Hi .i Want To Swim Faster But How

Why does a dead body float in water while a live body sinks?

Initially, bodies will likely sink to the bottom, but as bodies decompose and gasses are released in the body, the corpse will rise back to the surface as a result of buoyancy.The reason that living human beings naturally float is because of the air in our lungs. The air acts as a buoyant force for the body, making it impossible for you to simply lie down at the bottom of a swimming pool. In the case of a corpse, however, they have no control over whether their lungs fill up or not. If the corpse falls in the water facedown, they might never sink to the bottom, as there will be no real chance for the air to escape from the lungs. However, if a corpse is put into the water on their back, air can escape, water can take its place, and the body will quickly sink.If a person drowns, they don’t necessarily die because water fills up their lungs; often, the body will asphyxiate itself because the windpipe closes up against the presence of water. In this case, a body could potentially float for longer periods before eventually sinking to the bottom. However, given that almost every dead body falls beneath the surface eventually, once all the air is expelled from the lungs

I want to gain weight. im 100 pounds 22 years old?

Great questions, you are NOT ALONE. Many ultra lean women, as well as the underweight women, want to gain weight but just don't know how. I am an eHow writer and have done many articles on this very subject. Yes, it is good that you are working out! You need to build lean healthy body mass by lifting weights. Don't worry, you won't look like a man unless you are doing extreme body building. Simply doing some bicep curls, squats, and chest presses at least 3 times a week will help you gain. Eat foods high in protein and up your fish oil intake. Eat a lot of whole grain foods and good starches & carbs. Check out my blog and ehow articles for more tips!! Hope this helps!

How much weight can you lose in 28 days by walking 30 minutes daily?

HEY!First things first, losing weight depends on two main factors :1.How many calories you burn (Physical Activity) :The thumb rule is for every 1 minute you walk you burn approx 6-7 calories. So if you just walk for 30 mins you will be burning close to 200 calories per day.For 28 days, you would be burning 5600 calories.Now for every 7000 extra calories you burn you lose 1kg.So you would be losing less than a kg weight just by this exercise. So I would advise you to check option two.2.How many calories you eat (Diet :Calorie intake):This involves intaking less calories in the first place.You can go on a calorie deficit 1000-1500 diet. Assuming your BMR = 1900 calories, if you follow this you will be burning more than 900 calories extra per day and in 28 days you will be burning close to 25000 calories, which will result in weight loss of 3.6kg!!The choice is all yours :)I hope that helps.

I am 25 years old but looks very thin. How can I increase my weight and I am pure vegetarian? What should be my weight according to my age?

Weight can't just be calculated from ones age. It also depends on your height. Below is a table showing the ideal weight according to the height. The numbers in between the boxes is the Body Mass Index (B.M.I). Generally a B.M.I of between 18.5 and 25 is considered to be ideal. But, it also depends on your daily routines, since someone exercising or swimming might even exceed the ideal B.M.I range and still be healthy. Now for the other part, on how to increase the weight. In general its easy. Every meal you eat in a day, provides you with calories that supplies the body with energy to function properly for that day. Weight is dependent on the amount of calories you eat through your meals and the amount you expend through out the day. If you eat more calories than your expenditure for the day, those extra calories would cause a weight gain. So, all you need to do is eat more than your regular meals. This would definitely increase your weight but not necessarily as you hoped for since most of it would accumulate in your belly region. And that won't help you look any better. The better thing to do would be to do basic exercises (push ups, pull ups, etc) every alternating days at your home (but do keep into account the extra calories that you would be burning from those exercises) and have protein rich foods. Protein helps in building muscle mass. Being a vegetarian myself, I know its a little difficult to get sufficient amount of protein from the meals. In a day, a person needs to have at 0.6 to 1.0 gm of protein per pound of his/her lean body mass. You can get enough protein if you include some of these in your meals : Quinoa, Paneer, Oats, Almonds, Soyabean, Chickpea, Green Peas, Peanuts, Kidney Beans Black Beans, Lentils, Flax Seeds, Chia Seeds, Greek Yogurt and there are many more. If you could, you can also you Whey Protein Supplements as a means to help fulfill your daily protein needs. Adding these to your diet along with working out regularly would help you gain more muscle and increase your weight. Also try getting your calories from healthy food sources and not from junk foods. Hope this helps !

3 BALLERINA (TEA) Does it work?

Hi, I've heard rumors about this tea and purchase it! I want to know if it works, I am a little scare to drink it because of taste and also side effects. Is it safe? Does it really work? How much can I lose drinking it, and for how long? Has someone suceeded in using this as far losing weight? Also I would like to know when and how to drink it and with what etc. Basically the low down on it! Thanks!

What happens if you don't get a Tetanus shot after getting cut with rusty metal?

Maybe nothing.But you could get tetanus, and once you get it, even if they manage to save you, you may still wish you had died. Dying of tetanus may be the most painful way to die on the planet.Here is a painting done in 1809 of a person dying of tetanus. Painting done by his doctor. The position is called opistothonus.Why does he look like this? Your muscles ‘fire’ to contract, i.e., shorten. Then a chemical in your muscles is released to relax your muscles. What the tetanus toxin does is to prevent that chemical from being released, so your muscles fire, contract, and NEVER LET GO.Back muscles are stronger than stomach muscles, so you arch your back.If you are in really good shape, too bad, because you leg muscles can contract so strongly that they will BREAK. YOUR. THIGH. BONES, the strongest bones in your body.Imagine a ‘Charley Horse’ in every muscle in your body, 24 hours a day, for days on end.And there is almost nothing that can be done to spare you. Eventually, your diaphragm contacts, and never lets go, so you quit breathing.Getting to this blissful stage often takes 3 days. 3 days of the worst pain imaginable.(BTW, we know the chemical that’s released, and could give it to you, but then, you would stop breathing, which presents it’s own set of problems)Personally, I think the vaccine shot is the way to go, but hey, to you anti-vaxxers out there, it’s your call. Just don’t do this to your kids, please.BTW, the bacteria that causes tetanus, Clostridium tetani, is a common soil living bacteria. It’s in the ground everywhere. It’s NOT rust that causes tetanus, but a rusty nail indicates it’s been in contact with the soil for a period of time, and thus likely has C. tetani on it.C. Tetani is an anaerobic bacteria, meaning that Oxygen is poisonous to it. If you get a scratch, tetanus is very, very unlikely, because of the Oxygen. But a puncture, like from a nail, creates an oxygen-free atmosphere in the wound, just perfect for C. Tetani to grow and thrive.Tetanus can be ‘treated’ today, but 2/3 of patients still die, and those that survive typically spend 6–8 weeks in the hospital, mostly on a ventilator, with about 3–4 weeks in a induced coma, followed by 4–6 months in rehab. Personally, I think getting the vaccine is easier.BTW, there is a variation of this disease called infantile tetanus. New borns can get it from, for example, non-sterile scissors used to cut their umbilical cord. I will spare you the pictures.

Lose 70lbs in 2 months!?

I am going for a wedding in april and want to be 140lbs by then...i currently weight 200lbs
This is my diet:
Breakfast-protein shake
Lunch-healthy 300-500 cal meal
Dinner-meal replacement or protein shake
Also I drink 5 cups of green tea every day

Exercise- brisk walk 5 miles a day...5 times a week

With this routine will i be able to meet my goal...I know this is not safe etc...but still!! thanks