Hi Mommies I Need An Advice

Any advice for a girl sway whilst trying to conceive?

"According to the Shettles Method, to have a girl, we simply reverse the terms. Instead of timing intercourse directly prior/during ovulation, make love during the transitional days and two to three days before you ovulate. Try to avoid sex when your cervical mucus is most fertile (when you have egg-white cervical fluids). Shettles suggests that women avoid having an orgasm and recommends shallow penetration to make it more difficult for the male sperm to make the big journey. Hence, missionary position is advised, or any shallow-penetration strategy that deposits sperm further from the entrance to the cervix.

The principle here is that these integrated methods will favor the slower, more resilient sperm. Female X-chromosome sperm can endure a more acidic environment, live longer, and swim further than their male counterparts.

So that's the Shettles Theory behind choosing the sex of your baby. Now, let's look at practical aspects of actually implementing the method by using a fertility chart, ovulation calendar, and by monitoring natural fertility signs

Have a look at for more info.... very best of luck.

Lonely and shy stay at home mom - pls advise?

Hi people,

I'm feeling really lonely at the moment, I stay at home with my 17month old toddler, work from home when he's asleep, and have a second baby due in a month - I love being a mommy, am delighted to have found a work from home solution so I can contribute to our bills, but am desperately lonely.

Since finishing work in 2006 to have my baby, my work friends have drifted away because they're still into clubbing and stuff which doesn't really appeal to me anymore. I don't really have non-work friends either because I only moved to this area a few years ago from abroad.

I've tried joining groups - a local mother and toddler group for example, but am painfully shy to make matters worse so usually sit quietly and feel intimidated by all these super-experienced moms that are there.

I looked in my phone the other evening and realised I have only one friend left from work who has also a baby so we've kept in touch, but I only see her once a month or so.

Any advice pls?

Help mommies! Referred to perinatologist and freaking out!?

Don't freak out yet. As always, stress just makes things worse. They are just sending you to a specialist to make sure. They want the best looking at you and your baby and that is a good thing.

I have diabetes so my baby has increased risk of heart defects. I have my regular OB who sent me to a high risk Dr. for my 20 week scan on Tuesday. They looked at everything of course, but also did pretty detailed look at heart and everything looked good. The high risk doctor has a specialist that is a neonatal cardiac specialist that lives 4 hours away. He comes in to the high risk doctor's office once a month and looks at babies himself to make sure. The high risk doc is having me come back in 3 weeks when the specialist is in. He said everything looks great when he looks at my scans but he wants the best there is to look at it just to make sure.

This is my second pregnancy and they did this same thing the last time I was pregnant. High risk said baby was ok. Specialist said baby was ok and my daughter is now a happy and very healthy 15 month old with absolutely no heart problems. Better safe than sorry. If they saw what they needed to see then likely nothing is wrong, they want to be absolutely possitive so they are having a specialist look. Something could be wrong, but just b/c you have to see a specialist doesn't mean for sure something is.

Why do people always say "Hi mom" when they get on TV?

Maybe they don't know who their fathers are?

I'm kidding.

It's usually mothers that are first on peoples minds. It's just one of those things we can't exaplin. The same as when one is hurt the first person they want iis their mother.

12 weeks pregnant but not ready to be a mom?

I know how you feel about not being ready to be a mom! I was 21 a senior in college, and only engaged for like 5 months. My now husband is 6 years older than me, however I was only 21, now 23. I was scared because there was so much I wanted to do and places I anted to see. I did not have a great mother, she was addicted to drugs and my step father was no better. Needless, to say I did not have good examples of how to be a mom. I as scared that I would damage this baby the same way I felt damaged by my mother. There was no doubt that I was going to have this baby nor would my fiance let me give it for adoption. I knew that I wanted the baby but was scared on how to raise it. Until I felt her move for the first time. Then I realized I have the control and the power to be the one person that she can ALWAYS count on. I can help her be succcessful and grow into a beautiful young women! You're situation is different because the father is not involved. However, if you want to be a mother to this baby, there is nothing that will hold you back! I am proud to say I AM A GREAT MOTHER!!! My daughter is one and walks to me and just gives me big hugs and kisses and all of those fears just go away!

Adoption is a choice but it should be yours and yours alone. Be sure you research, research, research, the family you are going to give this precious child to, if that is what you decide!

I am now pregnant with my 2nd child and I am 17 weeks. when I found out I was scared and a bit ashamed, I am 23 with 2 babies! Luckily my husband is super supportive and I have a career as a teacher! Take your time, you have a big decision to make! Good luck and ask God for the right direction! He'll lead you there! I know he did me!

Trying to conceive this month. BABY DUST?

Good luck!
My story:
My SO was leaving town during my fertile days, so we BD'd right before he left. I knew it would be awhile before he got back, so I put a pillow under my hips and took a nap for about two hours. Afterwards, I got up and did all of my chores and then fell asleep.
Three days later, I ovulated.
I figured there was no way in h-e-l-l that the sperm would ever survive that long up there.

10 days after I ovulated, I started getting cramps exactly like my period was coming. I would even "feel" my period come only to run to the bathroom .. but nothing was there. These cramps persisted from day 10 - day 12. On day 12 (halloween) I came home from work and took a test "just for fun". It was in the evening. I peed on it, left the room, and came back after a few minutes. There was the faintest test line and dark control line. I couldn't believe it so I took another one. Same thing. My SO was there and said, "no way that is positive. I can barely see anything" and told me I wasn't pregnant. The next morning I woke up bright and early, bought a new test, came home, and peed on it. Two distinct lines. This time, he believed me. :0)