History Help Answer

History! Help!?

early 5th century AD.

It's impossible to say a specific year.

History help best answer?

15. In medieval Western Europe, the wealthiest cities formed in

a. Spain and Portugal.
b. Spain and France.
c. France and Portugal.
d. Northern Italy and Flanders.

16. What commercial practice did Europeans adopt from Muslim merchants?

a. the use of gold coins
b. the use of credit
c. the use of city charters
d. the use of guilds

17. The new middle class that appeared in Western Europe during the tenth century included

a. vassals.
b. peasants.
c. merchants.
d. nobles.

18. As a response to overcrowding, residents of medieval cities built

a. taller houses and shops.
b. smaller houses and shops.
c. wider streets.
d. larger sewage systems.

19. The system of common law established by English King Henry II

a. could vary greatly, depending on the location of the trial.
b. was administered by members of the nobility and the church.
c. applied to all of England, unlike local feudal laws.
d. sought to eliminate the influence of prior court rulings.

20. How did William the Conqueror strengthen his power after becoming king of England in 1066?

a. He appointed local feudal lords to administer lands.
b. He slaughtered most of his Anglo-Saxon enemies.
c. He took away fiefs from the Christian church.
d. He required every vassal to swear first allegiance to him.

History help!!!! answer A,B,C,D please help me?

i took ap world history and ap us history so let me help out

3. Churchill
4. Hitler
5. Franklin D. Roosevelt
6. Benito Mussolini one member of the axis powers
7. Joseph Stalin if you were the 1st one to stop claping during one of his speeches you would disappear
10. the systematic Nazi slaughter of Jews and others
12. Midway
13. island hopping
15. to bring the war in the Pacific to a swift end; although he stated that he would rather drop bombs in Japan rather then to send american sons
#? Why did Allied leaders meet at Yalta and Potsdam during World War II?
to redraw political boundaries in Europe

History help?

infamy n. , pl. -mies . Evil fame or reputation. The condition of being infamous. An evil or criminal act that is publicly known.

Early in the afternoon of December 7, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his chief foreign policy aide, Harry Hopkins, were interrupted by a telephone call from Secretary of War Henry Stimson and told that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor. At about 5:00 p.m., following meetings with his military advisers, the President calmly and decisively dictated to his secretary, Grace Tully, a request to Congress for a declaration of war. He had composed the speech in his head after deciding on a brief, uncomplicated appeal to the people of the United States rather than a thorough recitation of Japanese perfidies, as Secretary of State Cordell Hull had urged.

President Roosevelt then revised the typed draft—marking it up, updating military information, and selecting alternative wordings that strengthened the tone of the speech. He made the most significant change in the critical first line, which originally read, "a date which will live in world history." Grace Tully then prepared the final reading copy, which Roosevelt subsequently altered in three more places.

On December 8, at 12:30 p.m., Roosevelt addressed a joint session of Congress and the Nation via radio. The Senate responded with a unanimous vote in support of war; only Montana pacifist Jeanette Rankin dissented in the House. At 4:00 p.m. that same afternoon, President Roosevelt signed the declaration of war.

History help?? Please??

This is the only one I couldn't find the answer to:

Which was a reaction to the increased urbanization, secularization and new science of the twenties?
A. a demand for more science education in public schools
B. an enormous increase in the number of people entering the ministry
C. the teaching of fundamentalism in schools in the north
D.the trial of a teacher who violated a law against teaching the theory of evolution

Please help.. U.S History!?

i have a test tomorrow and I am so confused! PLEASE ANSWER THESE FOR ME.

What are some of the priorities of the new government? How does President Washington organize the executive branch? Who does he choose to advise him, and why is that significant?

When the political parties form, who are the federalists and who are the republicans? What do they believe about government? Who are their leaders, voters? How do they see the future of America?

What is the controversy surrounding the creation of the National Bank? Which party is for it, and which party is against it? Why? What does it mean to be a loose constructionist? Strict constructionist?
What is the Whiskey rebellion? how does george washington handle it? What do the republicans think of the entire incident?

How did the parties see foreign affairs, which nations did they want to be allies with and why?

What did george washingtion say in his farewell address and what did americans do with his advice?

what was the main problem of the entire adams presidency, why? What was the XYZ affair? How did adams handle it? How did it affect the country as a whole?

What were the alien and sedition acts? why were they put in place? what do they tell us about the politics of the day?

What were the virginia and kentucky resolution's? Who wrote them? why? What theories or ideas do they proclaim about the constituion? What do they tell us about the politics of the day?

American history help!!

1: the influx of travelers to the American West that were in search of gold and wealth.

2: it would upset the balance between the slave and free states in the Senate

3: provided for the return of fugitive slaves

4: nation was expanding west

5: Missouri Compromise

6: the slavery issue

7: foes of the Kansas-Nebraska Act who were dedicated, among other purposes, to fighting slavery extension

8: Dred Scott was not a citizen of the United States

9: slavery was worth more in terms of investment than all the land of the South

10: black labor was incompatible with industry

11: fear that free territories could be used as bases for spreading abolitionism into the South

12: the immediate abolition of slavery in the South

13: the status of slavery in the territories

14: It provoked a more aggressive anti-southern and anti-slavery position in those who were uncertain on the slavery issue

15: by helping slaves escape to Canada

16: 160 acres of free land to anyone who would settle it and improve it over 5 years

17: all of the above

18: Promontory Point

19: was greatly escalated by abolitionist-funded settlers and proslavery "border ruffians" from Missouri

20: killing five proslavery settlers in Kansas

21: a stricter federal Fugitive Slave Law

22: Henry Clay and Daniel Webster

23: California was admitted to the Union as a free state, and slavery in Utah and New Mexico would be left to popular sovereignty

24: cotton gin

25: property

26: they enjoyed the economic benefits of slavery

27: natural reproduction

28: valuable investments

29: religious feeling against the sin of slavery

30: Frederick Douglass

The simple answer is that we are able to make a prognosis about things to come. We stay away from flames because we remember something from history (man being burned, a parent’s warning, a burn, etc.). So, we can properly judge that if we play with fire, we will get burned. It's like this with all things.When we know where we came from, we remember what we set out to do, so history is a compass. If we forget where we came from we become lost, walking in circles. We have nothing to measure progress with.

Help with history PLEASEE?

a million. Aaron Burr became Jefferson's working mate. the comparable one that became in contact in the election of 1800 and the comparable guy who kiled Hamilton. 2. John Quincy Adams ran against Jackson. Jackson won the presidency in 1828. 3. Alexander Hamilton, examine to confirm his photograph on a $10 bill, became the 1st Secretary of the Treasury. 4. Martin van Buren grew to become president in 1837. in basic terms in time to confirm the financial gadget collaspe, via Jackson.