Horrible Stinging Pain In Teeth 9 Days After Wisdom Teeth Removal. What Is This Pain

Why do I still feel pain 4 days after having my wisdom teeth removed?

Is the pain severe or is it decreasing??Wisdom tooth removal is frequently followed by pain and swelling which may persist for about a week … it's very common.Just maintain the hygiene and rinse with lukewarm water with a pinch of salt in it … will speed up the healing.

Burning lip after wisdom teeth removal?

You are supposed to feel much better after three days, not be getting worse 10 days later. Nerves do weird things when they have been affected by surgery, but any time you have a lot of pain or unexpected pain, you need to call the doctor. The sooner you get in, the sooner they can do something about it , and the sooner you will feel better.

How can I get rid of pain after my wisdom teeth were removed?

I'm sorry but I'm going to disagree with the advice concerning analgesics.First off. If you've had all four removed in sitting, you're going to be hurting somewhat. How bad? Well, not so much from the holes in your jaw where your wisdom teeth used to be. No there are a good number of different muscles back there which help open, close, and move your jaw from side to side (and forward and back, too!) Those will have almost certainly suffered some bruising, and since it's almost impossible to keep your jaw still, they will contribute most of your post-op misery.If you've had all four wisdom teeth removed at the same time, your dentist will have sent you home with prescribed medication. This will typically include a an antibiotic, an anti-inflammatory drug, and an analgesic. If you live in the USA your analgesic will likely be a sledgehammer opiate like Vicodin … and good luck in not getting addicted, because it'll do little to lessen your post-operative discomfort.If you've got a sensible dentist, you'll have been prescribed a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen (paracetamol). These WILL do the trick. They are not supposed to take away all of the “pain”; if they did you would be hammering your sore muscles 24 hours a day and making things worse, not better.In short: it's supposed to be uncomfortable. If you choose to be a wuss and wallow in that and call it unbearable pain the only person you're hurting is you. The strongest pain killers are addictive, and using them will almost certainly extend your recovery (from 2 to 5 days) and therefore extend the time you're using the powerful painkillers and thereby increasing your risk of addiction.Side note. NO SMOKING FOR SEVEN DAYS! There's a bonus here. If you get to 7 days, you've given up. Don't start again.Alcohol? Not if your medication tells you not to (you read the label, I hope!) Otherwise I give you permission to enjoy a small can of beer or a small glass of wine once per day. If think you need more than that you're better off abstaining for the duration.

Is it normal to have stomach pain after having wisdom teeth removed?

Is it normal to be sick to your stomach after having wisdom teeth removed?
I had all four wisdom teeth removed ten days ago ... and I've been sick to my stomach since the fifth day after. It hurts when food or drinks hit my stomach. Its not the pain medicine making my nauseous because I haven taken any. Plus the oxicodine only put me to sleep when I took it, it didnt make me sick. I tried the motrin a day ago and once the pill hit my stomach I felt like I was getting stabbed. Water is the only think that wont make my stomach hurt. Today I still couldnt really eat, and my stomach is churning. Is this normal? I've seen a few other post with others experiencing the same thing but no real answers... Its it the dissolvable stitches? The taste was horrible the first week... My doctor claims he hasnt heard of such thing (why are other people asking the same question online then?!) HELP IT HURTS.

What causes pain months after wisdom teeth removal? What should I do about it?

Pain occurring months after surgery is unusual. To answer the second question first, “What should you do about it?” return to your dentist or surgeon and ask for an evaluation.As to the cause of the pain, it depends on the type of pain, dull or sharp. A sharp pain when chewing, with quick on set and quick to leave, indicates a cracked tooth. Pressure on the tooth in front of the surgical site could result in some sort of damage to the tooth structure. But, this may or may not be related to your surgery.This same pressure could have moved the tooth in front of the surgical site. This movement might affect the nerve connection between the tooth and its nerve or blood supply. The result would be a non vital tooth that could abscess. This can cause a low grade pain that could increase in intensity to a easily identifiable source of the pain.Low grade pain could also be due to root sensitivity. Sometimes the bone on the back side of the root of the tooth in front of the surgical site does not heal to full height. This tends to happen more often as the patient grows older and looses some regenerative healing power. This pain can be hard to locate. It can be diffuse, sensitive to cold, somewhat sensitive to hot, and sensitive to sweets. It can come and go and the pain level can vary. It could also happen with exposed root structure not associated with the surgery.It is possible that a retained root tip could cause a problem. Most of the time these naturally resorb or will remain without causing any problems. On rare occasions they can become infected because they were exposed to the bacteria from the saliva during surgery.Finally, it is possible that the pain is unrelated to the surgery and is coincidental to the healing. It could be a referred pain from the opposite arch on the same side, an upper tooth causing lower pain. Examination and radiographs are indicated to locate the source of the pain.

How can I treat pain in my throat after having my wisdom teeth removed?

Take some pure honey and put it in milk, stir and drink, honey is a anti septic to. Also you can try warm water with some salt, stir and then gargle in your mouth. Then spit out after gargling. Also try to get your hands on fisherman friends, very good throat lozengers or any other lozengers will soothe your throat. Take a couple of Iburofen or Paracetemold. Hope you get better, regards.

Swallowing after wisdom teeth extraction?

I just got all four fully erupted wisdom teeth out at 4pm on Wednesday (the 26th) and I'm really afraid of swallowing (especially while eating anything even if it is soft) is going to dislodge my clots and case me to get dry socket. So I've been swallowing with my mouth open and tilting my head back to try and help. I don't know if my tongue is just big too but if feels like when I talk or swallow it keep brushing over the clots as well ... Am I overreacting? I'm really just afraid of doing anything to upset the clots. I have to go back to school on Sunday and I can't be in severe pain since I don't handle it well. Also how long do the clots stick around? I appreciate any advice. :)

Will Crest whitestrips stinging pain?

I have read the box and said white stains are normal and saw some where about your gums may sting from getting used to the white strips or just have sensitive gums.
Well it's day 3 and I tried to put it on today and it was a stinging pain in my gums and white spots on my gums, Now I was not worried about the white part and more of the stinging. I thought it was a effect from using it right after brushing my teeth so I wait about 1 hour and try another white strip and it still stings so I thought I wait it out and about 9 hours later they still sting.

I've seen this question alot please no one just answer and say "go see a dentist" I don't think this is a huge problem since they even say that pain might occur on the box can some one with experience tell me if the stinging will go away or should I stop using them.

Help!!!!!!!!my breath smells bad after wisdom tooth removal?

Rinse with warm salt water

I would say whenever you normally brush your teeth. Use a fair amount of salt if your having trouble with odor

it will help remove the odor and wash away any blood that could be sticking around

It's safe and I've used it many times (I've had multiple mouth surgeries and it really makes odors and nasty-ness go away). Don't poke or try to remove the scab. It's hard to get a big scab in your mouth to stop bleeding.

OMG, DO NOT USE A MOUTH WASH!!! IT WILL STING REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD!!!! Take my word for it. Also, it can cause soars to re-open, can get into small open soars and cause healing delays, and also IT HURTS!!! Also, do not chew any kind of gum or mint, because it could hit or pull on the scabs and cause your wounds to re-open. There are stitches and scrabs and things you don't want to be pulling out.

Hope this helps! :)