Hi. Does Anybody Know What This Two Intertidal Zone Species Is Thank You Very Much.

What ocean zone does the beluga whale live in?

I would guess mostly the open ocean surface zone, maybe sometimes the neritic zone. Compare how deep Belugas go to ocean zone depths.
The record depth for beluga whales is 1100 m (3500 ft) although it is not believed that these are feeding dives, but rather ways to find routes through very heavy ice. Belugas have been seen making repeated feeding dives to the bottom in spots that are 350-500 m (1200-1600 ft) deep. They frequently leave the frigid ocean to enter estuaries and freshwater rivers to molt.
Belugas forage for food on the seabed. This typically takes place at depths of up to 1,000 feet, but they can dive to at least twice this depth.
It is typically found in shallow waters to depths of 3,000 feet.
They are deep divers, allowing them to forage on the seabed in water depths of at least 1,000 feet.


What exactly is the intertidal zone? What is the depth range? How is the water movement?

The intertidal zone is the area that is exposed to the air at low tide and underwater at high tide. It is the area of the beach where the water pulls farther away at low tide exposing the tide pools, rocks and small creatures. At high tide, the water covers this area again until the next low tide. This intertidal zone can vary in depth from less than a foot to several feet deep, depending upon the local topography.

The area of the intertidal zone can be a narrow strip, as found in Pacific islands that have only a narrow tidal range, or can include many meters of shoreline where shallow beach slope interacts with high tidal excursion.

The movement of the water is callled tidal action. Tides are the rise and fall of sea levels caused by the combined effects of the rotation of the Earth and the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and the Sun.

Most coastal areas experience two daily high and two low tides. This is because at the point right "under" the Moon or what is called the sub-lunar point, the water is at its closest to the Moon, so it experiences stronger gravity and rises.

On the opposite side of the Earth or what is called the antipodal point, the water is at its farthest from the moon, so it is pulled less, and at this point the Earth moves more toward the Moon than the water does—causing that water to "rise" relative to the Earth.

What is a keystone species? Do humans qualify as a keystone species?

A keystone species is one which has an effect on its environment that is disproportionate to its relative biomass within that environment. In other words, the presence of just a few individuals causes a major change in how the ecosystem looks and operates. Identifying keystone species can be difficult, because often we don't know how large of an effect they have on the environment until they are removed. The man that coined the term, Bob Paine, worked with such a species, the sea star Pisaster ochraceus. When he experimentally removed this species from intertidal zones, their prey, a species of mussel, increased in abundance rapidly, overgrowing all other species and creating a virtually mono-specific environment. This keystone species therefore operates through selective predation on an otherwise dominant species. Another type of keystone species is the ecosystem engineer. Beavers, elephants, and humans, among others fall into this category, by physically and directly altering the environment to better suit their own needs, and thereby alter the interactions that other species have with that environment. Beavers build dams, changing small streams into large ponds. Elephants tear down trees, allowing grasses and small forbs to receive sunlight, and build trails through thick growth, allowing other animals quicker pathways (along with the seeds they carry with them). Humans are the ultimate ecosystem engineers. Our cities provide excellent habitat for cosmopolitan animals, like rock pigeons, crows, cockroaches, an rats, and we also introduce and care for species that we find pleasing, like trees and cultivated flowers.  Likewise, our agriculture provides many opportunities for small rodents and seed-eating birds that would otherwise be much smaller.However, humans are unique among the keystone species, because in many cases we can also be considered dominant species. Dominance and keystone are normally considered quite different concepts, because keystone species are those have great influence in spite of numerical inferiority, while dominant species have great influence by virtue of numerical superiority. Humans have both, at least in comparison to other animals of similar size and feeding patterns. When you have a species that is both numerically superior, and able to directly alter the environment in profound ways, you have a biotic force unlike anything the world has ever seen.

Tidal ventilation! what is it?!?

Your tidal volume is the amount of air you breathe in. It is usually 3x the body weight in cc's or ml's. Of course this volume is increased during times of greater need like with exercise. So if you weigh 150lbs your normal tidal volume would be 450cc's. Of course this is just a way of estimating a person's tidal volume but it's usually pretty close.
Another measurement that's useful is the minute ventilation. That's the tidal volume x the respiratory rate. So if you are breathing at 12 x minute and your tidal volume is 500cc your minute ventilation would be 6.0 L. You could achieve this minute ventilation by breathing at 20 x minute with a tidal volume of 300 cc also.The minute ventilation is more useful in biology and physiology because it better reflects the person's respiratory status. It is constantly being adjusted by the respiratory center in your brain and by peripheral receptors in the aortic arch and the carotid artery. These mechanisms control the diaphragm as to how much it will contract. The greater the contraction the higher the tidal volume and vice versa. There are many factors which control the respiratory system in our bodies and those of all living creatures. The study of the different means and methods is fascinating.
God bless.

Echinoderms homework I need some help?!?!?!?!?!?!?

i have a lot of questions about echinoderms for my science project!! i need some help!!!!
what are 5 key characteristics of animals in this group?
how do they reproduce?
do they have any special organs or adaptations?
2 reasons why animals in this group are important?
Thanks for any help u guys can give!!!!

What is more important, individuality of thought or appearance?

I admit I’m somewhat of an idealist and would like to think of a world where individuals would be reckoned with on the basis of talent, competence, and ability, rather than mere appearance.Let’s face it, the guy in an expensive suit and a Rolex wristwatch might just be a successful criminal and not a hard-working businessman.The tinpot dictators of the world seem to love appearance and wear fine clothes and dress their military men up in outlandishly-decorated uniforms…On the other hand, we human beings do in fact place great store on appearance. I’m a cop, and I recognize that I have to be immediately recognizable as same, and to present a “professional” appearance to have any great credibility.Likewise our professional folks… We likely would be bit put off if our physician showed up in a dirty T-shirt and running shorts, or our attorney arrived in court in blue jeans and a “heavy metal” t-shirt…So it’s a bit of a two-way street, isn’t it? An attractive and well-dressed con man may get more respect than a shabby “street person” who nonetheless spouts ineffable wisdom.

What are the differences between benthic and pelagic zones in the ocean?

As you see from the diagram,Benthic zone is part of Ocean layer which describes the layers closer to the bottom of the water body, and Pelagic zone is layer which includes the free water column that interacts with the surface layers of a water body.Differences:Benthic : Referring to the sea, benthic zone start at the shoreline and extends into deep waters, away from landmass. It is to be noticed that there isn’t a specified depth to this zone, as it could vary from few inches as in a stream to several 1000's of meters as in the open ocean.Since light cannot penetrate this depth, this zone lacks the ability to photosynthesis as its energy source.Pelagic Zone : This zone is the uppermost layers of a water body, especially referring to the ocean, interacts directly with the atmosphere. Physical and chemical properties of this zone vary greatly because of the vastness of this area, which extends from the uppermost waters down to the deeper layers near the benthic zone of a water column.This zone can be divided into several sub layers that extend from the top to bottom.

What are some decomposers of the abyssal zone?

I'm doing a project on the abyssalpelagic ecosystem and it's energy flow.
I've got everything except decomposers?
Maybe it's bacteria? I don't know, I need help.
Please & thank you.