History Of America Helpppppppp

How can history help us today?

If one defines ‘us’ as mankind, then history can help ‘us’ understand how we got to where we are today. I love the opening tagline on one news outlet, “This is the first draft of history.”Of course, aphorisms abound. “Those who do not learn from history will repeat it.” The only thing we can learn from history is that we can’t learn anything from history.” “History never repeats itself; man always does.” “To the victors belong the spoils; and the victors also win the right to write the history.” “Figures don’t lie; people do.”If we go beyond those platitudes with only one caveat, mere knowledge of history means nothing if that knowledge is not the base from which good decisions are made.History is replete with examples of false history: post Civil War Republicans waving the bloody shirt, Hitler blaming Jews for post WWI German troubles, ethnic minorities demanding reparations.In my day, college history majors were required to take at least one class in Historiography, the science of writing history. I say science because we learned to use empirical data, original sources and avoid (as much as humanly possible) prejudice and assumptions not based on verifiable facts.If one uses the above paragraph to screen accounts/reports as a police officer or neutral third party, history would be the absolute best method of determining what exactly happened. I remember one Super Bowl coach responding to a reporter’s question of why his team lost, replied, “They scored more points than we did.”After gathering all the pertinent facts and putting those items in a logical order of time, importance and significance, we can build an hypothesis of what actually happened and (hopefully) why. THAT is how history can help any person (family tree researcher, politician, physician, scientist, etc.) conclude what really happened.

Economics 4.05 honors helppppp!?

What? Articulate the question please. Honors class???... oh my how things have changed.


For which reason did most early-20th-century immigrants to the United States settle in large cities?
A.Cities provided a wide variety of cultural activities
B.Immigrants encountered little prejudice in cities
C.Immigrants were used to urban environments because most had lived in European cities
D.Jobs were available in urban factories

Which statement about immigration to the United States is most accurate?
A.Immigration has had little effect on American culture
B.Immigration has been a result of circumstances abroad as well as in the United States
C.Immigrants from northern and western Europe have had the most problems in being assimilated into United States society
D.Most immigration to the United States was completed by 1900

"To those of my race who depend on bettering their condition in a foreign land or who underestimate the importance of cultivating friendly relations with the southern white man...I would say: Cast down your bucket where you are...Cast it down in agriculture, in mechanics, in commerce, in domestic service, and in the professions. No race can prosper until it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem."
-- Booker T. Washington
"Mr. Washington asks that black people give up, at least for the present, three things: political power, insistence on civil rights, and higher education. As a result, what has been the return? In these years there have occurred: (1) the disenfranchisement of the *****; (2) the legal creation of a distinct status of civil inferiority for the *****; (3) the steady withdrawal of aid...for the higher training of the *****."
-- W.E.B. DuBois
The statements of both Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois reflect their commitment to
A.preventing differences of opinion between blacks and whites in American society
B.obtaining government aid for black Americans
C.improving the position of blacks in American society
D.helping blacks to adjust to the rapid industrialization of the nation

Helpppppppp pleaseeee homework need help on it would appriciate !?

1. Which of the following statements is NOT true about obesity? (1 point)
It is usually considered to be 30% or more over the ideal body weight
It puts a strain on the heart, that can increase the chance of heart disease and high blood pressure
It is a physical condition, not psychological
It is a serious chronic disease
2. Research shows that about __________ of adolescents (ages 12 to 19) are obese. (1 point)
3. How many children (ages 6 to 11) in America are obese? (1 point)
4. Childhood obesity caused by overeating can: (1 point)
Stunt a child’s height, which will become normal as he becomes an adult
Cause a child to be tall for his age, even though he may not be tall as a adult
Stunt a child’s height, causing him to be a shorter adult than genetics would have intended
Slow a child’s mental development
5. Which one of the following is NOT a cause of obesity? (1 point)
Insufficient exercise
Genetics and hormonal disorders
Anorexia nervosa
6. Which disease once consider “adult onset” is now afflicting children and adolescents? (1 point)
Type 1 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
7. Children who suffer from __________________ could face a variety of medical problems when they grow up including amputations, kidney failure, and blindness. (1 point)
Type 2 diabetes
High blood pressure
Heart disease
8. What is the most common cause of childhood obesity? (1 point)
Medical conditions
Genetic disorders
Unhealthy diets and a lack of physical activity
Hormonal conditions
9. What is one of the most important measurements used to determine obesity? (1 point)
Resting heart rate
Body Mass Index (BMI)
10. A BMI of ________ or higher is considered obese. (1 point)

What's the use of studying history, how does it help us?

Human learns from Experiences.example: A kid learns that "fire is dangerous", only when he experience the burn Experiences may be good or bad.No one wants bad experiences. So how can learn without experiencing something bad ?The answer is : we should learn from others experiences (#Sharing)History is filled with events/knowledge from which we can learn a lot.Implementing the good things (or getting motivated!! )Not repeating the mistakes made in history. ( avoiding wars )

How does history help us in our daily lives? Why should we study if it shows skewed facts by who survived?

