Historical Significance Of The Bank War

Place each vocabulary terms in its correct historical period.?

historical period:
a. colonial: 1607-1776
b. pre-civil war:1789-1861
c. civil war-pre-depression: 1861-1929
d. depression: 1929-1939
e. w.w.2- FIRREA: 1940-1989
f. 1989-present
1. United states note
2. commercial bank
3. continental dollar
4. deregulation
5. federal reserve system
6. gold certificate
7. gold standard
8. incomvertible flat money standard
9. legal tender
10. mutual savings bank
11. national bank
12. NOW account
13. savings and loan association
14. silver ceritficate
15. specie
16, treasury coin note

Battle of Antietam..Civil War..Importance?

The key reasons Antietam was important:

- It effectively ended Lee's efforts to invade the northern states.
- It halted southern efforts to press Lincoln to sue for peace.

- It was a critical northern victory which allowed Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation.
- The issue of the Emancipation Proclamation probably kept France and England out of the war.

Antietam is preserved as a National Battlefield.
The NPS site is here:

Do banks benefit from wars?

It is a solid Historical fact that since 1794 the Bank of England and the closely related UBS, United Bank of Switzerland (1856) have had interests on both side of every war and action. Our own Prescot Bush (GHW Bush's daddy) thru the Union Banking Corporation, provided seed money for the Nazi war machine thru dummy companies and sham companies, money laundering.You think the plot from Star Wars Episode I-III was too far-fetched... Google it and YouTube it, but really find a historian who had published papers on the subject, asking the question here will only get you speculation and opinion.You might ask Adolf where he got all of those shiny new Ford trucks in 1939?Notice I did not mention their connection to the Rothschild's?

Why is the West Bank important to Jews?

The West Bank is part of the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judea and it is part of the promised land that is described in the Bible and that the Children of Israel lived in. As such, it has both religious significance as the holy land that God promised to the Children of Israel as well as the national significance of being their homeland.Beyond that basic importance, many places in the West Bank have special religious or national significance for the Jews:- Joseph’s tomb outside of Nablus- Mt. Gerizim and Mt. Eval, where Joshua made a pact between God and the Israelites.- Rachel’s tomb outside of Bethelehem- The tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron- The city of Hebron also had an important Jewish community for many years until the massacre of 1929. It was considered for a long time as one of the 4 holy cities of the Old Yishuv (along with Jerusalem, Tiberias and Safed). They were known as holy because that’s where the majority of the Jews in Israel lived up until the beginning of the Zionist movement. - The Gilgal and Shilo, the sites where the Tabernacle was placed before it came to its final resting place in Jerusalem.These are just a few of the reasons why the West Bank is important and significant for Jews. I could probably go on, but I think that is enough to understand the area’s importance.