Herpies Simplex Type One Question

Is Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 a STD?

I dont feel so.

Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2), also known as Human herpes virus 1 and 2 (HHV-1 and -2), are two members of the herpes virus family, Herpesviridae, that infect humans.[1] Both HSV-1 (which produces most cold sores) and HSV-2 (which produces most genital herpes) are ubiquitous and contagious. They can be spread when an infected person is producing and shedding the virus.

HSV-1 and -2 are transmitted from contact with an infectious area of the skin during reactivations of the virus. Although less likely, the herpes viruses can be transmitted during latency. Transmission is likely to occur during symptomatic reactivation of the virus that causes visible and typical skin sores. Asymptomatic reactivation means that the virus causes atypical, subtle or hard to notice symptoms that are not identified as an active herpes infection. Atypical symptoms are often attributed to other causes such as a yeast infection.

Consult a Skin/VD first. But, please don’t look for any medical advice in this forum.

Good Luck...!!!

What are the interesting facts about Herpes Simplex Type 1?

I suppose it can make you lonely

Tested positive for Herpes Type 1, Tons of Questions! HELP!!!?

So I just got my results from being tested for STD's and was told I am POSITIVE for Type 1 Herpes and NEGATIVE for type 2 and don't know how to feel about it. Kinda bummed out I guess! I have been getting cold sores for the past 2 months and they would last for about a week. I haven't had one this month...THANK GOD! I only get them on my lip and never thought anything of it. So anyway my questions there something I can take "over the counter " that can prevent cold sores and when I dont have a cold sore is it a HIGH POSSIBILITY that I can transmit the virus by kissing? If yes, does that mean I can give it to my son by kissing him on the cheek? Or give it to my partner? EVEN IF I DONT HAVE A COLD SORE? OMG and oral? There is no way I would use a condom while giving I have to tell my partner or should I just not kiss etc. em when I get a cold sore? I have also read this is NOT an STD, is that true? Is this a virus that passes your body? Lots of questions, PLEASE HELP! Any info, links, advise would be greatly appreciated! THX!

Can someone tell me about Herpes Simplex Virus 1?

I have been getting cold sores often since I was a little girl. My mom told me I have Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (oral) (the doctor told her that when I was young). I have been researching online but haven't found direct answers to my questions. For one, what exactly IS herpes simplex virus? Did I get it from someone as a little kid or is it genetic? Also, is it contagious? Another question I had is will it effect my future husband at all? Will he get it from me? And then just one more (sorry!), will this form of herpes effect pregnancy or the health of the baby?

Sorry for all the questions! I'm just pretty confused! Thanks for all the help in advance!!

How does one reduce the antibody counts for herpes simplex virus, rubella, cytomegalo virus?


Antibody counts indicate that you have had been exposed to these viruses at some point in your life. You do not want to lower these values as the antibodies are what protect your body from these viruses post exposure.

With antibodies your physician would be looking at IgM and IgG. IgM levels that are high would indicate a new acute infection. IgG levels that are high indicate that your body has been exposed to the virus and mounted a defense in the past -- >4 weeks.

The TORCH screen is used to test for the most common pathogens that cause congenital anomalies and complications with childbirth.

You would expect to have antibodies to rubella as we give most people the MMR vaccine that creates this immunity.

There are 2 forms of Herpes Simplex - 1 and 2. Herpes 1 commonly gives you cold sores while herpes 2 commonly is considered a genital strain. Modern sex practices has led to either of these occurring in either region.
CMV is another variant in the Herpes family. (as is chicken pox and mono interestingly enough)

You cannot cure yourself of these viruses, however your Physician will take precautions during childbirth to protect your infant.

To answer you last question - yes they may result in abnormalities in the development of the fetus causing unexplained termination of pregnancy. They may also cause complications with the infant at the time of birth.

As always - while this is a nice forum to pick up an idea of the questions you may want to ask your physician - please be sure to ask these questions of your physician to incorporate your concerns into your treatment plan.

Is herpes simplex virus 1 serious?

Type 1
Often referred to as fever blisters or cold sores, HSV Type 1 infections are tiny, clear, fluid-filled blisters that most often occur on the face. Less frequently, Type 1 infections can occur in the genital area. Type 1 may also develop in wounds on the skin.
There are two kinds of infections — primary and recurrent. Although most people get infected when exposed to the virus, only 10 percent will actually develop sores. The sores of a primary infection appear two to twenty days after contact with an infected person and can last from seven to ten days.
The number of blisters varies from one to a group of blisters. Before the blisters appear, the skin may itch, sting, burn, or tingle. The blisters can break as a result of minor injury, allowing the fluid inside the blisters to ooze and crust. Eventually, crusts fall off, leaving slightly red healing skin.
The sores from the primary infection heal completely and rarely leave a scar. However, the virus that caused the infection remains in the body. It moves to nerve cells where it remains in a resting state.
People may then have a recurrence either in the same location as the first infection or in a nearby site. The infection may recur every few weeks or not at all.
Recurrent infections tend to be mild. They can be set off by a variety of factors including fever, sun exposure, a menstrual period, trauma (including surgery), or nothing at all.
For chronically ill people and newborn babies, the viral infection can be serious, but rarely fatal.

Herpes simplex virus type 1 encephalitis how long does it last?

She needs immediate medical attention, like YESTERDAY!!! Once you get medical help, the details of this problem will be explained to you by the doctor.

Good Luck