Because there is the popular and the unpopular sides of history. You don't have to always believe what you read or hear. History books are often written in bias by the author and the Internet isn't the most reliable source. However, the good news is that the world has become smaller due to technology and we are more informed of the outside world than just within our nation (of course some nations practise strict censorship and warp their education just to control the new generations). As more people speak their opinions on matters, there will always be an available range of sources that you can check and cross-check. Keep a mind of skepticism! To answer your first question, history helps us unimaginably! It tells us who, what, when, why, where and how something happened. It tells us past mistakes and past triumphs; it inspires and teaches us not to let history repeat itself. Finally, it tells us that even in death, what you do and who you are lives on to benefit the future generations! We are beneficiaries of the deceased famous people  and while there are many unsung heroes, we can choose to find out who these are and also continue to give back to the human race.The word "history" comes from the Greek word historía, meaning "inquiry","knowledge from inquiry". It was later borrowed into Classis Latin and its meanings evolved to include 'investigation, inquiry, research, account, description, written account of past events, writing of history, historical narrative, recorded knowledge of past events, story, narrative'. As such, if we want to, we can also contribute to history by recording the transparent and unbias truth! History does not write itself. You are the writer.If you enjoyed reading this, please upvote it! If you want to read more from me, please folllow me! Many thanks!

World history help pleaseeeeeeeeee?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I really need help with this, it means the world, thank you to whoever can help(:!

Mikhail Gorbachev�s concept of glasnost referred to an openness to communicate to the West in an attempt to pull the Soviet Union out of a poor economy.


In what nation did the Soviet Union place missiles, which was viewed as a threat to the United States and prompted action by President John F. Kennedy?

North Korea

Which of the following is NOT true about the arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union during the cold war?

A.The Soviet Union created the first man-made satellite, prompting the United States to develop the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

B.The Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest the world ever came to a nuclear war

C.President Richard Nixon developed the theory of d�tente, in which two SALT treaties were created to increase U.S. holdings of nuclear weapons and anti-ballistic missiles.

D. The United States became involved in the Korean War.

What nation experienced the Velvet Revolution, a peaceful and non-violent movement that removed communists from power?

A. The Soviet Union
B. Czechoslovakia
C. North Korea
D. China

To what did the U.S. Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education refer?

A. women�s rights in America
B. racial segregation in American schools
C. the 1960s counterculture in America
D. American reaction to terrorist attacks

. How would you contrast the beliefs of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans regarding land ownership?

What Drakke says is wrong.

Land ownership depends on the population density of the territory. If there's a lot of people for a limited amount of land, then land ownership is prevelant.

Peoples in West Africa had a concept of land ownership because they had compounds over their respected farms. Europeans had a concept of land ownership, similiar to Africans nearly almost all the landowners were nobles, chiefs or Knights.

Now, moving onto Mexico in the time of the Aztec Empire. The Aztec Empire was a capitalist society. People sold goods from their land for different items like cacao beans and quetzel feathers etc etc.

But looking at Ancient Peru and the Inca Empire. its society was more communist than anything. The Chief Inca (aka the Emperor) controlled his 12 million subjects and all their property. Therefore he could take their produce and redistribute in times of famine.

How did the map of North America change after the French and Indian War?

Though most of the North American fighting ended on September 8, 1760, when the Marquis de Vaudreuil surrendered Montreal — and effectively all of Canada — to Britain (one notable late battle allowed the capture of Spanish Havana by British and colonial forces in 1762), the war officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on February 10, 1763. The treaty resulted in France's loss of all its North American possessions east of the Mississippi (all of Canada was ceded to Britain) except Saint Pierre and Miquelon, two small islands off Newfoundland. France regained the Caribbean islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique, which had been occupied by the British. The economic value of these islands was greater than that of Canada at the time, because of their rich sugar crops, and the islands were easier to defend. Spain gained Louisiana, including New Orleans, in compensation for its loss of Florida to the British.

One result of the war was that Britain gained control of French Canada, a colony containing approximately 65,000 French-speaking, Roman Catholic residents. Early in the war, in 1755, the British had expelled French settlers from Acadia (some of whom eventually fled to Louisiana, creating the Cajun population). Now at peace, and eager to secure control of its hard-won colony, Great Britain found itself obliged to make concessions to its newly conquered subjects; this was achieved with the Quebec Act of 1774. The history of the Seven Years' War, particularly the siege of Québec and the death of Wolfe, generated a vast number of ballads, broadsides, images, maps and other printed materials, which testify to how this event continued to capture the imagination of the British public long after Wolfe's death in 1759.[5]

The European theatre of the war was settled by the Treaty of Hubertusburg on February 15, 1763. The war changed economic, political, and social relations between Britain and its colonies. It plunged Britain into debt, which the Crown chose to pay off with tax money from its colonies. These taxes contributed to the beginning the American Revolutionary War.


What is the difference between cultural and natural heritage sites?

Cultural heritage sites are man made sites which reflect the culture of human ancestors - like the Pyramids of Egypt or Taj Mahal. Natural heritage sites are sites that is created by natural forces and reflects the natural phenomena - like the grand canyon or the arches in the arches national park, Utah