Hi Basics Steps Of Computer Engineering How To Have A Great Start

Is becoming a network security engineer hard?

Hi Hugo...

Keep your dreams alive and you can basically be anything you wish to be...
Yes, there is a bit of college and internship to do if you really want to be a good computer security (IT) person and there are plenty of jobs available outside of the government sector.
All of the major corporations all over the world have security people working for them protecting their company data-bases and employees computers. Can you imagine trying to safe guard all the computers of General Motors, Ford Motor Company or even Paramount Picture Studios in Hollywood. It could run into the thousands and it would be up to you to come up with a way to protect the entire network, from coast to coast... Yeah, it's exciting but it sure is hard work...

I would recommend getting as much Math education as you can possibly get because you'll need it in the college level... Yes, it is hard work... all that studying and all but if you hang in there, I have a good feeling you be OK and make a GREAT IT person...

In college, Computer Science is the course of study I would recommend.... It took me close to six (6) years to get my Masters degree from Duke... and YES, I felt like giving up sometime but I hung with it and now I'm a better person for it... and yeah, about the cost of college... It is NOT cheap but you may qualify for loans and grants... and don't forget the scholarships (they are mostly given out by grade point averages so study hard)...

Like I said, if you really, really want this bad enough and you are willing to put forth the extra effort.... then there's not doubt in my mind you'll make an outstanding computer expert....


Steps to nail to get an internship:Pre-application:Have basic fundamental Data Structures & Algorithm (DSA) knowledge. This, IMO, is minimum requirement for interns. I would at least brush up on fundamental topics. You can find some resources - Student Crowdsourced CS ResourcesHave some projects. If you have projects you have worked on github, that would be ideal. Any sort of experience that shows you actually wrote code.Have a resume. Focus your resume on 3 key things:Skills - what programming languages do you know?Projects/Experience - Examples of experience or code projects you have done.Classes - relevant classes you have taken.Application:Reach out to your network ( this is always the best resource )If you have a career fair at your school, go to one and pick top 5 companies and leave your resume with them.Apply on company website or find through LinkedInCold reach out to people — this can work! (More than happy to provide tips on how if you are interested)Key is hustle — reach out to friends of friends, facebook groups, linked in profiles, etc — you can find an opportunity, but you may have to try hard.Interview:Know thy DSAPractice, practice, practice before your phone screenProgramming Interview Questions | CareerCupLeetCodeHackerRankDue the popularity of this question, I wanted to put my thoughts down in more detail into a series of blog posts starting with the first step: How to Land a Tech Internship — Step 1

Mechanical Engineering for custom car work?

I am currently a student of UTI Rancho Cucamonga, CA. One more week then I am going off to Ford FACT.

If you are more into the customization side, I suggest you go to Wyotech, if you are on the career side, I suggest you go to UTI.

(NOTE: UTI's collision and repair programs is only offered at the Houston campus, the Sacremento campus doesn't have it anymore.)

For the electronics, you have to take the UTI's basic core courses (courses 17, 22, and 36 are the main ones). For performance engines like hot rods, you have to take the core courses (courses 1, 2, 29, and 3 are the ones.) Each course is 3 weeks long. If you think you are good enough, you can challenge the course (they give you a test, if you pass you don't have to take that course and that course is free).

Electives like Ford FACT is a great program you take to learn about Ford vehicles, they have very good electronics stuff. And Ford FACT can increase your chances of getting into a MSAT (Manufacturer Specific Training like Audi, BMW, Porche, Mercedes, etc...) BUT you still need a minimum of 3.0 GPA to get into a MSAT.

Anymore questions email me at

I want to learn programming/computer science but....?

Depending on what you are interested in you can take a look at w3schools.

There offers a variety of tutorials on html, html5, css, css3, javascript, sql, asp and such. However its more for web based applications.

I had studied 3 years of computer science at the Pre- University level and 4 years pf computer engineering at the university.

For programming, i started to learn the basics for java, before going on to the more advance polymorphism and finally the more advance enterprise application and window application development.

After learning java for 1 semester, I was introduced to the visual basic, which i feel it is easier than java due to the GUI IDE which allow me to drag and drop and double clicks on controls and the methods to handle events are automatically generated. Of course these are emtpy methods which i need to fill in what to do.

After that i was introduced to C programming. Which is truly a power language but not as easy to pick up compared to visual basic and java.

Throughout my education, 7 years in fact, no one taught me about Javascript, very little on HTML and CSS. I was expected to learn on my own.

In fact, you could start by exploring that too. HTML...

To create a web page using notepad.

1) Create a new notepad and name it mypage.html or mypage.htm
2) Put the following in the file you created.

This is the page you created. Congrats!

3) Save the file and double click it to launch it in your default web browser

Computer Science Help?

The 2 majors are similar. but aren't exactly the same. The way I think about, it is electrical engineering majors study mostly circuits and hardware. Computer science majors study mostly programming. Computer engineers study a little bit of both: hardware/circuit and programming (I would argue more programming than hardware though). That's my opinion from an academic perspective. In the work field however, there isn't really a difference whether you got a comp eng or comp sci degree. Both the degrees are just as good and are eligible for the same jobs. I had a comp science friend get a computer engineering job and vice versa. I even had an electrical engineering friend that got a computer science job! These guys were all out straight out of college with little to no experience). It really shows that it all depends on what you know and how you do on your interview. Pay wise, I would say that's just an average and it shouldn't be more than a couple thousand difference. It really depends on where you work rather than which degree (comp eng/comp sci) you got.

Here are the skills Google wants its tech talent to master, complete with online resources to get you started:1. Mastering the foundation. You have to be able to get through an introduction to CS course, like the ones from Udacity or Coursera.2. Learn to code in at least one object-oriented programming language.Like C++, Java, or Python. Consult MIT or Udacity.3. Learn other programming languages. Add Java Script, CSS, Ruby, and HTML to your skillset. W3school and CodeAcademy are there to help.4. Test your code. Because Google wants you to be able to "catch bugs, create tests, and break your software." Udacity, once again.5. Have some background in abstract math. Like logical reasoning and discrete math, which lots of computer science draws on. MIT can help you with mathematics for computer science.6. Understand algorithms and data structures. Google wants you to learn about fundamental data types like stacks, queues, and bags, as well as grasp sorting algorithms like quicksort, mergesort, and heapsort. MIT provides the recommended online resources, and the book "The Algorithm Design Manual" is super helpful, too.7. Get to know operating systems. Because they'll be where you do much of your work. The University of California, Berkeley, provides a primer.8. Become familiar with artificial intelligence. Google loves robots. Stanford has the knowledge.9. Learn how to build compilers. Stanford says that when you do that, "you will learn how a program written in a high-level language designed for humans is systematically translated into a program written in low-level assembly more suited to machines." Head to Coursera for the learning.10. Learn cryptography. Because cybersecurity is crucial. Coursera andUdacity provide courses.11. Learn parallel programming. Because being able to carry out tons of computations at the same time is super powerful. The University of Illinois can help you out.But Google doesn't just look at skills in its select candidatesSource:-