Highschool Students Wants To Threaten Me And Hates Me

The most hated kid in high school?

im 17 in high school as a 11th grader. people threat me like garbage and judge me. nobody gives me a chance to get to know them people just turn me down. i've joined sports and clubs and still people turn me down. i hear people tell others rumors about me and such. it makes my self esteem go down very low. im a normal person not a jerk nor a goodie goodie just normal. i respect people but they don't give their respect back. im sick of being a loner getting beat up by many people and getting turned down by people. people laugh when i get beat up, no girl talks to me when i strike a conversion. people claimed me as the most hated kid in school.

i want to be respected and i want people to look up me like a normal person

Parents threaten to beat me for bad grades?

I've been an honor roll student every year. I just got into highschool, and my grades haven't been the best. My report card came out a few weeks ago and I had 4 C's. It's not like I don't try; it's just hard for me, y'know? It's my freshmen year. They just checked my current grades a few minutes ago and I have all C's, but there's weeks left to the quarter! I still have time to bring them up. Anyways, my dad and mom are talking in the kitchen. My dad's like, "Call her teachers! If I have to do it, I swear to god I'm gonna beat her until she's purple. I'll be arrested for what I'm going to do to her." Trust me, he's not bluffing; he's done it before. Didn't go to cheer tryouts? Beat me. Go at C? Beat me. And with a belt. I'm so scared, you have no idea. I wouldn't DARE call DCF on my parents, so please don't suggest that. Everyone would hate me, and besides, I have no where to go. I don't know what to do anymore. They make me want to kill myself. My siblings aren't any help either. They love to see me get in trouble.

My students hate me. Should I even care?

Well... I wouldn't say don't care... because the main reason most of us would *like* to be liked is we *care* about them. It hurts when they seem to hate you while you are pouring your heart into them.

But the thing is... wanting to be liked can be very dangerous as a teacher. It can cause you to become a doormat. You create the very situation you fear... they don't like you *because* you don't seem to be the authority you should be. Or... that was *my* problem when I taught.

I had students who loved me... but on the whole my classes looked down on me because no matter how well I taught I couldn't do the 'crowd control'. I wanted (like you) to connect with my students so I broke the age old "never smile till Thanksgiving" rule. That was what made me 'fresh meat'... I looked weak and didn't have the discipline skills to lose the rep once I'd earned it.

I did better some years than others (I only taught a few years)... but I really did have to fight that desire to be 'on their side'. They saw that I *wanted* to be a fun likable person... that killed me.

So yeah... you have to steal youself up a bit. But don't lose wanting to be a friend. Just know it is something that takes years. They have to know you as *strong* and in control *first*... then they can know you are also willing to reach out to them without it being an invitation to 'strike'. If your discipline skills are good you'll get there. I wish you well!

What should I do when someone in my school wants to fight me?

First, remember that bullies tend to have ulterior motives. What they really want can range from respect, to attention, to excitement, to cathartic release.They are probably insecure and a little traumatized by abuse in the home. Many bullies are themselves the product of bullying. They’re desperate, pitiful creatures. And we all know that misery loves company. You just gotta show them that you’re not the kind of company they’re looking for.It’s kind of like negotiating with terrorists—if you ignore them, they might escalate the attacks, but if you give them what they’re looking for, there’s no guarantee they’ll be satisfied; if you stand up for yourself, will they back down or teach you a lesson? Even if you manage to win this fight, who’s to say their friends won’t retaliate? That’s how blood feuds start.Here’s some potentially bad advice, but it’s what I would do: remain calm and say nothing.Empty your mind and radiate inner peace. Don’t let them ruffle your feathers in the slightest. Keep your head held high, your back straight, your feet planted shoulder-width apart, and your eyes focused on their forehead.Be a little bored by their attempts at provoking you, but feel no other emotion. Just listen patiently, without even a hint of aggression. You have less than nothing to say to them. Why dignify such behavior with a response?Wait for them to completely finish their verbal attack and make their next move. If they decide to punch you in the face, take it silently like a champ. Recover quickly and return to the exact same position—head high, back straight, eyes glued to their forehead, utterly neutral facial expression (think passport photo).In all likelihood, they’ll get bored of you and move on, feeling foolish. Then, they’ll find someone else to pick on—someone who reacts the way they expect.

My dad hates me because I'm gay, and my mom threatens to kick me out of the house if I date. How do I sleep?

You could try counseling with one or both of your parents and hopefully try and work things out. Maybe they can learn a few things from a doctor or counselor; if it doesn't work, you tried.

Another option is to suffer through the rest of high school, like a lot of people do, and high-tail it out of that place after graduation. With that being said, you still have a few years left to pull your grades up. Forget about your parents and dating, and study hard so you can get the hell out of there. Trust me, the time of your life is in and after college.

I was in your place once, so I feel for you. Best of luck.

Are professors intimidated by intelligent students, and why or why not?

I would like to chip in here, as I was kinda on both sides of this before moving on beyond academia.Often, intelligent students think they’re more intelligent than they really are. So instead of trying to be a smartass, an intelligent student will adjust the questions - I went from completely stupid questions to a level of confidence in taking information out of professors. The rest you can look up online or learn in MOOCs. That way, intelligent students don’t intimidate teachers because it reduces the capability of a clean, meritocratic knowledge exchange.Often, the intmidation felt by professors comes not from the content, but from the emotional content of the questions. Most of us are nerds, and we’re bad with people skills. So when I felt intimidated by intelligent students, I was just asking follow up questions and humbled myself in knowing, that there’s always more to learn.This relationship of an intimidated master with a powerful student is, I think, the crux of the new Star Wars trilogy. It embodies the very essence of progress - as one realizes that nothing but change is a constant in life.Also, this world does not understand the responsibility of professors. If you want to pay someone 50 mln $ a year for doing something, make it teaching Quantum Field Theory instead of football, please. On a sidenote, ofc.To put the above into perspective, let me present James Watson – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia , who discovered the structural pattern of DNA with Rosalind Franklin, Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins. The professor who can get intimidated by a student is the one, who stops feeding his scientific obsession. As you will see from the page above, even though the Nobel-worthy discovery was made in 1953, when he was 25 years old, he did not stop. One could say, that he was an exemplary “intelligent student”, and at that time, he would indeed be hard to counter by any professor.He changed the world over the course of the next 50 years, and you can see him here -> How we discovered DNAI doubt a professor can get intimidated when being on the cutting edge of research.And that’s how progress works - professionals won’t get intimidated by intelligent students, they’ll get inspired and point you in your own way, giving you a nudge. This is what’s missing from the world we live in at large - the real master-student relationship.

What should I do if everyone hates me at school?

Well , thats a hard one to answer. School for some can be and is currently a horrible nightmare. You have to look at the bigger picture. School is important and a necessity if you want to grow in your life..its important that you understand this….when you say your not liked …are you being bullied.( if so that is not ok under any circumstances and you need to inform your parents immediately and they need to inform the school immediately) do not let this get in the way of your studies or allow it to prevent you from experiencing the world around you and growing. You do not have to be liked by everyone. And ask yourself if these people are mean to you in any way why on earth would you want to be friends with people that are like that. Clearly there’s something amiss about their character. Chin up ! Life is dynamic. You ll have time to reinvent yourself after grade 12.