man greater pleasure- forget that it is an agony and tears the body parts or can even dislocate the hips of the girl-child.

Many families are in a hurry to get rid of the "burden" of an unmarried daughter. These marriages are supposed to be a great thing because they protect the girl and the family's Honor by getting her wed before she even thinks about boys- No one says anything about forced marriage, which is slavery; forced sex, which is rape and child abuse; forced childbearing which maims those too young and small to bear properly- people who own dogs and cats have more sense than to do this to their pets... they don't allow a dog to breed until the second year, because the dog can die or be maimed by too early breeding. Yet girls are expected to have children the moment they have their period?

People need to stop living the way the ignorant people did in antiquity! Or give up cars, modern medicine, and refrigerators if antiquity is so great!

EDIT: There is a line in Shakespeare which shows that people knew to early marriage ruined girls- In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet's father is approached about her marriage at 14 and won't allow it because she'll be a mother too young- he says "All too early marred are those too early made..." Are people trying to say that the English knew this then, but the Muslims don't know it even now- especially considering how advanced in medicine and science Islam was then?